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Bird by Bird

Bird by Bird

作者 Anne Lamott 1994 238 页数
100k+ 评分
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1. 写出糟糕的初稿:完美会阻碍进步


接受不完美。 优秀写作的关键在于允许自己产生糟糕的初稿。这种方法使你摆脱完美主义的瘫痪,让你的想法流淌到纸上。记住,即使是成功的作家也会在最初的尝试中挣扎。

关注数量,而非质量。 在初稿中,优先考虑将你的想法写下来,而不是追求完美的文笔。这种方法可以让你:

  • 生成可供使用的原材料
  • 发现意想不到的想法和联系
  • 克服写作障碍和自我怀疑

通过修订来完善。 一旦你完成了初稿,就可以开始编辑和完善你的作品。这种迭代的方法通常会比从一开始就追求完美得到更好的最终结果。

2. 拥抱短期任务:将写作分解为可管理的任务


小步前行。 不要专注于写整本书或故事,而是将你的工作分解为更小、更易管理的任务。这种方法有助于减少焦虑,使写作过程不那么令人生畏。

使用“一英寸画框”技巧。 想象通过一个小框架看你的故事,专注于一个小细节或场景。这种方法可以让你:

  • 集中注意力于特定元素,而不被压倒
  • 一步一步构建你的故事
  • 保持动力,稳步前进

庆祝小胜利。 完成短期任务会带来成就感,这可以激励你继续写作。记住,这些小任务共同为你更大的写作目标做出贡献。

3. 倾听你的直觉:信任你的创造性声音


培养宁静。 通过平静心灵和减少干扰,为你的直觉创造空间。这可能涉及冥想、在大自然中散步,或只是静坐沉思。

关注微妙的线索。 你的直觉通常通过以下方式传达信息:

  • 瞬间的想法或图像
  • 身体感觉或“直觉”
  • 意想不到的联系或洞察

信任这个过程。 让你的写作自然展开,即使你不完全理解它的方向。往往,你的直觉对你的故事和角色的了解超过了你的意识。

4. 沉默内心的批评者:克服自我怀疑


识别负面自我对话。 识别那些削弱你信心和创造力的批评声音。这些声音往往源于过去的经历或内化的期望。

发展应对策略。 为了让内心的批评者沉默:

  • 使用积极的自我肯定
  • 练习自我同情
  • 关注过程,而非结果
  • 记住所有作家都在与自我怀疑作斗争

创造一个支持性的环境。 与鼓励你的人和资源为伴,培养你的写作实践。这可以帮助抵消内心批评者的负面影响。

5. 真实写作:找到并使用你独特的声音


拥抱你的经历。 从自己的生活、情感和观察中汲取灵感,创造真实的写作。你独特的视角将使你的作品脱颖而出。

避免模仿。 虽然受到你崇拜的作家的影响是自然的,但要抵制复制他们风格的冲动。相反:

  • 尝试不同的写作风格
  • 反思什么对你来说最自然
  • 让你的声音随着时间的推移而演变

展现脆弱。 分享你的真实,即使这让你感到不适。读者会与写作中的诚实和真实情感产生共鸣。

6. 观察并捕捉生活:用细节丰富你的写作


敏锐感知。 培养对周围世界的高度意识。关注:

  • 视觉细节
  • 声音和对话
  • 气味和味道
  • 质感和身体感觉

保持记录。 随时准备记录你的观察,无论是用笔记本、索引卡还是数字应用。这些细节可以在后期为你的写作增添生动的意象和真实的体验。

练习描述。 定期挑战自己详细描述人物、地点和事件。这项练习将提高你为读者生动呈现场景的能力。

7. 寻求反馈和支持:与其他作家合作


加入写作小组。 与其他作家建立联系可以提供:

  • 对你作品的建设性反馈
  • 动力和责任感
  • 在困难时期的情感支持

寻找写作伙伴。 与一个值得信赖的读者建立关系,他们可以对你的作品提供诚实而有帮助的批评。这种伙伴关系可以帮助你识别盲点,提升你的写作。

开放接受批评。 学会优雅地接受反馈,即使这很难听。记住,建设性的批评是你成长和提升技艺的机会。

8. 写作以发现:通过作品探索未知


接受不确定性。 让你的写作引领你进入未探索的领域。往往,最有趣的发现发生在你放弃对故事或角色的先入之见时。

将写作作为自我发现的工具。 通过写作的过程,你可以:

  • 深入了解自己的思想和感受
  • 探索复杂的想法和情感
  • 更深入地理解人性

保持开放心态。 愿意在写作中追随意想不到的路径。你最好的作品可能来自于你从未预料到的想法或方向。

9. 坚持面对挑战:克服写作障碍和拒绝


培养韧性。 理解拒绝和挫折是写作过程的正常部分。培养从失望中反弹的策略,例如:

  • 专注于你能控制的事情
  • 寻求其他作家的支持
  • 记住过去的成功

主动应对写作障碍。 当你感到卡住时:

  • 改变环境
  • 无评判地自由写作
  • 处理项目的不同部分
  • 休息一下,参与其他创造性活动

保持视角。 记住,即使是成功的作家也会面临挑战和怀疑。对你的技艺的坚持和奉献往往比天赋更为重要。

10. 写作是一种给予:与读者分享你的真相


有目的地写作。 考虑你的写作如何能使读者受益或产生影响。这可能涉及:

  • 提供对熟悉问题的新视角
  • 提供安慰或灵感
  • 挑战假设或信念

慷慨分享你的见解。 分享你独特的经历和对世界的理解。你的诚实和脆弱可以与读者建立强大的联系。

专注于服务你的读者。 不要仅仅为了个人利益或认可而写作,而是将你的作品视为对读者的礼物。这种心态可以帮助你:

  • 在困难时期保持动力
  • 创造更有意义和影响力的作品
  • 在写作过程中找到满足感



What's "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life" about?

  • Overview: "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott is a guide to writing and life, offering practical advice and personal anecdotes to help writers navigate the creative process.
  • Writing and Life: The book intertwines lessons on writing with insights into life, emphasizing the importance of honesty, perseverance, and finding one's voice.
  • Personal Stories: Lamott shares her own experiences, struggles, and triumphs as a writer, providing a relatable and humorous perspective.
  • Encouragement and Support: The book serves as a source of encouragement for writers, reminding them that the journey is as important as the destination.

Why should I read "Bird by Bird"?

  • Practical Advice: The book offers practical writing tips that are accessible and easy to implement, making it valuable for both novice and experienced writers.
  • Inspiration: Lamott's candid and humorous style inspires readers to embrace their imperfections and continue writing despite challenges.
  • Life Lessons: Beyond writing, the book provides insights into living a meaningful life, dealing with self-doubt, and finding joy in the creative process.
  • Relatable Stories: Readers will find comfort in Lamott's personal stories, which highlight the universal struggles and joys of being a writer.

What are the key takeaways of "Bird by Bird"?

  • Shitty First Drafts: Embrace the concept of writing terrible first drafts as a necessary step in the creative process.
  • Short Assignments: Focus on small, manageable writing tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed and to make steady progress.
  • Finding Your Voice: Discover and cultivate your unique voice by writing honestly and authentically.
  • Perfectionism: Let go of perfectionism, which can stifle creativity and prevent you from completing your work.

What is the "Shitty First Drafts" concept in "Bird by Bird"?

  • Embrace Imperfection: Lamott encourages writers to accept that their first drafts will be messy and imperfect, which is a natural part of the writing process.
  • Creative Freedom: Writing without the pressure of perfection allows for greater creativity and exploration of ideas.
  • Revision Process: The first draft is just the beginning; it provides material to refine and improve in subsequent drafts.
  • Overcoming Fear: Accepting the inevitability of a "shitty first draft" helps writers overcome the fear of starting and the paralysis of self-doubt.

How does Anne Lamott suggest dealing with writer's block in "Bird by Bird"?

  • Acceptance: Recognize that writer's block is a natural part of the creative process and not a personal failure.
  • Small Steps: Focus on writing small amounts each day, even if it's just a few sentences, to keep the momentum going.
  • Change of Scenery: Take breaks, go for walks, or engage in other activities to refresh your mind and gain new perspectives.
  • Trust the Process: Have faith that inspiration will return and that the unconscious mind is working even when you're not actively writing.

What is the "Short Assignments" method in "Bird by Bird"?

  • One-Inch Picture Frame: Lamott uses the metaphor of a one-inch picture frame to illustrate focusing on small, manageable writing tasks.
  • Avoid Overwhelm: By concentrating on short assignments, writers can avoid feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of a larger project.
  • Build Confidence: Completing small tasks builds confidence and creates a sense of accomplishment, encouraging further progress.
  • Incremental Progress: This method emphasizes the importance of steady, incremental progress in writing.

How does Anne Lamott address perfectionism in "Bird by Bird"?

  • Voice of the Oppressor: Lamott describes perfectionism as the voice of the oppressor, which stifles creativity and prevents writers from taking risks.
  • Embrace Messiness: She encourages writers to embrace the messiness of the creative process and to focus on progress rather than perfection.
  • Perfectionism's Illusion: Perfectionism creates the illusion that flawless work is possible, which can lead to procrastination and self-doubt.
  • Freedom in Imperfection: Letting go of perfectionism allows writers to experiment, make mistakes, and ultimately produce more authentic work.

What are the best quotes from "Bird by Bird" and what do they mean?

  • "Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird." This quote emphasizes the importance of tackling writing projects one step at a time, breaking them down into manageable parts.
  • "Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor." Lamott highlights how striving for perfection can hinder creativity and prevent writers from completing their work.
  • "You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories." This encourages writers to embrace their personal experiences and use them as material for their writing.
  • "Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts." This quote reassures writers that initial drafts are often rough and imperfect, but they are a crucial part of the process.

How does Anne Lamott suggest finding your voice in "Bird by Bird"?

  • Authenticity: Write honestly and authentically, drawing from your own experiences and perspectives.
  • Experimentation: Try different styles and voices until you find one that feels natural and true to you.
  • Silence Critics: Ignore the internal and external critics that may discourage you from expressing your true voice.
  • Persistence: Keep writing regularly, as consistent practice helps develop and refine your unique voice.

What role does humor play in "Bird by Bird"?

  • Coping Mechanism: Lamott uses humor as a way to cope with the challenges and frustrations of writing and life.
  • Engagement: Humor engages readers, making the book enjoyable and relatable while delivering valuable lessons.
  • Perspective: It provides perspective, helping writers not to take themselves too seriously and to find joy in the creative process.
  • Connection: Humor creates a connection between Lamott and her readers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared experience.

How does Anne Lamott address the theme of jealousy in "Bird by Bird"?

  • Inevitable Emotion: Lamott acknowledges that jealousy is a common and inevitable emotion among writers.
  • Self-Reflection: She encourages writers to reflect on their feelings of jealousy and understand their root causes.
  • Use as Material: Lamott suggests using jealousy as material for writing, turning it into a source of creativity rather than a hindrance.
  • Perspective Shift: By shifting perspective, writers can focus on their own growth and achievements rather than comparing themselves to others.

What is the significance of the title "Bird by Bird"?

  • Origin of the Phrase: The title comes from a story about Lamott's brother, who was overwhelmed by a school project on birds, and their father's advice to take it "bird by bird."
  • Metaphor for Writing: It serves as a metaphor for the writing process, emphasizing the importance of tackling projects one step at a time.
  • Approach to Challenges: The phrase encourages writers to approach challenges incrementally, focusing on small tasks rather than the entire project.
  • Philosophy of Life: Beyond writing, "bird by bird" reflects a philosophy of life, advocating for patience, persistence, and breaking down overwhelming tasks.


4.24 满分 5
平均评分来自 100k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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