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Brain-Powered Weight Loss

Brain-Powered Weight Loss

The 11-Step Behavior-Based Plan That Ends Overeating and Leads to Dropping Unwanted Pounds for Good
by Eliza Kingsford 2017 256 pages
9 minutes

Key Takeaways

1. Cultivate a Weight Loss Mindset: Embrace Healthy Obsession

"Healthy Obsession is not fantasy. It is so real and so relevant it is even scientifically acknowledged."

Shift your perspective. Healthy Obsession is a state of mind that gives you the desire to be healthy, eat healthy, and lead a healthy lifestyle. It's about obtaining and possessing a mindset as powerful as an elite athlete's drive and determination to set world records. This mindset helps you make better choices automatically, without feeling deprived or struggling with willpower.

Develop new habits. To cultivate this mindset:

  • Write affirmations and repeat them daily
  • Create a Decision Balance Sheet to weigh pros and cons of weight loss
  • Set up a self-accountability system with daily check-ins
  • Write letters to your current and future self to cement your resolve

By consistently practicing these techniques, you'll reshape your thoughts and behaviors around food, making healthy choices feel natural and effortless.

2. Understand Your Biology: Overcome Resistant Biology

"In order to lose weight and keep it off forever, you can't ever forget that Resistant Biology is part of who you are."

Recognize biological challenges. Resistant Biology refers to the body's tendency to maintain its highest sustained lifetime weight. This is due to factors like:

  • Fat cell multiplication and expansion
  • Hormonal changes (leptin, ghrelin, insulin, cortisol)
  • Metabolic adaptations
  • Genetic predispositions

Work with your biology. To overcome these challenges:

  • Accept that your body resists weight loss
  • Focus on consistent, sustainable changes rather than quick fixes
  • Be patient with your progress and celebrate non-scale victories
  • Understand that maintaining weight loss requires ongoing effort and vigilance

By acknowledging and working with your biology, you can develop strategies to counteract its resistance and achieve long-term success.

3. Identify and Change Thinking Errors: Reshape Your Relationship with Food

"Change your thinking habits and you'll change your eating habits."

Recognize cognitive distortions. Common thinking errors that lead to problematic eating include:

  • Black-and-white thinking
  • Overgeneralization
  • Mental filtering
  • Jumping to conclusions
  • Emotional reasoning

Challenge and change thoughts. To reshape your relationship with food:

  • Practice identifying your thinking errors
  • Use the Cognitive Distortion Awareness worksheet daily
  • Challenge automatic thoughts using the Automatic Thoughts Challenge exercise
  • Develop positive counter-thoughts to replace negative self-talk

By consistently addressing and modifying these thinking patterns, you can create a healthier, more balanced approach to food and eating.

4. Practice Mindfulness: Find Your Wise Mind

"Practicing mindfulness helps you find your Wise Mind."

Understand the three states of mind.

  • Emotional Mind: Controlled by feelings, often impulsive and intense
  • Reasonable Mind: Focused on facts, logic, and pragmatics
  • Wise Mind: The synthesis of emotional and reasonable minds

Cultivate mindfulness. To develop your Wise Mind:

  • Practice mindfulness meditation regularly
  • Use the S-T-O-P technique (Stop, Take a breath, Observe, Proceed)
  • Apply mindfulness to eating by focusing on the sensory experience of food
  • Practice Loving Kindness meditation to develop self-compassion

By consistently engaging in mindfulness practices, you'll develop greater awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors around food, enabling more balanced and intentional choices.

5. Develop Coping Skills: Master Your Dealing Skills

"Dealing Skills are your toolbox to change."

Build your coping toolkit. Essential dealing skills include:

  • Recognizing, replacing, and repeating positive thoughts
  • Challenging automatic thoughts
  • Using the TIC-TOC technique to overcome task-interfering cognitions
  • Practicing urge surfing to manage cravings

Apply skills consistently. To master your dealing skills:

  • Practice the skills daily, even when not facing challenges
  • Use the skills proactively to prevent slips
  • Adapt and personalize the skills to fit your specific needs
  • Celebrate successes and learn from setbacks

By developing and consistently applying these coping skills, you'll be better equipped to handle challenges and maintain your weight loss journey.

6. Adopt Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods: Follow the 10 Principles of Healthy Eating

"Food in your body is like gasoline in your car: Quality enhances performance."

Embrace whole foods. The 10 Principles of Healthy Eating include:

  1. Focus on nutrient-dense whole foods
  2. Self-monitor with scrutiny
  3. Be calorie conscious at all times
  4. Kick the sugar habit
  5. Choose carbs with a low or moderate glycemic load
  6. Be mindful of fat consumption
  7. Maximize fiber intake
  8. Practice portion control
  9. Never say "never" to foods you crave
  10. Love foods that love you back

Implement gradually. To adopt this eating style:

  • Start with Principles 1 and 2, then incorporate others gradually
  • Use a food tracking app to monitor intake and learn about nutrition
  • Experiment with new healthy foods and recipes
  • Focus on adding nutritious foods rather than restricting "bad" foods

By following these principles, you'll naturally shift towards a healthier, more satisfying way of eating that supports your weight loss goals.

7. Incorporate Movement: Make Physical Activity a Lifestyle

"The only fitness activity you will stick with is one that you will enjoy."

Find enjoyable activities. Explore various forms of movement:

  • Walking, jogging, or running
  • Swimming or water aerobics
  • Dancing or group fitness classes
  • Yoga or Pilates
  • Team sports or recreational leagues

Build activity into daily life. To increase overall movement:

  • Set a goal of 10,000 steps per day
  • Take stairs instead of elevators
  • Park farther away from destinations
  • Have walking meetings or phone calls
  • Do bodyweight exercises during TV commercial breaks

By focusing on enjoyable activities and incorporating movement throughout your day, you'll create a sustainable, active lifestyle that supports your weight loss goals.

8. Set SMART Goals: Plan for Success

"If you don't aim for a target, you will never hit anything."

Create effective goals. SMART goals are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

Implement goal-setting. To set and achieve SMART goals:

  • Write down 2-3 goals each week
  • Review and adjust goals regularly
  • Track progress daily
  • Celebrate achievements, no matter how small
  • Use setbacks as learning opportunities to refine future goals

By consistently setting and working towards SMART goals, you'll create a clear path to success and maintain motivation throughout your weight loss journey.

9. Prevent Lapses from Becoming Relapses: Practice Harm Reduction

"A lapse is not a problem as long as it does not lead to a relapse."

Understand the lapse-relapse cycle. Recognize that:

  • Lapses (minor slips) are normal and expected
  • The key is preventing lapses from turning into full relapses

Implement harm reduction strategies. When facing a lapse:

  • Use urge surfing to ride out cravings
  • Practice mindfulness to stay present and avoid spiraling
  • Apply the Pro/Con Chatter exercise to make intentional choices
  • Use coping statements to reframe your thoughts
  • Get back on track immediately, not "tomorrow" or "Monday"

By viewing lapses as learning opportunities and implementing harm reduction strategies, you can maintain progress and prevent minor setbacks from derailing your entire journey.

10. Navigate High-Risk Situations: Develop Assertiveness and Coping Strategies

"The way to outsmart a high-risk situation is to face it with your mental machinery fully loaded."

Identify high-risk scenarios. Common situations include:

  • Holidays and celebrations
  • Dining out
  • Social gatherings
  • Stressful events
  • Travel

Develop coping strategies. To navigate these situations:

  • Practice assertiveness techniques (firm tone, eye contact, clear communication)
  • Use the Prep Think exercise to plan ahead
  • Implement quick coping responses (e.g., looking up menus in advance, bringing healthy snacks)
  • Apply mindfulness techniques to stay present and make intentional choices
  • Use affirmations and coping statements to reinforce your goals

By anticipating challenges and developing specific strategies to handle them, you'll be better equipped to maintain your healthy habits in any situation.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.11 out of 5
Average of 100+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Brain-powered weight loss offers a behavior-based approach to ending overeating and achieving sustainable weight loss. Readers appreciate its focus on retraining the mind and addressing food triggers. Many find the book's strategies practical and life-changing, praising its emphasis on lifestyle rather than dieting. Some readers note the complexity of the 11-step plan and the time commitment required. Overall, the book is well-received for its unique perspective on weight management, though a few readers struggle to connect with the author's approach. Many reviewers report feeling hopeful and empowered after reading.

About the Author

Eliza Kingsford is the author of "Brain-powered weight loss: the 11-step behavior-based plan that ends overeating and leads to dropping unwanted pounds for good." Eliza Kingsford is a recognized expert in the field of weight management and behavioral change. She developed the Wellness Weight Loss Program, which incorporates principles from her book. Kingsford's approach focuses on the brain's role in weight loss and emphasizes cultivating a healthy relationship with food. She provides resources on her website to support readers in implementing her strategies. Kingsford also offers "The Shift," an 11-week course that expands on her book's concepts and aims to help participants make lasting lifestyle changes.

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