1. 拥抱你作为有意创造者的力量
你是自己现实的建筑师。 你的思想、情感和信念塑造了你的经历,并吸引相应的情况进入你的生活。这种创造力始终在发挥作用,无论你是否有意识地意识到它。通过理解并拥抱这一基本真理,你可以掌控生活的方向,更有效地实现你的愿望。
- 认识到你影响现实的内在能力
- 对自己的思想和情感负责
- 有意识地选择与你的愿望一致的思想
- 持续练习对自己创造力的觉察
2. 理解吸引法则及其普遍应用
吸引法则是支配宇宙的基本原则, 它表明相似的事物会相互吸引。这个法则响应你的振动频率,带来与你主导思想和情感相匹配的经历。理解并运用这一法则,可以让你利用其力量创造你所渴望的生活。
- 它始终如一地运作,无论你是否意识到
- 你的思想和情感是振动的馈赠
- 宇宙响应的是你的振动,而不仅仅是你的言语
- 你吸引的是你所关注的本质,无论是想要的还是不想要的
3. 使你的振动与愿望对齐
振动对齐对实现愿望至关重要。 当你的思想、情感和信念与所想要的事物和谐一致时,你就成为了这些经历的磁铁。相反,专注于你不想要的事物或沉溺于消极方面会产生抵抗,吸引不想要的情况。
- 清晰识别你想要的东西
- 专注于你愿望的积极方面
- 培养快乐、兴奋和期待的情感
- 释放怀疑、恐惧和限制性信念
- 持续练习与你期望结果相匹配的思想
4. 将情感作为你的指导系统
情感作为强大的内在指南针, 引导你与愿望对齐。积极的情感表明你与真实自我和愿望和谐一致,而消极的情感则表明不和谐。通过关注你的感受,你可以调整思想和焦点,以保持积极的振动状态。
- 喜悦、爱、感激(最高对齐)
- 热情、兴奋、渴望
- 乐观、希望
- 满足、无聊
- 挫折、烦恼、不耐烦
- 担忧、怀疑、失望
- 愤怒、恐惧、抑郁(最低对齐)
5. 练习允许的艺术
允许是接收你愿望的关键。 这涉及释放抵抗,并信任幸福的自然流动。许多人无意中通过怀疑、担忧或专注于缺乏来阻碍自己的愿望。通过培养允许的状态,你为接收属于你的丰盛打开了大门。
- 冥想以平静心灵,减少抵抗
- 专注于感激和感恩
- 放下对结果的控制需求
- 信任宇宙的时机和方法
- 保持积极的期待
6. 将焦点从缺乏转向丰盛
你的吸引点由你的焦点决定, 而不是你当前的情况。通过故意将注意力从缺乏转向生活中的丰盛,你可以改变你的振动馈赠,吸引更多积极的经历。这种视角的转变足以改变你的现实。
- 感恩你已经拥有的东西
- 将你的愿望想象成已经实现
- 在日常生活中寻找丰盛的证据
- 将挑战重新框架为成长的机会
- 庆祝他人的成功作为可能性的证明
7. 应用实用流程来改善你的吸引点
实用流程可以显著增强你的显化能力。 通过持续应用这些技巧,你可以改变你的振动,释放抵抗,更加接近你的愿望。这些流程是帮助你集中能量并保持积极吸引点的工具。
- 感激的狂欢:强烈专注于你所感激的事物
- 转变:有意识地从消极思想转向积极思想
- 焦点轮:逐步将你的振动与愿望对齐
- 分段意图:为你一天的不同部分设定积极意图
- 冥想:平静心灵以减少抵抗并增加对齐
What's Ask and It Is Given about?
- Manifestation Focus: The book centers on the principles of manifestation, teaching readers how to manifest their desires by understanding their emotional guidance system and the Law of Attraction.
- Connection to Source Energy: It emphasizes that everyone is an extension of Source Energy, and aligning with this energy can lead to a fulfilling life.
- Practical Processes: The authors provide 22 processes to help readers improve their point of attraction and achieve their desires.
Why should I read Ask and It Is Given?
- Transformational Teachings: The book offers profound insights into reality and personal empowerment, making it a valuable resource for life improvement.
- Practical Application: It includes exercises that readers can implement immediately to start seeing changes in their lives.
- Positive Perspective: The teachings encourage a positive outlook and understanding that one has the power to create their own reality.
What are the key takeaways of Ask and It Is Given?
- You Create Your Reality: Individuals are the creators of their experiences, with thoughts and emotions directly influencing reality.
- Emotional Guidance System: Introduces an Emotional Guidance Scale to help understand feelings and their relation to desires.
- Law of Attraction: Emphasizes that "You get what you think about," highlighting the importance of focusing on desired outcomes.
How does the Law of Attraction work in Ask and It Is Given?
- Vibrational Match: The Law of Attraction states that similar vibrations attract each other, meaning your thoughts attract matching experiences.
- Thoughts Create Reality: Every thought vibrates and attracts similar experiences, reinforcing the idea that positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes.
- Conscious Creation: Readers are encouraged to direct their thoughts to align with their desires, allowing the Universe to respond with matching experiences.
What is the Emotional Guidance System in Ask and It Is Given?
- Indicator of Alignment: It helps individuals gauge their alignment with desires based on their feelings.
- Scale of Emotions: Presents a scale from joy to fear, indicating the vibrational frequency of each emotion.
- Guidance for Improvement: Recognizing one's position on this scale allows for conscious choices to shift thoughts and improve emotional states.
What are the 22 processes in Ask and It Is Given?
- Practical Techniques: These are exercises designed to help individuals improve their point of attraction and manifest desires.
- Variety of Approaches: Includes methods like the Rampage of Appreciation and the Focus Wheel Process, allowing readers to choose what resonates.
- Gradual Improvement: Intended for gradual use, helping individuals release resistance and align with desires over time.
What is the Rampage of Appreciation process in Ask and It Is Given?
- Focus on Positivity: Involves focusing on things you appreciate to elevate your emotional state and align with positive vibrations.
- Incremental Practice: Can be practiced anywhere, making it a flexible tool for enhancing mood and attracting positive experiences.
- Building Momentum: Consistent practice creates a momentum of positive energy, attracting more of what you desire.
How does the Focus Wheel Process work in Ask and It Is Given?
- Creating a Visual Tool: Involves drawing a circle with a central desire and writing positive statements around it.
- Shifting Emotional State: Helps pivot from negative to positive thoughts by focusing on statements that resonate with desires.
- Building Momentum: Writing and focusing on positive statements creates momentum, attracting more positive experiences.
How can I apply the teachings of Ask and It Is Given in my daily life?
- Daily Practice: Incorporate processes like appreciation or visualization into your routine to maintain a positive vibration.
- Mindfulness of Emotions: Use emotions as indicators of alignment with desires, and shift to better-feeling thoughts.
- Set Intentions: Regularly set clear intentions for what you want to manifest, focusing on the feelings associated with achieving those desires.
What are the best quotes from Ask and It Is Given and what do they mean?
- "You are the creator of your own reality." Highlights the power individuals have to shape their lives through thoughts and beliefs.
- "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Emphasizes the transformative power of perspective.
- "Every subject is two subjects: wanted and not wanted." Illustrates the importance of focusing on what is wanted rather than its absence.
What is the significance of appreciation in Ask and It Is Given?
- Foundation of Well-Being: Appreciation is key to Well-Being, raising vibrational frequency and attracting positive experiences.
- Rampage of Appreciation: A method to cultivate gratitude and shift emotional states, leading to joy and fulfillment.
- Attracting More Good: Practicing appreciation signals openness to receiving more good, creating a cycle of abundance.
How does Ask and It Is Given define success?
- Joy as Success: Success is defined by the amount of joy and satisfaction one feels, not material possessions.
- Alignment with Source: True success is achieved when aligned with Source Energy, allowing Well-Being to flow freely.
- Continuous Expansion: Success is an ongoing journey of growth, with new desires continually born from experiences.
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