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How Not to Age

How Not to Age

The Scientific Approach to Getting Healthier as You Get Older
作者 Michael Greger 2023 640 页数
2k+ 评分


1. 衰老是由多个相互关联的途径驱动的,而不仅仅是遗传因素


衰老是复杂的。 它涉及多个相互关联的途径,包括AMPK激活、自噬、细胞衰老、表观遗传学、糖化、IGF-1信号传导、炎症、mTOR调节、氧化、去乙酰化酶和端粒长度。这些途径相互作用并相互影响,形成一个复杂的过程网络,推动衰老的发生。

生活方式胜过遗传。 虽然遗传因素起到一定作用,但它们仅占我们寿命的15%到30%。这意味着我们的生活方式选择——饮食、运动、压力管理和环境——对衰老的影响更大。通过饮食、锻炼和其他干预措施来理解和针对这些途径,我们有可能减缓衰老过程,延长健康寿命。

整体方法是关键。 鉴于衰老途径的相互关联性,采取整体健康衰老的方法至关重要。这涉及同时关注生活方式的多个方面,而不是单一的“灵丹妙药”解决方案。通过全面改善饮食、身体活动、睡眠习惯、压力管理和社会联系,我们可以同时积极影响多个衰老途径。

2. 全食植物性饮食是长寿的基石


植物的力量促进长寿。 全食植物性饮食与延长寿命和降低慢性疾病风险之间的关联一直存在。这种饮食模式强调:

  • 水果和蔬菜
  • 全谷物
  • 豆类(豆子、扁豆、豌豆)
  • 坚果和种子
  • 最少加工的食品和动物产品

营养密度和保护性化合物。 植物性饮食富含:

  • 纤维
  • 抗氧化剂
  • 植物化学物质
  • 维生素和矿物质


蛋白质来源很重要。 虽然适量的蛋白质摄入对维持肌肉质量和其他功能至关重要,但蛋白质的来源也很关键。植物蛋白,尤其是非大豆来源的植物蛋白,与较低的IGF-1水平相关,而IGF-1是一种与加速衰老和增加癌症风险相关的生长因子。相反,动物蛋白往往会提高IGF-1水平,可能促进更快的衰老。

3. 定期锻炼和保持健康体重对健康衰老至关重要


多动,长寿。 定期的身体活动与降低多种与年龄相关的疾病风险和延长寿命相关。锻炼的好处包括:

  • 改善心血管健康
  • 提高肌肉力量和柔韧性
  • 增强认知功能
  • 减少炎症
  • 改善睡眠质量
  • 改善情绪和心理健康

体重很重要。 维持健康体重对健康衰老至关重要。肥胖与炎症、氧化压力和多种慢性疾病的风险增加相关。理想的BMI范围似乎在20到22之间。

质量胜于数量。 虽然任何量的锻炼都是有益的,但锻炼的质量和类型也很重要。结合以下几种锻炼:

  • 有氧运动(如步行、游泳、骑自行车)
  • 力量训练
  • 柔韧性练习(如瑜伽、拉伸)

4. 睡眠质量和压力管理在长寿中发挥重要作用


睡眠促进修复和恢复。 高质量的睡眠对以下方面至关重要:

  • 细胞修复
  • 记忆巩固
  • 免疫功能
  • 激素平衡
  • 压力减少


压力管理至关重要。 慢性压力可以通过多种机制加速衰老:

  • 增加炎症
  • 氧化压力
  • 端粒缩短
  • 不健康的应对行为(如暴饮暴食、药物滥用)


  • 冥想和正念练习
  • 定期锻炼
  • 社交联系
  • 自然环境中的时间
  • 参与爱好和愉快的活动

平衡是关键。 虽然睡眠和压力管理都很重要,但平衡和一致性才是最重要的。偶尔的睡眠中断或压力事件是正常且可管理的。影响衰老和健康的主要是慢性模式。

5. 社交联系和生活目标有助于更长、更健康的生活


关系很重要。 强大的社交联系与延长寿命和更好的健康结果之间存在一致的关联。这包括:

  • 亲密的友谊
  • 家庭关系
  • 社区参与
  • 浪漫伴侣关系


  • 减少压力
  • 增强免疫功能
  • 改善心理健康
  • 鼓励健康行为

目标驱动长寿。 生活中有目标或意义的感觉与延长寿命和更好的健康结果相关。这可以来自:

  • 有意义的工作或志愿服务
  • 创意追求
  • 精神或宗教实践
  • 照顾他人(包括宠物)

质量胜于数量。 重要的不是社交联系的数量,而是这些关系的质量和深度。即使只有少数几段亲密、支持的关系,也能对健康和长寿产生显著的积极影响。

6. 特定的营养素和食物可以减缓衰老过程


营养的力量。 某些营养素和化合物已被证明具有特别强的抗衰老效果:

  • 精胺:存在于小麦胚芽、大豆和蘑菇等食物中,能激活自噬并可能延长寿命。
  • 多酚:这些植物化合物(如葡萄中的白藜芦醇、绿茶中的EGCG)具有抗氧化和抗炎特性。
  • Omega-3脂肪酸:存在于脂肪鱼和某些植物来源中,能减少炎症并支持大脑健康。
  • 纤维:对肠道健康至关重要,并与较低的炎症和更好的代谢健康相关。

长寿的超级食物。 虽然没有单一的食物是灵丹妙药,但某些食物特别富含抗衰老化合物:

  • 浆果(富含抗氧化剂)
  • 绿叶蔬菜(富含维生素和矿物质)
  • 坚果和种子(健康脂肪和矿物质)
  • 豆类(蛋白质和纤维)
  • 十字花科蔬菜(硫代葡萄糖苷和其他有益化合物)
  • 绿茶(儿茶素和其他多酚)

协同作用很重要。 最强大的效果来自于将这些食物作为均衡、植物丰富饮食的一部分,而不是依赖补充剂或孤立的化合物。

7. 避免有害物质和管理药物是关键


有害物质加速衰老。 避免或尽量减少接触某些物质对健康衰老至关重要:

  • 烟草烟雾(包括二手烟)
  • 过量饮酒
  • 超加工食品
  • 环境毒素

药物管理。 一些常用药物可能对长期健康产生负面影响:

  • 用于胃酸反流的质子泵抑制剂(PPIs)可能增加骨折风险
  • 安眠药与增加死亡风险相关
  • 一些骨质疏松药物有罕见但严重的副作用

自然替代品。 在可能的情况下,考虑生活方式和饮食变化作为药物的替代方案:

  • 对于胃酸反流:减肥、避免触发食物、睡前不吃东西
  • 对于睡眠问题:良好的睡眠卫生、压力减少、限制咖啡因和酒精
  • 对于骨骼健康:负重锻炼、足够的钙和维生素D、避免吸烟和过量饮酒

8. 维持骨骼健康需要整体方法


骨骼健康是可调节的。 虽然遗传因素起到一定作用,但生活方式因素对骨骼健康有显著影响。维持强壮骨骼的关键策略包括:

  • 定期进行负重和抗阻力锻炼
  • 足够的钙和维生素D摄入
  • 避免吸烟和过量饮酒
  • 维持健康体重

饮食很重要。 富含水果、蔬菜和全谷物的饮食提供了骨骼健康所需的必需营养素。植物性钙来源(如绿叶蔬菜、强化植物奶)在维持骨密度方面可以与乳制品同样有效。

超越钙。 虽然钙很重要,但其他营养素在骨骼健康中也发挥着关键作用:

  • 维生素K(存在于绿叶蔬菜中)
  • 镁(存在于坚果、种子和全谷物中)
  • 钾(存在于水果和蔬菜中)
  • 维生素C(存在于水果和蔬菜中)




What's How Not to Age about?

  • Focus on Aging: How Not to Age by Michael Greger explores the science behind aging and how lifestyle choices can influence longevity and healthspan. It emphasizes that aging can be modified through diet and lifestyle interventions.
  • Scientific Approach: Greger presents evidence-based strategies for slowing aging, sifting through over 20,000 research papers to provide practical advice grounded in scientific literature.
  • Holistic View: The book covers various aspects of aging, including cellular senescence, inflammation, and the role of diet, aiming to empower readers to take control of their health as they age.

Why should I read How Not to Age?

  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: The book provides actionable insights to help you make informed decisions about your health and aging, combating misinformation in the anti-aging industry.
  • Evidence-Based Recommendations: With over 13,000 citations, the advice is backed by scientific evidence, helping readers trust the recommendations provided.
  • Improving Quality of Life: Greger emphasizes enhancing healthspan, the period of life spent in good health, aiming to help readers live longer, healthier, and more vibrant lives.

What are the key takeaways of How Not to Age?

  • Dietary Interventions: A plant-based diet is crucial for slowing aging and preventing age-related diseases, with specific foods and nutrients enhancing longevity.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Regular exercise, stress management, and adequate sleep are essential components of a healthy aging strategy, with practical steps outlined for daily life.
  • Understanding Aging Mechanisms: Greger explains biological pathways involved in aging, such as mTOR and inflammation, and how they can be influenced by diet and lifestyle choices.

What are the best quotes from How Not to Age and what do they mean?

  • “Aging is the actual leading cause.”: This highlights aging as a significant risk factor for many diseases, suggesting that addressing aging could prevent various health issues.
  • “If you have been similarly sucked down some rabbit hole of cabalistic conspiracies, this may not be the book for you.”: Greger stresses the importance of relying on scientific evidence rather than conspiracy theories for health and aging.
  • “The best hope for a long life is to choose your parents wisely.”: This humorously points out the genetic component of longevity but implies that lifestyle choices significantly influence health outcomes.

How does How Not to Age address the concept of cellular senescence?

  • Definition of Senescence: Cellular senescence refers to cells losing the ability to divide and function properly, contributing to aging and age-related diseases.
  • Impact on Health: Accumulation of senescent cells leads to chronic inflammation and tissue dysfunction, linked to many age-related diseases.
  • Strategies for Clearance: The book outlines dietary and lifestyle strategies, such as regular exercise and a diet rich in antioxidants, to reduce the burden of senescent cells.

What is the role of diet in aging according to How Not to Age?

  • Plant-Based Focus: Greger advocates for a diet rich in whole plant foods, associated with lower risks of chronic diseases and longer lifespans.
  • Nutrient Density: Emphasizes the importance of nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to combat oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Avoiding Processed Foods: Warns against processed foods high in sugar, fat, and additives, which can contribute to inflammation and accelerate aging.

How does How Not to Age explain the mTOR pathway?

  • mTOR's Role: The mTOR pathway is a central regulator of cell growth and metabolism, with overactivation accelerating aging and increasing disease risk.
  • Inhibition Strategies: Discusses dietary strategies to inhibit mTOR, such as reducing protein intake, particularly from animal sources, to shift the body to maintenance and repair mode.
  • Benefits of Suppression: Suppressing mTOR activity may improve healthspan and longevity, emphasizing the importance of balancing nutrient intake.

What lifestyle changes does How Not to Age recommend for healthier aging?

  • Regular Exercise: Stresses the importance of physical activity in promoting longevity and reducing chronic disease risk, recommending both aerobic and strength-training exercises.
  • Stress Management: Highlights the role of stress in accelerating aging, suggesting mindfulness, meditation, and adequate sleep to mitigate its effects.
  • Adequate Sleep: Encourages prioritizing sleep hygiene to support healthy aging and cognitive function.

How does How Not to Age address the concept of oxidative stress?

  • Definition of Oxidative Stress: Occurs when there's an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, leading to cellular damage and contributing to aging.
  • Antioxidant Defense: Discusses the body's natural antioxidant defenses and the importance of dietary antioxidants in combating oxidative stress.
  • Dietary Strategies: Recommends foods and nutrients that boost antioxidant capacity, such as berries, nuts, and green leafy vegetables, to protect against oxidative damage.

What are the Anti-Aging Eight as outlined in How Not to Age?

  • Actionable Checklist: A practical checklist of specific foods, supplements, and lifestyle behaviors to help slow aging, based on scientific evidence.
  • Focus on Whole Foods: Emphasizes whole, plant-based foods that are nutrient-dense and rich in antioxidants, supporting overall health and longevity.
  • Integrative Approach: Combines dietary changes with lifestyle modifications, such as regular exercise and stress management, for a comprehensive strategy for healthy aging.

How does How Not to Age suggest managing stress and mental health?

  • Lifestyle Changes: Emphasizes a healthy diet and regular exercise in managing stress and improving mental health.
  • Social Connections: Highlights the role of social ties and community engagement in reducing stress and enhancing well-being.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Recommends mindfulness and relaxation techniques to mitigate stress, contributing to healthier aging.

How does How Not to Age address the concept of microlives?

  • Understanding Microlives: Introduces the concept where one microlife equals thirty minutes of life expectancy, helping quantify lifestyle choices' impact.
  • Comparative Risks: Illustrates how behaviors like smoking or being overweight can cost microlives, clarifying daily choices' consequences.
  • Life-Extending Behaviors: Engaging in healthy behaviors, such as eating fruits and vegetables or exercising, can add microlives, encouraging better choices for longevity.


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平均评分来自 2k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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