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The Danish Way of Parenting

The Danish Way of Parenting

What the Happiest People in the World Know About Raising Confident, Capable Kids
by Jessica Joelle Alexander 2016 208 pages
Self Help

Key Takeaways

1. Play is crucial for developing resilience and social skills

Free play teaches children to be less anxious.

Unstructured play is vital. It allows children to develop crucial life skills such as resilience, coping mechanisms, and social competence. Through play, children learn to navigate complex social situations, regulate their emotions, and develop problem-solving abilities.

Play fosters internal locus of control. When children engage in free play, they learn to make decisions, take risks, and face consequences in a safe environment. This helps them develop an internal locus of control, believing they have power over their lives and actions. Research shows that individuals with a strong internal locus of control are less prone to anxiety and depression.

Danish approach to play:

  • Emphasize free play over structured activities
  • Provide ample time for unstructured play in schools
  • Encourage mixed-age play groups
  • Limit screen time and promote outdoor activities

2. Authenticity fosters a strong sense of self in children

We feel what we think.

Honesty builds trust. Danish parents prioritize authenticity in their interactions with children. By being honest about their own emotions and experiences, parents create an environment where children feel safe to express themselves genuinely.

Praise mindfully. Instead of empty praise or focusing solely on innate abilities, Danish parents use "process praise" to encourage effort and growth. This approach fosters a growth mindset, where children believe their abilities can be developed through hard work and perseverance.

Authentic parenting strategies:

  • Acknowledge and validate all emotions, even difficult ones
  • Use process praise to encourage effort and improvement
  • Share age-appropriate truths about life experiences
  • Avoid labeling children with fixed traits

3. Reframing negative situations builds emotional intelligence

A problem is only a problem if it is referred to as a problem.

Shift perspectives. Reframing is the art of finding alternative interpretations for challenging situations. By helping children see events from different angles, parents can teach them to manage stress and build resilience.

Cultivate realistic optimism. Danish parents are adept at acknowledging reality while focusing on positive aspects. This approach helps children develop a balanced outlook on life, neither overly pessimistic nor naively optimistic.

Reframing techniques:

  • Separate behavior from the child's identity
  • Find humor in difficult situations
  • Encourage children to look for alternative explanations
  • Practice gratitude and appreciation for small positives

4. Empathy is essential for healthy relationships and social connections

Empathy is not a luxury for human beings, it is a necessity.

Nurture emotional intelligence. Danish schools implement programs like "Step by Step" to teach empathy, problem-solving, and social skills from an early age. These initiatives help children understand and relate to others' emotions and experiences.

Model empathetic behavior. Parents play a crucial role in developing empathy by demonstrating it in their daily interactions. By showing understanding and compassion, they teach children to do the same.

Empathy-building strategies:

  • Discuss emotions openly and without judgment
  • Encourage perspective-taking through stories and role-play
  • Mix children of different abilities and backgrounds
  • Volunteer or engage in community service as a family

5. Avoid power struggles by using a democratic parenting approach

There isn't a bad child, just bad behavior.

Respect fosters cooperation. Danish parents aim to create a democratic family environment where children's opinions are valued. This approach reduces power struggles and builds mutual respect between parents and children.

Explain rather than demand. Instead of issuing ultimatums, Danish parents take the time to explain the reasons behind rules and expectations. This helps children understand and internalize the values behind the rules, rather than simply obeying out of fear.

Democratic parenting techniques:

  • Involve children in creating family rules
  • Offer choices within appropriate boundaries
  • Use natural consequences instead of punishments
  • Focus on problem-solving rather than blame

6. Cultivate togetherness through "hygge" for family well-being

When you substitute "We" for "I," even "Illness" becomes "Wellness".

Prioritize quality time. Hygge, the Danish concept of cozy togetherness, is central to family life. It emphasizes creating warm, comfortable environments where family members can connect and enjoy each other's company.

Foster a sense of belonging. Regular family gatherings and shared activities help children feel secure and valued within the family unit. This sense of belonging contributes significantly to overall well-being and happiness.

Hygge practices:

  • Create cozy atmospheres with soft lighting and comfortable spaces
  • Engage in shared activities like board games or cooking together
  • Limit technology during family time
  • Celebrate small moments and everyday pleasures

7. The Danish Way combines these principles for raising happy children

Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the "me" for the "we."

Holistic approach to well-being. The Danish Way of Parenting integrates play, authenticity, reframing, empathy, democratic parenting, and togetherness to create a supportive environment for children to thrive.

Cultural shift. While these principles are deeply ingrained in Danish culture, they can be adopted and adapted by parents anywhere. Implementing these practices can lead to happier, more resilient children and stronger family bonds.

Key elements of the Danish Way:

  • Emphasize free play and outdoor activities
  • Foster authenticity and emotional intelligence
  • Practice reframing and realistic optimism
  • Cultivate empathy and social skills
  • Use democratic parenting techniques
  • Prioritize family togetherness and hygge

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.07 out of 5
Average of 13k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

The Danish Way of Parenting receives mostly positive reviews, with readers appreciating its focus on play, authenticity, reframing, empathy, and togetherness. Many find the parenting strategies insightful and applicable, praising the book's emphasis on raising resilient, happy children. Some readers note that while the concepts aren't groundbreaking, they offer valuable reminders and practical tips. A few criticize the book for oversimplification or cultural generalizations. Overall, readers appreciate the Danish approach to parenting and find the book a useful resource for improving family dynamics.

About the Author

Jessica Joelle Alexander is an American author and parenting expert who has gained recognition for her work on Danish parenting methods. Having lived in Denmark and being married to a Dane, she brings a unique perspective on Danish culture and child-rearing practices. Alexander's expertise lies in understanding and communicating the factors that contribute to Danish children's happiness and well-being. Her writing style is accessible and practical, offering readers insights into implementing Danish parenting techniques in their own lives. Through her work, Alexander aims to help parents foster resilience, empathy, and happiness in their children, drawing from the successful approaches observed in Danish society.

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