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Calling in "The One"

Calling in "The One"

by Katherine Woodward Thomas 2007 340 pages
Self Help

Key Takeaways

1. Prepare for Love by Expanding Your Capacity to Give and Receive

We have a say in our own destiny through the intentions that we set.

Expand your capacity to love. This involves opening your heart to others, exploring your ability for healthy interdependence, and cultivating a vision of love fulfilled. Start by practicing self-love and acceptance, as your relationship with yourself sets the tone for all other relationships.

Create space for love. Physically and emotionally prepare your life for a partner:

  • Clear clutter from your home
  • Make room in your closet and drawers
  • Adjust your schedule to allow time for dating
  • Open your heart to new possibilities

Examine your beliefs about love and relationships. Challenge any negative or limiting thoughts that may be holding you back. Remember, you attract what you believe you deserve.

2. Release Past Wounds and Toxic Relationships to Open Space for Love

We have to work to be good people . . . Goodness always involves the choice to be good.

Let go of the past. Identify and release past hurts, resentments, and toxic relationships that no longer serve you. This creates space for new, healthier connections.

Steps to release the past:

  1. Acknowledge the pain
  2. Take responsibility for your part
  3. Forgive yourself and others
  4. Learn the lessons
  5. Release through ritual or writing

Break harmful patterns. Recognize and break free from repetitive behaviors that sabotage your relationships. This may involve therapy, self-reflection, or seeking support from trusted friends.

3. Heal Core Wounds and Reclaim Disowned Parts of Yourself

Does my body make me look fat?

Address childhood wounds. Unresolved issues from your past can significantly impact your ability to form healthy relationships. Identify and heal these core wounds through therapy, self-help, or personal growth work.

Embrace all aspects of yourself. Reclaim disowned parts of your personality, including those you may have suppressed or judged as unacceptable. This integration leads to greater self-acceptance and authenticity in relationships.

Steps to reclaim disowned parts:

  1. Identify suppressed qualities
  2. Explore their origins
  3. Accept these aspects without judgment
  4. Gradually express them in safe environments
  5. Integrate them into your whole self

4. Set Clear Intentions and Align with Your Soul's Purpose

Vision is not necessarily attachment to a picture.

Define your intentions. Set clear, positive intentions for the kind of relationship you want to create. Be specific about the qualities you seek in a partner and the type of connection you desire.

Align with your purpose. Discover and pursue your soul's purpose. This alignment attracts partners who resonate with your authentic self and life path.

Elements of a soul-aligned life:

  • Passion for your work or mission
  • Sense of meaning and fulfillment
  • Contribution to others or society
  • Personal growth and evolution
  • Alignment of values and actions

5. Develop Emotional Intelligence and Practice Self-Care

The greatest compliment that was ever paid to me was when someone asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.

Cultivate emotional intelligence. Develop your ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions, as well as empathize with others. This skill is crucial for building strong, lasting relationships.

Key aspects of emotional intelligence:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-regulation
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skills

Prioritize self-care. Take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. A healthy, balanced individual is better equipped to engage in loving relationships.

Self-care practices:

  • Regular exercise
  • Healthy eating
  • Adequate sleep
  • Stress management
  • Pursuit of hobbies and interests
  • Spiritual or mindfulness practices

6. Cultivate Generosity and Authenticity in Communication

Listening is an attitude of the heart a genuine desire to be with another which both attracts and heals.

Practice generous listening. Develop the ability to listen deeply and attentively to others without judgment or agenda. This creates a space for genuine connection and understanding.

Communicate authentically. Express your thoughts, feelings, and needs honestly and directly. Authentic communication builds trust and intimacy in relationships.

Guidelines for authentic communication:

  • Speak from the heart
  • Use "I" statements
  • Express needs and boundaries clearly
  • Be willing to be vulnerable
  • Listen actively and empathetically
  • Avoid blame and criticism

7. Embrace an Enchanted Life and Let Love Guide Your Actions

The goal in life is to be a vehicle for something higher.

Cultivate enchantment. Approach life with wonder, curiosity, and openness. Recognize the magic in everyday moments and experiences. This attitude attracts positive energy and loving connections.

Let love guide you. Make choices and take actions based on love rather than fear. Ask yourself, "What would love do?" in various situations to align with your highest self.

Ways to let love guide you:

  • Practice compassion for yourself and others
  • Choose forgiveness over resentment
  • Act with kindness in daily interactions
  • Seek to understand rather than judge
  • Express gratitude regularly
  • Offer help and support to others
  • Embrace vulnerability in relationships

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.22 out of 5
Average of 1k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Calling in "The One" receives mostly positive reviews for its transformative impact on readers' lives, focusing on self-improvement and healing rather than just finding a partner. Many praise its practical exercises and insights, noting significant personal growth. Some criticize its spiritual language and title, but overall, readers find it valuable for improving relationships and self-understanding. The book is recommended for anyone seeking personal growth, not just those looking for romantic love. Some readers report taking longer than the prescribed 7 weeks to complete the program.

About the Author

Katherine Woodward Thomas is a licensed marriage and family therapist, bestselling author, and creator of the Conscious Uncoupling process. Her books include "Calling in 'The One'" and "Conscious Uncoupling," both widely acclaimed. Thomas has trained numerous coaches in her methods and has been featured in major media outlets. She offers online courses and speaks at conferences, sharing the stage with notable figures. Her teachings focus on personal transformation and healthy relationships, reaching thousands worldwide through virtual and in-person communities. Thomas's work aims to help people create fulfilling lives and relationships through self-awareness and growth.

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