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Ultra-Processed People

Ultra-Processed People

The Science Behind Food That Isn't Food
著者 Chris van Tulleken 2023 384 ページ
30k+ 評価
8 分
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1. 超加工食品(UPF)が現代の食生活を支配し、肥満や健康問題を引き起こす


UPFの定義: 超加工食品は、全食品から抽出された精製物質を使用し、しばしば風味、色、その他の添加物が加えられた工業製品です。これらは便利で、非常に美味しく、長持ちするように設計されています。


  • 1970年代以降、肥満率は急上昇し、UPFの普及と一致しています
    • がん
    • 心血管疾患
    • 2型糖尿病
    • うつ病
    • 認知症

普及状況: 英国と米国では、UPFがカロリー摂取の最大60%を占めており、特に子供や青少年の間でその割合はさらに高くなっています。この食事の変化は、伝統的な全食品ベースの食事からの大きな逸脱を示しています。

2. UPFは体の自然な食欲調整と栄養吸収を妨げる


過剰摂取を促進する設計: UPFは、体の自然な食欲制御メカニズムを回避するように設計されており、過剰摂取を引き起こします。

  • 柔らかい食感: 噛む回数が少なくなり、早食いと満腹感の遅れを引き起こす
  • 高エネルギー密度: 一口あたりのカロリーが多く、過食しやすい
  • 味の工学: 人工的な風味と添加物が脳の報酬センターを刺激し、非常に美味しい食品を作り出す

栄養不足: カロリーが多いにもかかわらず、UPFはしばしば栄養が乏しいです。

  • 食物繊維と微量栄養素の欠如
  • 腸内での栄養吸収の妨げ
  • UPF消費と「隠れた飢餓」(微量栄養素の欠乏)との潜在的な関連

3. 食品業界は利益を優先し、消費者を操作する


利益重視の製品設計: 食品企業は、消費者の健康を犠牲にしてでも利益を最大化するように製品を設計します。

  • 安価な原材料: コストを削減するために精製デンプン、油、砂糖を使用
  • 中毒性のある特性: 過剰摂取を促すように設計された製品
  • マーケティング戦術: 子供をターゲットにしたり、誤解を招く健康主張をしたり、積極的な広告を行う

業界の影響力: 食品業界は栄養政策と研究に大きな影響を与えています。

  • 偏った研究の資金提供
  • 規制に反対するロビー活動
  • 健康組織や諮問委員会への浸透

4. 肥満の主な原因は砂糖や運動不足ではない


砂糖仮説の否定: 砂糖の消費量は増加しているが、それが肥満の唯一の原因ではありません。

  • 低炭水化物ダイエットは長期的な体重減少においてより効果的であることが証明されていない
  • 人工甘味料も体重増加や代謝問題に寄与する可能性がある

運動神話: 増加した身体活動だけでは、貧しい食事の影響を相殺することはできません。

  • エネルギー消費は活動レベルに関係なく、人口全体で比較的一定
  • 食品業界は、運動が過剰摂取を補うことができるという考えを広めている

5. 意志の力だけではUPFの中毒性を克服できない


食品中毒: UPFは、薬物乱用と同様に脳内で中毒のような反応を引き起こすことがあります。

  • 報酬回路を活性化
  • 渇望や禁断症状のような症状を引き起こす

環境要因: UPFの普及により、避けることが難しくなっています。

  • フードスワンプ: ファーストフードやコンビニエンスストアが多い地域
  • 食品マーケティングや広告への絶え間ない露出

遺伝的感受性: 一部の人々は、食行動や報酬感受性に影響を与える遺伝的要因により、UPF中毒に陥りやすい可能性があります。

6. UPFは腸内細菌叢と全体的な腸の健康を損なう


腸内細菌叢の乱れ: UPFの成分は腸内細菌の微妙なバランスを変える可能性があります。

  • 乳化剤: 腸の炎症と細菌の過剰増殖を促進する可能性
  • 人工甘味料: グルコース代謝を乱し、腸内細菌叢を変える可能性


  • 腸の透過性の増加(「リーキーガット」)
  • 全身性炎症
  • 自己免疫疾患や精神健康問題との潜在的な関連

7. UPFの生産が環境に与える影響は壊滅的である


資源集約型: UPFの生産には大量のエネルギー、水、土地が必要です。

  • 商品作物の単一栽培
  • パーム油や大豆生産のための森林伐採
  • 加工と輸送による高い炭素フットプリント

プラスチック汚染: UPFの包装は、世界的なプラスチック廃棄物危機に大きく寄与しています。

  • 食品包装における使い捨てプラスチック
  • 土壌や水系を汚染するマイクロプラスチック

8. UPF問題に対処するためには規制と政策の変更が必要


業界の自主規制は不十分: 食品企業による自主的な措置は、UPF問題に効果的に対処していません。


  • UPFの厳格なラベル表示要件
  • UPFに対する税金と全食品への補助金
  • 子供向けUPFのマーケティング制限
  • 学校での栄養教育の改善

課題: 強力な食品業界のロビー活動とUPFの定義の複雑さが規制を難しくしています。

9. UPFをやめることで健康が大幅に改善される


健康上の利点: UPFの消費を排除または減少させることで、さまざまな健康指標が迅速に改善される可能性があります。

  • 体重減少
  • 血糖コントロールの改善
  • 腸の健康の向上
  • 炎症の減少


  • 全食品の高コスト
  • 食事準備に必要な時間の増加
  • 社会的圧力とUPFの普及


  • UPF摂取の段階的な減少
  • 食事計画とバッチ調理
  • 基本的な料理スキルの習得
  • 全食品や最小限に加工された食品に焦点を当てる



What's Ultra-Processed People about?

  • Focus on UPF: Ultra-Processed People by Chris van Tulleken examines the impact of ultra-processed foods (UPF) on health, society, and the environment. It highlights how these foods are engineered to be addictive and harmful.
  • Author's Expertise: Written by an infectious diseases doctor, the book combines personal anecdotes with scientific research, particularly focusing on nutrition and child health.
  • Cultural and Health Impact: It discusses how UPF has replaced traditional diets, contributing to obesity and related diseases, and calls for a reevaluation of our food systems.

Why should I read Ultra-Processed People?

  • Health Awareness: The book provides insights into the hidden dangers of UPF, explaining how they contribute to obesity, metabolic diseases, and mental health issues.
  • Cultural Critique: It critiques the food industry's marketing strategies, encouraging readers to think critically about their food choices and the societal implications of UPF consumption.
  • Practical Insights: Van Tulleken offers guidance on navigating the modern food landscape, emphasizing the importance of real food and sharing his personal experiment with UPF.

What are the key takeaways of Ultra-Processed People?

  • Definition of UPF: UPF is defined as formulations of ingredients, mostly for industrial use, made by a series of industrial processes, helping readers identify these foods in their diets.
  • Health Risks: UPF is linked to various health issues, including obesity, cancer, and mental illness, with risks increasing with the quantity consumed.
  • Call for Change: The book advocates for systemic changes in food production and marketing, urging governments to improve information about UPF and promote access to real food.

How does Chris van Tulleken define ultra-processed food in Ultra-Processed People?

  • Key Characteristics: UPF is identified as food wrapped in plastic with at least one ingredient not typically found in a home kitchen.
  • Common Ingredients: These foods often contain stabilizers, emulsifiers, and artificial flavorings, which are not found in home-cooked meals.
  • Cultural Impact: UPF has become a significant part of diets, especially in economically unequal societies, raising concerns about long-term health effects.

What are the health effects of consuming ultra-processed foods according to Ultra-Processed People?

  • Increased Disease Risk: UPF consumption is associated with higher rates of obesity, cancer, and mental health issues, beyond just weight gain.
  • Impact on Children: Children consuming UPF face risks of obesity and stunting, indicating a form of malnutrition that affects long-term health.
  • Long-term Consequences: The effects of UPF extend beyond weight gain, impacting overall health and well-being, with risks increasing with consumption.

How does Ultra-Processed People address the issue of willpower in relation to diet?

  • Critique of Willpower: Van Tulleken argues that willpower is not the primary factor in weight management, stating that obesity is not due to a lack of willpower.
  • Genetic and Environmental Factors: Genetics and the food environment significantly influence eating behaviors, not individual willpower.
  • Stigma and Blame: The book discusses societal stigma around obesity, emphasizing the need to focus on systemic issues rather than individual responsibility.

What role does marketing play in the consumption of ultra-processed foods as discussed in Ultra-Processed People?

  • Aggressive Marketing Tactics: UPF companies use marketing strategies to promote their products, often targeting children and influencing consumer behavior.
  • Influence on Choices: Marketing makes it difficult for individuals to make informed dietary choices, as the only products advertised to young people are often UPF.
  • Need for Regulation: Van Tulleken calls for better regulation of food marketing, especially towards children, to protect against misleading advertising.

How does Ultra-Processed People suggest we can reduce our consumption of UPF?

  • Awareness and Education: The author emphasizes being informed about UPF and its health effects, encouraging readers to read ingredient lists.
  • Access to Real Food: Van Tulleken advocates for systemic changes to improve access to real food, making it more affordable and available.
  • Personal Experimentation: He suggests individuals engage in their own experiments with UPF to understand its effects, proposing a gradual reduction rather than abrupt quitting.

What are the psychological effects of consuming ultra-processed foods mentioned in Ultra-Processed People?

  • Addictive Qualities: UPF can create cravings similar to addictive substances, activating the brain's reward system.
  • Impact on Mental Health: High UPF consumption is linked to increased rates of anxiety and depression, with risks increasing with consumption.
  • Cognitive Effects: Concerns are raised about UPF's impact on cognitive function, particularly in children, with unknown long-term effects.

What is the significance of the NOVA classification system in Ultra-Processed People?

  • Categorization of Foods: The NOVA system categorizes foods based on processing levels, helping identify UPF as the most processed category.
  • Public Health Implications: Understanding the NOVA system is crucial for public health initiatives aimed at reducing diet-related diseases.
  • Research Foundation: The system provides a framework for studies linking UPF to health issues, supporting the need for dietary changes.

What role do additives play in ultra-processed foods according to Ultra-Processed People?

  • Additives and Health Risks: Additives like emulsifiers and artificial sweeteners can disrupt gut health and contribute to inflammation and metabolic disorders.
  • Regulatory Concerns: The book highlights the lack of stringent regulations on these additives, raising concerns about their long-term safety.
  • Consumer Awareness: Van Tulleken encourages vigilance about ingredient lists and understanding the potential risks of consuming products with these additives.

What are the best quotes from Ultra-Processed People and what do they mean?

  • "UPF is designed to be overconsumed.": This quote highlights how UPF is engineered to encourage excessive eating, underscoring the need for awareness.
  • "If you’re living with obesity, it isn’t due to a lack of willpower; it isn’t your fault.": This challenges obesity stigma, emphasizing external factors in weight gain and calling for a shift in perspective.
  • "Most UPF is not food, Chris. It’s an industrially produced edible substance.": This quote distinguishes real food from UPF, emphasizing the artificial nature of many products we consume.


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