1. 激进尊重:优化协作,而非强制
促进团队合作。 激进尊重是关于创造一个人们有效合作的环境,而不是使用权力强迫服从。这种方法在现代经济中能带来更好的结果和创新。
防止强制。 领导者必须主动对抗阻碍协作的行为,如偏见决策、欺凌和骚扰。这需要设计管理系统,设置权力的制衡,确保领导者对其行为和结果负责。
赋权员工。 不要把员工视为需要赋权的对象,而是要认识到他们的内在能力,并创建系统来释放他们的最佳努力。这意味着给予员工发言权,征求他们的意见,并在他们直言不讳时给予奖励。
2. 尊重个性而非要求一致
拥抱多样性。 成功的协作需要多样的观点和经验。当团队互相挑战彼此的想法时,他们会改进彼此的工作。这就是为什么工作中的反馈对个人和集体的成长和成功至关重要。
避免同质化。 组织在招聘时往往寻找“文化契合”而不是“文化增值”,强迫员工一致,使组织难以进化。这种方法排除了那些可能做出重要贡献的人。
鼓励真实。 创建一个让人们在工作中感到舒适做真实自我的环境。这并不意味着忽视言辞对他人的影响,而是调整沟通风格,同时保持自我真实。
3. 理解并解决偏见、偏见和欺凌
- 偏见:无意识的,“无意的”
- 偏见:有意识的信念,“有意的”
- 欺凌:故意的有害行为,“恶意的”
- 对于偏见:使用“我”陈述邀请分享观点
- 对于偏见:使用“它”陈述建立明确的界限
- 对于欺凌:使用“你”陈述直接面对行为
理解动态。 了解这些问题如何升级:
- 偏见 + 权力 = 歧视
- 欺凌 + 权力 = 骚扰
- 权力(职位或身体)= 物理侵犯的条件
4. 领导者:设计公平和问责的系统
- 制衡:限制个人权力,创建协作决策过程
- 衡量重要事项:主动量化和解决管理过程中的偏见
- 薪酬:设计有原则的系统,按人口统计分析薪酬数据
- 绩效管理:使用360度评估、校准过程、晋升委员会
- 招聘:依赖招聘委员会,而不是个别经理
- 离职:分析解雇决策中的偏见,进行彻底的离职面谈
创建问责制。 确保没有一个人,包括CEO,有不受监督的权力来雇佣、解雇、晋升或支付另一个人。
5. 见义勇为者:干预以打破职场不公
“你的沉默不会保护你。” - Audre Lorde
认识你的角色。 见义勇为者对激进尊重文化至关重要。他们帮助偏见、偏见和欺凌的目标者感到不再孤单,并向造成伤害的人提供明确的反馈。
- 直接:挑战造成伤害的人
- 分散注意力:制造分散注意力的情况以缓和局势
- 委派:寻求更适合干预的人的帮助
- 延迟:稍后与受害者联系
- 记录:记录发生的事情,以便在需要时提供证据
建立团结。 通过干预,见义勇为者创造了一个良性循环,鼓励他人也这样做,使工作场所对每个人都更好。
6. 受害者:战略性选择你的回应
- 记录事件
- 与同事建立团结
- 找到最近的出口
- 直接与造成伤害的人交谈(如果值得冒险)
- 向人力资源报告(如果值得冒险)
- 采取法律行动(如果值得冒险)
- 公开讲述你的故事(如果值得冒险)
计算投资回报率。 考虑发声的利弊,认识到你可能会在内心感受到弊端。了解发声的好处,如肯定自己,防止内化偏见,并改善他人的情况。
保持主动权。 记住选择不回应与被迫沉默是不同的。根据你对情况的评估和个人情况做出主动选择。
7. 造成伤害的人:承认并弥补
- 意识到(自我教育)
- 公开承认错误
- 接受后果
- 弥补
- 道歉
- 永久改变
管理防御心理。 当被告知你的行为有偏见或有害时,感到防御是自然的。然而,保持对你的偏见不知情比承认它们更危险。
关注影响,而非意图。 在别人告诉你你做了伤害他们的事情后,不要坚持让他们“假设好意”。相反,寻找你的态度或行为可能造成的实际伤害。
8. 创建同意文化以防止身体侵犯
- 如果对方不想被触摸,不要触摸
- 如果你不确定,不要触摸
- 如果你喝醉了,不要触摸
- 如果你喝醉时无法控制自己,不要喝酒,尤其是在工作场所
- 不受欢迎的触摸
- 同事之间的自愿触摸
- 滥用权力关系
- 暴力
管理工作场所的酒精。 考虑完全不允许酒精,或实施严格的政策以限制消费并防止与酒精相关的事件。
9. 对权力说真话而不毁掉你的职业生涯
“恐惧来自于关注发声的代价;勇气来自于关注保持沉默的代价。” - Ashley Judd
- 彻底记录事件
- 与同事建立团结
- 在解决问题前找到退出选项
- 考虑不同方法的风险和收益(直接对话、人力资源报告、法律行动、公开披露)
了解你的权利。 熟悉保护举报工作场所问题的工人法律。考虑咨询就业律师以了解你的选择。
建立支持网络。 寻找导师、盟友和专业组织,在你应对挑战时提供指导和支持。
10. 衡量重要事项以确保公平实践
- 薪酬:寻找不同群体之间的薪酬差距
- 晋升:跟踪代表性不足群体的晋升率
- 绩效评估:进行语言分析以识别反馈中的偏见
- 招聘:检查招聘过程的每个阶段是否存在潜在偏见
设定明确目标。 为改善多样性和包容性指标设定目标,但避免可能导致反向歧视的配额系统。
创建透明度。 与员工分享公平性计划的进展,以建立信任和问责制。
明智地使用技术。 利用增强写作软件等工具,识别职位描述、绩效评估和其他沟通中的潜在偏见语言。
What's Just Work about?
- Focus on Inclusivity: Just Work by Kim Malone Scott tackles bias, prejudice, and bullying in the workplace, aiming to foster a culture of inclusivity.
- Framework for Change: It offers a framework to help individuals recognize and address these issues, providing practical solutions for leaders and upstanders.
- Radical Respect Concept: The book introduces "Radical Respect," which focuses on collaboration and honoring individuality over coercion and conformity.
Why should I read Just Work?
- Addressing Real Issues: The book deals with pervasive workplace problems, making it relevant for anyone seeking to improve their work environment.
- Practical Guidance: It provides actionable advice and frameworks that can be immediately applied to create a more respectful and inclusive culture.
- Personal Growth: Reading it can help you understand your own biases and navigate complex social dynamics in professional settings.
What are the key takeaways of Just Work?
- Recognize Different Problems: Distinguishing between bias, prejudice, and bullying is crucial, as each requires a different response.
- Role of Upstanders: Upstanders play a critical role in fostering a culture of respect by intervening when witnessing harmful behavior.
- Designing Management Systems: Leaders should design systems that minimize bias and promote fairness, allowing all employees to contribute their best work.
What is "Radical Respect" in Just Work?
- Definition of Radical Respect: It is a regard for others' feelings, rights, and traditions, owed to everyone without needing to be earned.
- Optimizing Collaboration: The concept emphasizes collaboration over coercion, allowing individuals to express their true selves without fear.
- Honoring Individuality: It stresses the importance of honoring diversity within teams, enhancing creativity and innovation.
How does Kim Malone Scott define bias, prejudice, and bullying in Just Work?
- Bias: Defined as "not meaning it," often unconscious and stemming from stereotypes not consciously endorsed.
- Prejudice: Described as "meaning it," reflecting a conscious belief that rationalizes flawed assumptions.
- Bullying: Characterized as "being mean," with the intent to harm or dominate others, often without underlying belief.
What are the recommended responses to bias in Just Work?
- Use "I" Statements: Respond to bias with "I" statements to invite the other person to consider your perspective without attacking their character.
- Encourage Reflection: This approach encourages reflection and learning, helping the person recognize the impact of their actions.
- Foster Open Dialogue: "I" statements create a space for open dialogue, leading to better understanding and improved relationships.
How can leaders prevent bias, prejudice, and bullying according to Just Work?
- Create a Culture of Respect: Leaders must actively work to ensure all team members feel safe to express themselves.
- Implement Checks and Balances: Management systems should include checks to prevent power abuse and hold leaders accountable.
- Encourage Upstanding Behavior: Leaders should promote upstanding behavior, making it clear that intervening against bias and bullying is expected.
What is the "toxonomy" mentioned in Just Work?
- Definition of Toxonomy: A framework to identify and differentiate between bias, prejudice, bullying, discrimination, harassment, and physical violations.
- Purpose of Toxonomy: It helps address each problem with the appropriate response and solution.
- Facilitating Understanding: Aids in understanding workplace dynamics and building solidarity among those experiencing related issues.
What are some effective strategies for upstanders in Just Work?
- Direct Intervention: Use "you" statements to hold the person causing harm accountable.
- Create Distractions: If direct confrontation is risky, create distractions to diffuse the situation.
- Support the Harmed: Check in with the person harmed, offering support and solidarity to help them feel less isolated.
What’s Radical Respect about?
- Focus on Workplace Justice: Addresses bias, prejudice, bullying, discrimination, harassment, and physical violations in the workplace.
- Framework for Action: Provides a framework for leaders and employees to recognize and combat these issues effectively.
- Personal Experiences: Shares the author's experiences, illustrating real-world implications of workplace injustices.
How does Radical Respect define institutional courage?
- Definition: Commitment of leaders to seek truth and act on behalf of those harmed by misconduct.
- Importance of Accountability: Leaders hold themselves accountable, fostering trust and encouraging reporting of misconduct.
- Proactive Prevention: Emphasizes creating a culture prioritizing safety and respect, not just responding to incidents.
What are the best quotes from Just Work and what do they mean?
- "Your silence will not protect you." Emphasizes the importance of speaking up against injustice.
- "We can fix problems only when we are willing to notice them." Highlights the necessity of awareness in addressing workplace issues.
- "When they go low, we go high." Encourages responding to negativity with integrity and respect.
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