1. 掌控你的思维:忍者销售的基础
控制你的思想和能量。 忍者销售始于个人掌控,强调控制思想和能量的重要性。这包括每天练习感恩、积极阅读和肯定语,以编程你的网状激活系统(RAS)以取得成功。通过专注于你想要的而不是你不想要的,你可以扩大你的机会并取得更好的结果。
培养积极的心态。 忍者方法教你:
- 每天以感恩开始
- 设想你的目标仿佛它们已经实现
- 使用肯定语重新编程你的潜意识
- 在所有情况下保持不焦虑的状态
2. 通过解决问题而非销售创造价值
专注于解决问题。 忍者销售强调通过解决客户的问题而不是推动销售来创造价值。这种方法包括提出正确的问题以了解客户的痛点和愉悦点,然后提供解决方案以满足他们的具体需求。
提出FORD问题。 为了创造价值,使用FORD框架:
- 家庭:询问他们的家庭情况
- 职业:了解他们的工作
- 娱乐:了解他们的爱好和兴趣
- 梦想:了解他们的未来目标和愿望
3. 实施忍者九:每日和每周的成功习惯
每日习惯。 忍者九包括五个每日习惯:
- 每天练习感恩
- 准备好上班
- 写两封个人便条
- 专注于你的热名单
- 专注于你的温名单
每周习惯。 此外,还有四个每周习惯:
6. 进行客户服务电话
7. 安排两次现场房地产评估
8. 进行五十次现场采访
9. 更新你的数据库
一致性是关键。 通过一致地实施这些习惯,你为你的业务创建了一个结构化的方法,产生持续的客户和机会流。忍者九帮助你专注于产生最大结果的关键活动,提高你的每小时收入,并实现更好的工作与生活平衡。
4. 利用流动的力量建立持久关系
保持一致的沟通。 流动指的是与你的网络互动的频率。为了成为首选的房地产经纪人,目标是每月至少进行三次自动流动接触(通过邮件或电子邮件)和每周五十次现场互动(面对面或电话)。
实施8周8次策略。 这种方法包括:
- 每周发送一份有价值的内容,持续八周
- 在第七周打电话
- 在第八周安排一次面对面会议
5. 掌握四步忍者咨询流程
四个步骤。 忍者咨询流程包括:
- 连接:在前两分钟建立融洽和信任
- 信息:提出问题以了解客户的需求和动机
- 解决方案:根据收集的信息创建潜在解决方案
- 提案:提出选项并让客户做出决定
专注于提问而不是讲述。 这种咨询方法强调按顺序提出正确的问题,而不是直接进入销售演讲。通过给予客户时间和帮助他们变得清晰和自信,你增加了成功交易的可能性。
6. 理解并适应不同的性格类型
四种性格类型。 忍者销售使用DISC框架,适应为:
- 权力型(15-20%):未来导向,目标导向,快速决策者
- 派对型(25-30%):现在导向,爱好玩乐,冲动决策者
- 和平型(35-40%):过去和现在导向,避免冲突,慢速决策者
- 完美型(15-20%):过去导向,注重细节,分析型决策者
适应你的方法。 为了有效地与每种类型沟通:
- 权力型:直接,专注于结果和效率
- 派对型:热情,专注于关系和乐趣
- 和平型:耐心,专注于稳定和和谐
- 完美型:精确,专注于准确性和数据
7. 开发系统化的买卖流程
十步买家流程。 这种系统化的方法包括:
- 问候
- 会议
- 买家面谈
- 买家资料包
- 漏斗流程
- 1到10的评分
- 梦想家园练习
- 什么和为什么
- 现金还是贷款?
- 接下来会发生什么?
十六步卖家流程。 关键要素包括:
- 预上市面谈和资料包
- 房产走访
- 日历和时间表讨论
- 市场分析和定价策略
- 解决卖家的担忧和问题
What's Ninja Selling about?
- Sales Philosophy Focus: Ninja Selling by Larry Kendall is a sales system that emphasizes creating value for customers and building relationships over traditional high-pressure sales tactics.
- Core Principles: The book is structured around four main principles: Personal Mastery, Stop Selling! Start Solving!, Ninja Business Strategy, and Connect and Communicate.
- Mindset and Energy: It highlights the importance of mindset and emotional energy, encouraging salespeople to project positivity to attract clients.
Why should I read Ninja Selling?
- Transformative Approach: Offers a fresh perspective on sales, focusing on serving clients rather than just selling to them.
- Proven Results: Many readers, including real estate professionals, have reported increased income and client satisfaction after applying its techniques.
- Cross-Industry Application: While designed for real estate, its principles are applicable to various fields, benefiting anyone in sales or client-facing roles.
What are the key takeaways of Ninja Selling?
- Value Creation: Emphasizes solving problems and creating value, as people prefer buying over being sold to.
- Mindset Matters: Personal mastery and controlling emotional energy are crucial for successful sales interactions.
- Flow and Relationships: Consistent communication is essential for building and maintaining client relationships.
What is the Ninja Selling System?
- Structured Approach: A documented process providing predictable results, focusing on teachable skills applicable to any personality or market condition.
- Four Principles: Built around Personal Mastery, Stop Selling! Start Solving!, Ninja Business Strategy, and Connect and Communicate.
- Daily and Weekly Habits: Includes the "Ninja Nine," a set of habits to maintain focus and productivity, such as gratitude practices and customer service calls.
How does Ninja Selling define value?
- Value Creation: Defined by solving problems or making clients feel good, prioritizing client needs over sales tactics.
- Law of Value: States that true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you receive in payment.
- Understanding Client Needs: Involves asking the right questions and listening actively to tailor services to client needs.
What is the FORD method in Ninja Selling?
- Core Areas of Life: Stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams, key aspects for building rapport.
- Asking Questions: Engages clients in meaningful conversations, revealing motivations and needs.
- Listening for Change: Encourages active listening for life changes that may indicate a need for services.
What is the significance of flow in Ninja Selling?
- Flow as Relationship Builder: Refers to the frequency of interactions with clients, keeping you top-of-mind.
- Auto-Flow and Live Flow: Differentiates between automated communications and personal interactions, both essential for relationship building.
- Impact on Business: A strong flow system can lead to increased referrals and repeat business.
What is the Ninja Consultation process?
- Four Steps: Consists of Connection, Information, Solution, and Proposal, designed to build rapport and guide decision-making.
- Client-Centric Approach: Focuses on understanding client needs rather than pushing a sales agenda.
- Soft Closing Techniques: Uses questions that help clients feel comfortable making decisions without pressure.
How does the Funnel Process work in Ninja Selling?
- Elimination Method: Helps buyers avoid fear of missing out by filtering properties that don't meet criteria.
- Visual Representation: Provides a visual process to reassure clients they aren't missing options.
- Engagement: Encourages active participation, making buyers feel in control while being guided effectively.
What are the Ten-Step Buyer Process and its significance?
- Structured Approach: Guides buyers from initial contact to closing, ensuring all critical aspects are covered.
- Clarity and Confidence: Helps buyers become clear and confident in their decisions, reducing anxiety.
- Key Steps: Includes Buyer Interview, Dream Home Exercise, and Scale of 1 to 10 to identify needs and readiness.
How does Ninja Selling address different personality types?
- Understanding Personalities: Categorizes clients into Power, Party, Peace, and Perfection, each with distinct styles.
- Platinum Rule: Advocates treating others the way they want to be treated, adapting to client personalities.
- Effective Communication: Enhances communication by recognizing and adjusting to different personality types.
What is the Ninja Prayer and its significance?
- Daily Affirmation: Encourages gratitude, clarity, and a positive mindset, reinforcing Ninja Selling principles.
- Mindset Foundation: Reminds practitioners to focus on purpose, embrace challenges, and maintain a nonanxious presence.
- Cultural Element: Embodies the culture of Ninja Selling, promoting service, positivity, and personal growth.
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