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Setting the Table

Setting the Table

The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business
作者 Danny Meyer 2006 336 页数
8k+ 评分
11 分钟
Listen to Summary (11 分钟)


1. 建立开明的款待文化,创造卓越体验


款待是一种对话。 它关乎与客人建立真正的联系,让他们感到你站在他们一边。这不仅仅是提供良好的服务;它还包括预见需求、表现同理心和创造难忘的体验。要实现这一点:

  • 关注让客人感到被看见、被听见和被重视
  • 培训员工成为款待的代理人,而不是守门人
  • 鼓励员工寻找机会超越期望

创造一个欢迎的环境。 注意那些有助于客人舒适和享受的细节,例如:

  • 周到的座位安排
  • 适当的噪音水平和音乐
  • 热情的问候和真诚的告别


2. 优先考虑利益相关者:员工、客人、社区、供应商,然后是投资者


把员工放在首位。 快乐、积极的员工是为客人提供优质体验的关键。优先考虑:

  • 具有竞争力的工资和福利
  • 成长和发展的机会
  • 积极支持的工作环境

与所有利益相关者建立牢固的关系。 虽然员工优先,但与以下各方的关系也至关重要:

  • 客人:专注于创造难忘的体验和建立忠诚度
  • 社区:参与有意义的外展活动并支持本地事业
  • 供应商:基于共同价值观发展互利的合作伙伴关系
  • 投资者:通过优先照顾其他利益相关者来实现可持续回报


3. 招聘情感技能(51%)优于技术技能(49%)


寻找“51%的人”。 这些人具备与你公司价值观和文化相符的强大情感技能。关键情感技能包括:

  • 乐观的温暖
  • 智慧(好奇心和学习意愿)
  • 工作伦理
  • 同理心
  • 自我意识和诚信

制定严格的招聘流程。 为了识别和吸引51%的人:

  • 使用行为面试问题
  • 实施“跟踪”系统,让候选人体验工作环境
  • 让现有团队成员参与招聘决策


4. 通过投资社区创造良性循环


参与有意义的社区外展活动。 寻找机会:

  • 支持本地事业和组织
  • 参与社区活动
  • 在改善社区方面发挥领导作用

鼓励员工参与。 通过以下方式将社区参与纳入公司文化:

  • 允许带薪休假进行志愿服务
  • 匹配员工对慈善事业的捐款
  • 认可和奖励社区参与

将社区努力与业务对齐。 寻找创造双赢局面的方式,让你的社区参与也能惠及你的业务。例子包括:

  • 赞助与品牌价值观一致的活动
  • 与本地供应商和组织合作
  • 创建展示你专业知识的项目,同时解决社区需求


5. 将错误转化为成长和客户忠诚的机会


将错误视为学习机会。 不要害怕错误,而是将其视为机会:

  • 改进你的流程和系统
  • 展示你对卓越的承诺
  • 与客户建立更牢固的关系

制定系统的方法来处理错误。 遵循以下步骤:

  1. 迅速且真诚地承认错误
  2. 立即采取行动纠正情况
  3. 提供适当的补偿或善意的表示
  4. 跟进以确保客户满意
  5. 分析根本原因并实施预防措施

写好最后一章。 在应对错误时超越期望,将负面体验转化为积极体验。这通常会导致客户忠诚度增加和口碑传播。


6. 通过持续、温和的压力来维持标准和推动改进


设定明确的期望。 清晰传达你的标准和不可妥协的价值观给所有团队成员。这为决策和绩效提供了框架。

持续强化标准。 定期:

  • 观察并提供绩效反馈
  • 认可和奖励卓越表现
  • 及时且建设性地解决问题

在坚定与同理心之间取得平衡。 在施加压力时:

  • 保持一致的方法
  • 保持支持和教练的心态
  • 关注改进而非惩罚


7. 根据背景、时机和核心价值做出战略决策


全面评估机会。 在考虑新业务或合作伙伴关系时,评估:

  • 背景:是否与品牌和价值观一致?
  • 时机:你的组织是否准备好迎接这个机会?
  • 核心价值:这个决定是否会强化或损害你的原则?

愿意说不。 有时最好的决定是你拒绝的机会。考虑:

  • 如果这个交易是免费的,你会做吗?
  • 它是否让你感到兴奋和充满能量?
  • 你能在这个领域成为领导者吗?

坚持你的愿景。 不要为了短期利益而妥协你的长期目标。做出那些:

  • 增强你整体战略目标的决策
  • 让你创造出突破性和新颖的东西
  • 惠及你现有业务的决策


8. 培养一个多元化的团队,补充你的优势和劣势


建立一个全面的领导团队。 围绕自己聚集那些:

  • 带来多样化的视角和专业知识
  • 建设性地挑战你的思维
  • 共享你的核心价值观和愿景

鼓励开放的对话和辩论。 创建一个文化:

  • 不同观点受到欢迎和尊重
  • 通过共识建立做出决策
  • 每个人都感到有权贡献想法

认识并解决自己的局限。 对以下方面保持自我意识:

  • 你的优势和劣势
  • 你需要支持或发展的领域
  • 可能影响决策的盲点


9. 通过款待在任何行业中区分你的业务


广泛应用款待原则。 款待不仅限于餐厅;它可以成为任何业务的差异化因素:

  • 专注于与客户建立积极的情感联系
  • 培训所有员工具备款待心态
  • 寻找机会超越期望并创造难忘的体验

定制你的方法。 将款待原则适应你的特定行业和客户群:

  • 确定款待可以产生影响的关键接触点
  • 开发行业特定的方法来展示你站在客户一边
  • 创建支持款待文化的系统和流程

衡量和奖励款待。 使款待成为关键绩效指标:

  • 收集客户体验反馈
  • 认可和庆祝卓越款待的例子
  • 将款待指标纳入绩效评估和激励计划


10. 在保持质量和组织文化的同时平衡增长


战略性和可持续地增长。 在考虑扩展时:

  • 确保你拥有必要的人才和资源
  • 在追求新机会的同时保持对核心业务的关注
  • 愿意对可能损害质量或文化的交易说不

保持组织的DNA。 随着你的增长:

  • 清晰阐明并强化你的核心价值观和文化
  • 制定强有力的培训和入职系统
  • 从内部提拔以保持连续性和机构知识

密切监控质量。 实施系统以:

  • 定期评估所有地点或部门的绩效
  • 收集并采取客户反馈
  • 在问题成为系统性问题之前迅速解决




What's Setting the Table about?

  • Focus on Hospitality: Setting the Table by Danny Meyer explores the transformative power of hospitality in business, particularly in the restaurant industry. Meyer shares his philosophy that prioritizing genuine hospitality leads to success and loyalty among customers and employees alike.
  • Enlightened Hospitality Concept: Meyer introduces "enlightened hospitality," which prioritizes the well-being of employees first, followed by guests, community, suppliers, and investors. This approach flips traditional business priorities on their head.
  • Personal Stories and Lessons: The narrative is filled with anecdotes from Meyer's life and career, illustrating the lessons he learned about business, leadership, and the importance of human connection.

Why should I read Setting the Table?

  • Invaluable Insights: Readers gain insights into the restaurant business and the importance of creating a welcoming environment. Meyer's experiences provide practical advice that can be applied to various industries.
  • Inspiration for Entrepreneurs: The book serves as a motivational guide for aspiring entrepreneurs, showcasing how passion and a commitment to hospitality can lead to success. It encourages readers to pursue their dreams while maintaining integrity and care for others.
  • Understanding Human Connection: It emphasizes the significance of human relationships in business, making it relevant for anyone looking to improve their interpersonal skills and customer service.

What are the key takeaways of Setting the Table?

  • Prioritize Hospitality: The book stresses that hospitality should be at the core of any business strategy. Meyer believes that how you make people feel is more important than the product itself.
  • Embrace Mistakes: Meyer discusses the importance of handling mistakes well, stating, "The road to success is paved with mistakes well handled." This perspective encourages resilience and learning from failures.
  • Build a Strong Team: The success of a restaurant relies heavily on its staff. Meyer highlights the importance of hiring individuals with emotional intelligence and a strong work ethic, coining the term "51 percenters" to describe them.

What is "enlightened hospitality" in Setting the Table?

  • Definition of Enlightened Hospitality: Meyer defines "enlightened hospitality" as a prioritization of people, starting with employees, then guests, and extending to the community and investors. This approach fosters a supportive and caring work environment.
  • Impact on Business Decisions: This philosophy influences every business decision Meyer makes, ensuring that the well-being of his team is always considered. It creates a culture of loyalty and commitment among employees.
  • Long-term Success: By focusing on hospitality and the needs of people, businesses can achieve sustainable success. Meyer argues that this approach leads to better customer experiences and repeat business.

How does Danny Meyer define hospitality in Setting the Table?

  • Hospitality vs. Service: Meyer distinguishes between hospitality and service, stating that service is the technical delivery of a product, while hospitality is how that delivery makes the recipient feel. This distinction is crucial for understanding his approach.
  • Emotional Connection: He believes that hospitality is about creating a dialogue with guests, making them feel valued and understood. This emotional connection is what sets successful businesses apart.
  • Team Sport: Meyer describes hospitality as a team sport, where every member of the staff plays a role in creating a welcoming environment. This collective effort is essential for delivering exceptional experiences.

What challenges did Meyer face while opening his restaurants?

  • High Expectations: Meyer faced immense pressure to meet the expectations of critics and guests, especially after the success of Union Square Cafe. This pressure sometimes led to stress and self-doubt.
  • Operational Difficulties: He encountered operational challenges, such as managing a busy kitchen and ensuring timely service. Mistakes in these areas often resulted in unhappy guests and negative feedback.
  • Personal Struggles: Meyer also dealt with personal challenges, including the loss of family members and the emotional toll of running a business. These experiences shaped his understanding of hospitality and the importance of human connection.

What is the significance of the "51 percent solution" in Setting the Table?

  • Emotional Skills Priority: The "51 percent solution" refers to the idea that emotional skills are more important than technical skills in hiring and managing staff. Meyer believes that people with strong emotional intelligence create better experiences for guests.
  • Hiring Philosophy: This philosophy guides Meyer's hiring practices, emphasizing the need for staff who are kind, empathetic, and eager to learn. He seeks individuals who can connect with guests on a personal level.
  • Team Dynamics: By prioritizing emotional skills, Meyer fosters a positive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated. This, in turn, enhances the overall guest experience.

How does Setting the Table address the importance of community in business?

  • Community Engagement: Meyer emphasizes the need for businesses to engage with their communities, suggesting that successful restaurants contribute to the vitality of their neighborhoods. This engagement fosters loyalty and support from local patrons.
  • Shared Ownership: He discusses the concept of "shared ownership," where guests feel a sense of belonging and connection to the restaurant. This feeling encourages repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth.
  • Long-term Relationships: By building strong relationships with the community, businesses can create a loyal customer base that supports them through challenges. Meyer believes that investing in the community ultimately benefits the business.

How does Danny Meyer handle mistakes in his restaurants?

  • Awareness and Acknowledgment: Meyer stresses the importance of being aware of mistakes and acknowledging them promptly. This proactive approach helps to address issues before they escalate.
  • Apology and Action: He advocates for sincere apologies and taking immediate action to rectify the situation. This includes offering compensatory gestures to guests affected by the mistake.
  • Learning from Mistakes: Meyer views mistakes as valuable learning opportunities for both staff and management. He encourages a culture where mistakes are discussed openly, allowing for growth and improvement.

What is the "constant, gentle pressure" management style described in Setting the Table?

  • Balancing Accountability and Support: This management style involves holding employees accountable for their performance while also providing them with the support they need to succeed. It creates a positive work environment that encourages growth.
  • Setting Clear Standards: Meyer emphasizes the importance of clearly communicating expectations and standards to staff. This clarity helps employees understand what is required of them and fosters a sense of ownership.
  • Encouraging Teamwork: The approach promotes collaboration among team members, encouraging them to support one another in achieving common goals. This teamwork enhances overall performance and morale.

What role do suppliers play in the philosophy of Setting the Table?

  • Building Relationships: Meyer emphasizes the importance of developing strong, respectful relationships with suppliers. This mutual respect fosters loyalty and ensures a reliable supply chain.
  • Shared Values: He seeks suppliers who align with the company’s values and commitment to quality. This alignment enhances the overall integrity of the business.
  • Win-Win Transactions: The goal is to create mutually beneficial arrangements that support both the restaurant and its suppliers. This approach leads to better products and services for guests.

How does Danny Meyer define success in Setting the Table?

  • Beyond Profitability: Meyer believes that true success goes beyond financial metrics; it encompasses the quality of relationships with employees, guests, and the community. A successful business is one that nurtures these connections.
  • Creating a Positive Impact: Success is also measured by the positive impact a business has on its community and stakeholders. This includes contributing to social causes and fostering a culture of care.
  • Sustainable Growth: Meyer advocates for sustainable growth that prioritizes quality and hospitality over rapid expansion. This long-term perspective ensures that the business remains true to its core values.


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