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Make Today Count

Make Today Count

The Secret of Your Success Is Determined by Your Daily Agenda
作者 John C. Maxwell 2008 160 页数
2k+ 评分
11 分钟
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1. 让今天有意义:日常决策塑造未来


小决策很重要。 每天,你都会做出无数看似微不足道的决定,但这些决定共同塑造了你的未来。这些选择,无论是有意识的还是无意识的,决定了你的道路,并最终决定了你的成功。

有意图是关键。 要让今天有意义,每天都要有目的和意图。设定明确的目标,优先安排你的活动,并做出与长期目标一致的有意识选择。这需要纪律和一致性,但每天积极行动的累积效应可以随着时间的推移带来显著的结果。

专注于你能控制的事情。 虽然你不能总是控制外部环境,但你完全可以控制自己的反应和行动。通过对日常决策负责并专注于你能影响的事情,你可以每天一步步创造你想要的未来。

2. 培养积极态度:成功的基础


态度是一种选择。 你的态度不是预先决定的或固定的;它是你每天做出的一个有意选择。积极的态度并不意味着忽视生活中的挑战,而是以乐观和韧性来面对它们。

对成功的影响。 积极的态度显著影响你在生活各个方面的成功:

  • 人际关系:人们自然会被积极的人吸引
  • 问题解决:乐观者倾向于在挑战中看到机会
  • 韧性:积极的态度帮助你从挫折中反弹
  • 表现:积极性通常会导致生产力和创造力的提高


  • 每天练习感恩
  • 与积极的人在一起
  • 重构负面情况
  • 进行定期的自我反思
  • 庆祝小胜利

3. 明智地优先排序:专注于高影响力活动


帕累托原则。 也称为80/20法则,这一原则表明你80%的结果来自于20%的努力。识别并专注于这些高影响力的活动对于最大化生产力和成功至关重要。


  • 定期评估你的目标和价值观
  • 识别与长期目标一致的任务
  • 使用时间块和待办事项清单等工具
  • 学会对低优先级的承诺说“不”
  • 在可能的情况下委派任务

持续评估。 优先事项会随着时间的推移而变化,因此定期重新评估和调整你的重点是必不可少的。愿意放弃不再服务于你目标的活动,并在优先排序的方法上保持灵活性。

4. 投资你的健康:充实生活的基石


整体健康观。 真正的健康包括身体、心理和情感的全面健康。忽视这些方面中的任何一个都会对你的整体生活质量和追求目标的能力产生深远的影响。


  • 身体健康:定期锻炼、均衡饮食、充足睡眠
  • 心理健康:压力管理、持续学习、正念练习
  • 情感健康:建立牢固的关系、练习自我同情

预防是关键。 主动投资你的健康可以在问题出现之前预防许多问题。定期体检、保持健康的生活方式以及早期解决潜在问题可以节省时间、金钱和痛苦。

5. 培养家庭关系:你最宝贵的资产


家庭作为基础。 强大的家庭关系提供情感支持、稳定性和归属感,这些可以推动个人和职业的成功。为了追求其他目标而忽视这些关系往往会导致遗憾和不满足。

有意的投资。 建立牢固的家庭纽带需要有意的努力和时间:

  • 优先安排高质量的相处时间
  • 开诚布公地沟通
  • 定期表达感激和爱意
  • 创建和维护家庭传统
  • 支持彼此的个人成长

平衡至关重要。 努力在工作、个人追求和家庭时间之间找到健康的平衡。记住,如果没有强大的家庭联系来分享,其他领域的成功将失去很多意义。

6. 发展良好的思维习惯:个人成长的关键


思维作为一种技能。 良好的思维不是一种天生的才能,而是一种可以随着时间发展和磨练的技能。通过有意识地改善你的思维习惯,你可以增强决策能力和解决问题的能力。


  • 批判性思维:客观地分析信息
  • 创造性思维:产生创新的想法和解决方案
  • 战略性思维:为长期成功做计划
  • 反思性思维:从过去的经验中学习


  • 留出专门的时间进行思考和反思
  • 接触多样的观点和想法
  • 练习质疑假设和挑战信念
  • 进行心理练习和谜题
  • 寻求反馈并参与建设性的讨论

7. 拥抱承诺:决策与行动之间的桥梁


承诺作为催化剂。 虽然决策设定了方向,但承诺提供了将这些决策变为现实的动力。没有强烈的承诺,即使是最周密的计划也常常在面对障碍和挫折时失败。


  • 对期望结果的清晰愿景
  • 克服障碍的意愿
  • 面对挫折的坚持
  • 对自己和他人的责任感
  • 在保持目标的同时灵活应对的方法

培养承诺。 通过以下方式加强你的承诺能力:

  • 设定具体、可衡量的目标
  • 将大目标分解为可管理的步骤
  • 庆祝沿途的小胜利
  • 与支持你的人在一起
  • 定期提醒自己“为什么”

8. 掌握财务:为明天创造选择


财务自由。 掌握财务并不是为了积累财富本身,而是为了在生活中创造选择和灵活性。健全的财务管理提供安全感,减少压力,并允许你追求与价值观和目标一致的机会。


  • 量入为出
  • 持续储蓄和投资
  • 避免不必要的债务
  • 学习个人理财知识
  • 规划短期和长期目标

心态转变。 将金钱视为一种工具而不是最终目标。通过将支出与价值观对齐,并专注于体验和关系而不是物质财产,培养健康的金钱观。

9. 深化信仰:力量和目标的来源


信仰作为基础。 对许多人来说,信仰提供了道德指南针,在困难时期提供安慰,并赋予超越物质成功的意义。深化你的信仰可以在个人和职业生活中提供韧性和视角。


  • 定期学习和反思精神教义
  • 参与祈祷或冥想
  • 参与信仰社区
  • 在日常生活中应用信仰原则
  • 以与你的信仰一致的方式服务他人

信仰在行动中。 真正的信仰不是被动的,而是体现在你如何对待他人、做出决策和应对生活挑战上。努力以积极影响周围人的具体方式来实践你的信仰。

10. 建立牢固的关系:生活的货币


关系作为投资。 牢固的关系是通过持续投入时间、精力和真诚的关心建立的。这些联系提供支持、机会和归属感,对整体生活满意度有显著贡献。


  • 积极倾听
  • 同理心和理解
  • 可靠性和可信赖性
  • 慷慨的精神
  • 有效的沟通

质量胜于数量。 专注于培养深厚、有意义的关系,而不是积累大量表面的联系。投资于那些互惠互利并与你的价值观和目标一致的关系。

11. 实践慷慨:每天为他人增值


慷慨作为一种心态。 真正的慷慨不仅限于财务捐赠,还包括时间、关注、技能和情感支持。培养慷慨的精神既丰富了给予者也丰富了接受者,创造了善意和互助的积极循环。


  • 增加个人满足感和幸福感
  • 加强关系和社会联系
  • 提高视角和感恩之心
  • 对社区和社会产生积极影响
  • 个人成长和同理心的发展

日常实践。 每天寻找小方法来表现慷慨:

  • 提供一句善意的话或赞美
  • 分享知识或技能
  • 志愿服务你的时间
  • 进行随机的善举
  • 支持你相信的事业

12. 活出你的价值观:决策的指南针


价值观作为指导原则。 明确的个人价值观为决策提供了框架,并帮助确保你的行动与信念和长期目标一致。持续地活出你的价值观可以建立诚信和个人满足感。


  1. 反思对你真正重要的事情
  2. 优先考虑并定义你的核心价值观
  3. 将你的目标和行动与这些价值观对齐
  4. 定期根据你的价值体系评估决策
  5. 愿意做出艰难的选择以维护你的价值观

行动中的诚信。 努力在你的言辞和行动之间保持一致。这种一致性建立了信任、尊重和强烈的个人身份感。记住,你的价值观最清楚地体现在你每天做出的选择中,而不是言辞中。



What's "Make Today Count" about?

  • Daily Agenda Focus: "Make Today Count" by John C. Maxwell emphasizes the importance of a daily agenda in determining success. It suggests that success is a result of consistent daily actions rather than sudden occurrences.
  • Key Decisions and Discipline: The book highlights the necessity of making key decisions and managing them with discipline to create a successful life.
  • Preparation for Tomorrow: Maxwell argues that each day is preparation for the next, and the way you live today shapes your future.
  • Masterpiece of Potential: The book encourages readers to make every day a masterpiece by combining good decisions with daily discipline.

Why should I read "Make Today Count"?

  • Practical Guidance: The book offers practical advice on how to structure your daily life to achieve long-term success.
  • Comprehensive Framework: It provides a comprehensive framework for personal development through the "Daily Dozen" decisions.
  • Inspiration and Motivation: Maxwell's personal stories and insights serve as inspiration and motivation for readers to take control of their lives.
  • Proven Strategies: The strategies discussed are based on Maxwell's extensive experience and success as a leadership expert.

What are the key takeaways of "Make Today Count"?

  • Daily Dozen Decisions: The book outlines twelve critical areas for success, including attitude, priorities, health, family, and more.
  • Importance of Consistency: Success is achieved through consistent daily actions and decisions, not through sporadic efforts.
  • Value of Preparation: Each day is preparation for the next, and living intentionally today sets the stage for future success.
  • Role of Discipline: Discipline is essential in managing decisions and maintaining focus on long-term goals.

What is the "Daily Dozen" in "Make Today Count"?

  • Twelve Key Areas: The "Daily Dozen" refers to twelve areas that Maxwell believes are crucial for success, including attitude, priorities, health, family, thinking, commitment, finances, faith, relationships, generosity, values, and growth.
  • Daily Focus: Each area requires daily attention and action to ensure personal and professional growth.
  • Foundation for Success: By focusing on these areas, individuals can create a strong foundation for achieving their goals.
  • Holistic Approach: The "Daily Dozen" covers a wide range of life aspects, promoting a balanced and holistic approach to success.

How does John C. Maxwell define success in "Make Today Count"?

  • Daily Agenda: Success is determined by one's daily agenda and the consistent actions taken each day.
  • Preparation and Process: Success is a process, not a sudden event, and is achieved through daily preparation and discipline.
  • Key Decisions: Making and managing key decisions in daily life is crucial for achieving success.
  • Long-term Vision: Success involves having a long-term vision and working towards it through daily efforts.

What are some of the best quotes from "Make Today Count" and what do they mean?

  • "You will never change your life until you change something you do daily." This quote emphasizes the importance of daily habits in transforming one's life.
  • "Good Decisions + Daily Discipline = A Masterpiece of Potential." It highlights the combination of good decisions and discipline as the formula for unlocking one's potential.
  • "Time is an equal opportunity employer, but how we treat time is not equal." This quote underscores the value of time management and the impact of how we use our time.
  • "The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda." It reinforces the central theme of the book that daily actions and decisions shape success.

How can I apply the "Daily Dozen" to my life?

  • Identify Key Areas: Start by identifying the twelve areas in your life that align with the "Daily Dozen" and are important for your success.
  • Set Daily Goals: Set specific, actionable goals for each area and incorporate them into your daily routine.
  • Monitor Progress: Regularly review and reflect on your progress in each area to ensure you are on track.
  • Adjust as Needed: Be flexible and willing to adjust your approach as you learn and grow in each area.

What role does discipline play in "Make Today Count"?

  • Essential for Success: Discipline is essential for managing daily decisions and maintaining focus on long-term goals.
  • Consistency and Commitment: It involves being consistent and committed to daily actions that align with your goals.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Discipline helps overcome challenges and distractions that can derail progress.
  • Foundation for Growth: It provides a foundation for personal and professional growth by ensuring that daily actions are aligned with desired outcomes.

How does John C. Maxwell suggest improving one's attitude in "Make Today Count"?

  • Attitude as a Choice: Maxwell emphasizes that attitude is a choice and can be changed by taking responsibility for it.
  • Daily Adjustments: He suggests making daily adjustments to maintain a positive attitude, such as finding something positive in every situation.
  • Value People: Placing a high value on people and developing a high appreciation for life can improve one's attitude.
  • Express Gratitude: Regularly expressing gratitude to others helps maintain a positive outlook.

What is the significance of priorities in "Make Today Count"?

  • Focus on Important Tasks: Prioritizing helps focus on tasks that yield the highest return and are most important for success.
  • Daily Evaluation: Maxwell advises evaluating priorities daily to ensure they align with long-term goals.
  • Strength Zone: Staying in your strength zone by focusing on tasks that align with your strengths increases productivity.
  • Delegation: Delegating tasks that others can do allows you to focus on your priorities and maximize your impact.

How does "Make Today Count" address the concept of growth?

  • Personal Growth Plan: Maxwell emphasizes the importance of having a personal growth plan to reach one's potential.
  • Daily Growth Goals: Setting daily growth goals helps ensure continuous improvement and development.
  • Growth Environment: Creating a growth environment by surrounding yourself with supportive and growth-oriented people is crucial.
  • Enjoy the Journey: Learning to enjoy the journey of growth is important for maintaining motivation and commitment.

What is the relationship between values and success in "Make Today Count"?

  • Foundation for Decisions: Values serve as the foundation for making decisions and guide actions towards success.
  • Daily Reflection: Reflecting on values daily helps ensure that actions align with personal beliefs and goals.
  • Integrity and Consistency: Living by one's values consistently builds integrity and credibility.
  • Long-term Fulfillment: Embracing and practicing good values leads to long-term fulfillment and success.


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