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59 Seconds

59 Seconds

Think a Little, Change a Lot
作者 Richard Wiseman 2009 357 页数
10k+ 评分
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1. 幸福是一种可以通过简单实践培养的技能


感恩的力量。 研究表明,定期练习感恩可以在较长时间内提升幸福感。这个简单的承认生活中积极方面的行为可以重新塑造大脑,使其更关注美好,从而增加乐观情绪和改善身体健康。

善行的重要性。 即使是小小的慷慨举动,比如捐赠几美元或帮助朋友,也能显著快速地提升个人幸福感。这些行为创造了一个积极的反馈循环,鼓励更多的亲社会行为,增强人与人之间的联系感。

  • 每日感恩练习:列出三件你感激的事情
  • 每周善行挑战:进行一次意想不到的善举
  • 每月反思:写下过去30天中的积极事件

2. 单靠可视化无法实现目标,但战略规划能做到


行动胜于白日梦。 虽然积极的可视化让人感觉良好,但实际上可能会降低动机,阻碍进展。相反,专注于心理排练实现目标所需的具体行动。

第三人称视角有帮助。 从外部视角想象自己,就像在电影屏幕上观看自己,这种方法比第一人称可视化效果更好,效果可提高20%。这种技巧有助于创造情感距离,使规划更加客观。

  • 将目标分解为可执行的步骤
  • 详细想象自己执行每一步
  • 练习“心理对比”:想象障碍及如何克服它们
  • 使用第三人称自我对话:“约翰会在周五之前完成他的报告”,而不是“我会在周五之前完成我的报告”

3. 群体头脑风暴抑制创造力;个人创意更有效


社会懈怠阻碍群体创造力。 与普遍看法相反,群体头脑风暴往往比个人独立工作产生更少且更不原创的想法。这是由于评估焦虑、生产阻塞和责任扩散等因素造成的。

独立创意促进创新。 为了最大化创造力,鼓励个人在聚集分享和构建想法之前独立生成创意。这种方法允许更广泛的视角,并减少随大流的倾向。

  • 实施“脑写”:让团队成员在讨论前默默写下想法
  • 使用名义小组技术:将个人创意与结构化小组讨论结合
  • 鼓励多样化思维风格:结合逻辑和直觉的方法
  • 设置“创造力区域”,提供不受干扰的个人创意时间

4. 赞美努力而非能力,以培养儿童的韧性和成长


培养成长心态。 赞美努力而非天赋有助于孩子们发展成长心态,相信他们的能力可以通过奉献和努力来提升。这种方法在面对挑战时能带来更大的韧性。

对成就的长期影响。 被赞美努力的孩子更可能迎接困难问题,享受学习过程,并在挫折面前坚持不懈。这种心态有助于提高学业成就和更好的长期结果。

  • 使用过程导向的赞美:“我喜欢你尝试不同的策略”
  • 鼓励从错误中学习:“我们能从中学到什么?”
  • 强调挑战的价值:“这很难,但有助于你的大脑成长”
  • 树立成长心态的榜样:分享自己的学习经历和挑战

5. 身体语言和微妙的触碰显著影响吸引力和说服力


触碰的力量。 在上臂上短暂而适当的触碰可以使请求的遵从率提高多达20%。这一微妙的举动在潜意识中被解读为自信和权威的象征。

镜像以建立联系。 模仿他人的身体语言和言语模式可以创造一种融洽感,增加可亲性。这种技巧在自然和微妙地使用时,可以改善社交互动和说服效果。

  • 在专业场合中练习适当的触碰:握手、短暂的肩部触碰
  • 在对话中使用镜像技巧:匹配姿势、手势和说话节奏
  • 保持开放的身体语言:双臂不交叉、良好的姿势、眼神接触
  • 注意微表情:揭示真实情感的细微面部线索

6. 写下你的感受可以改善人际关系和个人幸福感


表达性写作的疗愈。 定期写下关于重要生活事件或人际关系的想法和感受,可以改善心理和身体健康。这种实践有助于处理情感并获得新的视角。

通过写作增强关系。 参与表达性写作的伴侣在沟通时往往使用更积极的语言。这导致理解、同理心和整体关系满意度的提高。

  • 每周抽出15-20分钟进行表达性写作,3-4次
  • 自由书写,不必担心语法或结构
  • 关注经历中的积极和挑战性方面
  • 考虑与伴侣分享部分写作,以促进更深的联系

7. 快速决策技巧可以带来更好的选择和更少的遗憾


无意识处理有助于决策。 面对复杂选择时,让无意识思维处理信息可以带来更好的决策。在做出最终选择之前,参与一项无关的心理任务。

避免决策瘫痪。 过度思考可能导致较差的选择和增加的遗憾。相反,使用“无意识思维理论”等技巧可以更高效、自信地做出决策。

  • 使用“分心技巧”:在做重大决策前解谜
  • 实施“两分钟规则”:对小任务快速决策
  • 练习“前瞻性回顾”:想象未来回顾你的决策
  • 利用“WRAP”框架:拓宽选择、现实检验假设、保持距离、准备接受错误

8. 儿童的自律性比智商更能预测长期成功


棉花糖测试的启示。 能够延迟满足(例如,等待两个棉花糖而不是立即吃掉一个)的孩子,往往在生活中有更好的结果,包括更高的教育成就和更好的社交技能。

培养自我控制。 虽然一些孩子天生具有更强的自律性,但这一技能可以通过有针对性的练习和环境改变来发展。父母和教育者在培养这一能力方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

  • 与孩子一起练习延迟满足的练习
  • 从小教授目标设定和规划技能
  • 在自己的行为中树立自我控制的榜样
  • 创建支持专注注意力和减少干扰的环境

9. 你的名字和身体特征可以微妙地影响你的生活结果


名字的力量。 研究表明,名字开头字母较早的人可能在生活中有轻微的优势,这可能与更多的机会或潜意识偏见有关。虽然这种影响微小,但它突显了对我们生活的微妙影响。

身体特征与个性。 研究表明,某些身体特征(如手指长度比例)可能与个性特征和能力相关。虽然这些联系并非决定性的,但它们为生物与行为之间的相互作用提供了有趣的见解。

  • 在决策过程中考虑字母顺序偏见
  • 注意专业环境中可能存在的基于名字的刻板印象
  • 理解身体特征可能影响行为,但并不定义一个人
  • 专注于发展技能和品格,而不论天生特征

10. 小的环境变化可以对行为和生产力产生重大影响


绿色的力量。 工作场所的植物不仅改善空气质量,还能提升情绪、减少压力并增强创造力。这一简单的变化可以显著改善员工的幸福感和生产力。

促进更好选择的微调。 小的环境变化可以以积极的方式微妙地影响行为。例如,在厨房放置镜子可以通过提高自我意识将不健康的食物消费减少32%。

  • 在办公室和家庭空间添加植物
  • 在饮食区域战略性地使用镜子
  • 优化照明以提升情绪和生产力
  • 创建专门的空间用于专注工作和放松
  • 实施色彩心理学:使用蓝色以获得平静效果,使用黄色以激发创造力



What's 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot about?

  • Focus on Rapid Change: The book explores how small, scientifically-backed techniques can lead to significant personal improvements in various aspects of life, such as happiness, motivation, and creativity.
  • Debunking Self-Help Myths: Richard Wiseman critiques popular self-help methods, arguing that many are ineffective or even counterproductive, and presents evidence-based alternatives.
  • Quick Techniques: Each chapter provides practical advice that can be implemented in under a minute, making it accessible for busy individuals seeking change.

Why should I read 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot?

  • Evidence-Based Approach: The book is grounded in psychological research, offering readers scientifically validated methods for personal development rather than anecdotal advice.
  • Time-Efficient Solutions: Wiseman emphasizes that effective change doesn’t require extensive time commitments, appealing to those with busy lifestyles.
  • Broad Applicability: The techniques cover a wide range of topics, including happiness, relationships, and decision-making, making it relevant to many readers.

What are the key takeaways of 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot?

  • Happiness Techniques: The book suggests keeping a gratitude diary, engaging in expressive writing, and focusing on small acts of kindness to boost happiness.
  • Motivation Strategies: Wiseman highlights the importance of creating a detailed plan, sharing goals with others, and rewarding progress to maintain motivation.
  • Creativity Enhancement: Techniques such as changing your environment, using visual priming, and allowing your unconscious mind to work can significantly enhance creativity.

What are the best quotes from 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot and what do they mean?

  • “Effective change does not have to be time-consuming.”: This emphasizes that significant personal transformation can occur quickly with the right techniques, challenging the notion that change requires extensive effort.
  • “Those who do not feel in control of their lives are less successful.”: This highlights the importance of perceived control in achieving personal goals and overall well-being.
  • “If you want to buy happiness, then spend your hard-earned cash on experiences.”: This suggests that investing in experiences rather than material goods leads to greater long-term happiness.

How does 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot address the concept of happiness?

  • Gratitude and Writing: Wiseman emphasizes the importance of gratitude journaling and expressive writing as effective methods for enhancing happiness.
  • Avoiding Positive Thinking Myths: The book critiques the idea that simply thinking positively can lead to happiness, suggesting instead that engaging in meaningful actions is more effective.
  • Scientific Backing: Research cited in the book shows that happiness is linked to social connections, acts of kindness, and a focus on personal strengths.

What are some quick techniques for improving motivation from 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot?

  • Create a Step-by-Step Plan: Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, making it easier to track progress and stay motivated.
  • Public Commitment: Share your goals with friends or family to increase accountability and support, which can enhance your commitment to achieving them.
  • Reward Yourself: Attach small rewards to each sub-goal to maintain motivation and create a sense of achievement as you progress.

What does 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot say about creativity?

  • Brainstorming Myths: Wiseman debunks the effectiveness of group brainstorming, showing that individuals often generate more creative ideas alone.
  • Environmental Influence: The presence of plants and nature can enhance creativity, suggesting that a conducive environment is crucial for innovative thinking.
  • Unconscious Mind: Engaging in unrelated tasks can free the unconscious mind to generate creative solutions, highlighting the importance of mental breaks.

How can I apply the doublethink technique from 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot?

  • Visualize Benefits and Barriers: Identify the benefits of achieving your goal and the potential obstacles you may face, then reflect on both to create a balanced perspective.
  • Elaborate on Each Aspect: Spend time detailing how achieving your goal will improve your life and how you will address the challenges that arise.
  • Use for Various Goals: This technique can be applied to personal, professional, or relational goals, making it a versatile tool for motivation and planning.

What is the bystander effect discussed in 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot?

  • Diffusion of Responsibility: The bystander effect explains why individuals are less likely to help in emergencies when others are present, as they assume someone else will take action.
  • Research Background: Wiseman references studies that illustrate this phenomenon, including the infamous case of Kitty Genovese, to highlight the importance of personal accountability.
  • Practical Application: To counteract this effect, Wiseman suggests directly addressing individuals in a crowd to increase the likelihood of receiving help.

How does 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot suggest improving relationships?

  • Active Listening Critique: Wiseman challenges the effectiveness of active listening, suggesting that it may not be as crucial to relationship success as previously thought.
  • Power Sharing: Successful relationships often involve partners who share power and listen to each other’s ideas, fostering mutual respect and understanding.
  • Simple Gestures Matter: Small acts of kindness and appreciation can significantly strengthen relationships, emphasizing the importance of everyday interactions.

What psychological techniques does 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot recommend for improving relationships?

  • Know Your Partner: Engaging in quizzes about each other’s preferences can strengthen bonds and improve relationship longevity, as knowing details about your partner predicts relationship success.
  • Shared Experiences: Participating in novel and exciting activities together can rekindle romance and attraction, as it mimics the excitement of early courtship.
  • Expressive Writing: Writing about your feelings and thoughts regarding your relationship can enhance communication and emotional connection between partners.

How does 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot suggest managing stress effectively?

  • Focus on Benefits: The book recommends finding positive aspects in negative experiences to reduce feelings of anger and resentment, promoting a healthier mindset.
  • Avoid Venting Anger: Contrary to popular belief, expressing anger does not alleviate it; instead, it can intensify feelings of aggression.
  • Utilize Humor: Engaging in humor and laughter can significantly improve mood and reduce stress, contributing to better overall health.


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