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The Fiat Standard

The Fiat Standard

Debt Slavery Alternative to Human Civilization
作者 Saifedean Ammous 2024 384 页数
1k+ 评分


1. 法定货币标准源于政府对黄金义务的违约


历史转变。 法定货币标准起源于1915年,当时英格兰银行暂停了黄金可兑换性。这标志着从以黄金为基础的货币体系向以政府法令为基础的体系的转变。这个过程是渐进的,持续了数十年:

  • 1914年:英格兰银行暂停黄金可兑换性
  • 1922年:热那亚会议建立黄金兑换标准
  • 1931年:英国放弃黄金标准
  • 1934年:美国对黄金贬值美元
  • 1944年:布雷顿森林协议确立美元为全球储备货币
  • 1971年:美国结束美元的黄金可兑换性,完成向法定货币的转变

动机与后果。 政府放弃黄金标准是为了获得货币灵活性,特别是在融资战争和福利项目方面。这一转变允许实施通货膨胀政策,并增强政府对经济的控制,但以牺牲长期货币稳定为代价。

2. 法定货币通过借贷创造,扭曲经济激励


货币创造过程。 在法定货币体系中,大多数新货币是在银行发放贷款时创造的。这一过程被称为部分准备金银行制度,允许银行贷出超过其储备的更多资金。该体系的后果包括:

  • 通过信贷扩张增加货币供应
  • 随着信贷的扩张和收缩,经济出现繁荣与萧条
  • 个人和企业承担更多债务的激励
  • 难以衡量真实的货币供应

经济扭曲。 法定货币体系的货币创造过程导致了几种经济扭曲:

  • 错误投资:宽松信贷鼓励对无利可图项目的投资
  • 商业周期:信贷的扩张和收缩导致经济不稳定
  • 财富不平等:最接近新货币的人受益最多(坎蒂隆效应)
  • 道德风险:银行冒险过大,知道自己会被救助

3. 法定货币鼓励债务,抑制储蓄,提高时间偏好


金融行为的转变。 法定货币标准从根本上改变了个人和社会对储蓄和借贷的看法:

  • 由于货币贬值,储蓄变得不再吸引人
  • 低利率和通货膨胀激励借贷
  • 个人被迫向风险更高的投资倾斜以战胜通货膨胀
  • 短期思维(高时间偏好)变得更加普遍

社会影响。 这些金融行为的变化产生了深远的后果:

  • 减少长期经济增长所需的资本积累
  • 个人和企业的金融脆弱性增加
  • 社会长期规划和投资的侵蚀
  • 建筑、家庭结构和文化价值观的变化

4. 政府对食品和能源市场的干预产生负面后果


食品市场扭曲。 政府政策和补贴显著改变了食品生产和消费:

  • 促进工业农业和加工食品
  • 对玉米和大豆等作物的补贴,导致过度生产
  • 基于可疑科学的错误饮食指南
  • 食品营养质量下降和肥胖率上升

能源市场干预。 法定货币资助的政府对能源市场的干预导致了:

  • 对低效“可再生”能源的补贴
  • 对可靠能源基础设施的投资不足
  • 在实施激进绿色政策的国家,能源成本上升
  • 能源安全性增加和电网不稳定

5. 法定融资腐蚀科学和学术研究


学术激励。 法定货币体系改变了科学研究和学术界的激励:

  • 强调发表数量而非质量
  • 研究集中于获取政府资助而非追求真理
  • 无意义或欺诈性研究的泛滥
  • 大学行政膨胀的增长

发展经济学。 由法定机构资助的发展经济学领域对发展中国家产生了负面影响:

  • 促进不可持续的债务融资发展模式
  • 将外国设计的政策强加于地方经济
  • 造成对国际金融机构的依赖
  • 忽视基于市场的解决方案和地方知识

6. 法定体系使政府支出和债务不可持续


政府扩张。 法定标准允许政府通过货币扩张而非税收来融资支出:

  • 福利国家和军事工业复合体的增长
  • 能够在没有立即经济后果的情况下进行长期战争
  • 官僚机构和监管机构的扩张
  • 大规模公共债务的积累

全球影响。 法定体系对政府支出的支持具有全球性后果:

  • 美元作为全球储备货币,允许“过度特权”
  • 促进法定政策的国际组织(国际货币基金组织、世界银行)的增长
  • 由于货币失衡而加剧的地缘政治紧张
  • 许多国家财政纪律的侵蚀

7. 比特币提供了一种具有独特属性的替代货币体系


关键创新。 比特币引入了几项使其与法定货币区分开来的创新:

  • 固定的供应计划,免受政治操控
  • 去中心化的共识机制(工作量证明)
  • 无国界、无需许可的交易
  • 将货币创造与借贷分离

潜在影响。 比特币的日益普及可能导致:

  • 货币通胀的减少,回归稳健货币原则
  • 增强金融隐私和抵制审查的能力
  • 传统金融机构的去中介化
  • 不受任何政府控制的全球中立货币标准

8. 比特币挖矿消耗能源,但激励廉价电力生产


能源消耗。 比特币的工作量证明挖矿确实消耗了大量能源:

  • 当前估计在100-150 TWh/年之间
  • 相当于小国的能源消耗

积极激励。 然而,比特币挖矿在能源市场创造了独特的激励:

  • 鼓励开发被闲置和浪费的能源资源
  • 为非高峰电力提供需求,稳定电网
  • 激励对廉价、可靠能源来源的投资
  • 作为过剩能源生产的最后买家

9. 比特币的难度调整确保安全性和受控供应


自适应安全性。 难度调整机制对比特币的安全性和货币政策至关重要:

  • 自动调整挖矿难度,以维持10分钟的区块时间
  • 确保增加的挖矿能力不会导致更快的币发行
  • 无论总网络哈希率如何,保持可预测的供应计划

经济影响。 难度调整具有重要的经济效应:

  • 使比特币成为唯一具有完全无弹性供应的资产
  • 确保挖矿成本趋向于区块奖励的价值
  • 随着比特币价值的增加,创造自我强化的安全模型

10. 比特币实现了一个基于全准备金银行的新金融体系


金融体系转型。 比特币的特性可能导致一个根本不同的金融体系:

  • 回归全准备金银行,消除部分准备金风险
  • 将货币与信贷分离,降低系统性金融风险
  • 强调股权融资而非债务融资
  • 由于缺乏最后贷款人,减少道德风险

社会影响。 基于比特币的金融体系可能导致:

  • 经济稳定性增加,商业周期减少
  • 储蓄率提高,时间偏好降低
  • 基于真实市场信号的资本更有效配置
  • 减少政府通过货币通胀融资赤字的能力



What's The Fiat Standard about?

  • Exploration of Fiat Money: The Fiat Standard by Saifedean Ammous examines the nature and implications of fiat money, contrasting it with hard money like gold and bitcoin.
  • Critique of Fiat Systems: Ammous critiques the fiat monetary system, arguing it leads to debt slavery and distorts economic incentives.
  • Bitcoin as an Alternative: The book highlights bitcoin as a more stable and sound monetary system, offering a solution to the problems created by fiat money.
  • Historical Context: It provides historical insights into the evolution of money and the emergence of fiat systems.

Why should I read The Fiat Standard?

  • Understanding Modern Economics: The book provides insights into the functioning of modern economies dominated by fiat currencies.
  • Critical Perspective: Ammous encourages readers to question the status quo and consider alternatives like bitcoin.
  • Broader Implications: It discusses the societal impacts of fiat money on family structures, food production, and education.
  • Informed Decision-Making: The insights can help make informed decisions regarding investments and savings in a digital currency-influenced world.

What are the key takeaways of The Fiat Standard?

  • Fiat Equals Debt Slavery: Ammous argues that the fiat system creates a cycle of debt that enslaves individuals and governments.
  • Bitcoin's Advantages: Bitcoin is presented as a superior alternative due to its fixed supply and decentralized nature.
  • Economic Freedom: The book advocates for a monetary system that promotes individual freedom and economic growth.
  • Inflationary Nature of Fiat: Fiat money leads to inflation, economic instability, and a loss of individual financial sovereignty.

How does The Fiat Standard define fiat money?

  • Government-Issued Currency: Fiat money is currency declared legal tender by a government, not backed by a physical commodity like gold.
  • Debt-Based System: It operates on a debt-based system where new money is created through lending.
  • Lack of Intrinsic Value: Fiat money lacks intrinsic value, relying on trust in the issuing government.
  • Inflationary Nature: It is subject to inflation, as governments can print more money, decreasing purchasing power over time.

What is the significance of bitcoin in The Fiat Standard?

  • Decentralized Currency: Bitcoin is portrayed as a decentralized alternative to fiat money, free from government control.
  • Store of Value: It serves as a reliable store of value, especially in times of economic uncertainty.
  • Global Financial System: Bitcoin has the potential to transform the global financial system by providing a stable, borderless currency.
  • Economic Freedom: It promotes individual financial sovereignty and reduces reliance on government-controlled financial systems.

What are the societal impacts of fiat money discussed in The Fiat Standard?

  • Increased Time Preference: Fiat money raises individuals' time preference, focusing on immediate gratification over long-term planning.
  • Destruction of Savings: It undermines the ability to save effectively, as it is subject to inflation.
  • Impact on Food Production: Fiat money influences agricultural practices, leading to industrial farming methods prioritizing short-term profits.
  • Government Control: It allows governments to exert control over the economy, leading to economic distortions.

How does The Fiat Standard compare fiat money to bitcoin?

  • Hard vs. Soft Money: Fiat money is easily produced and subject to inflation, while bitcoin is scarce and designed to retain value.
  • Salability Across Space and Time: Bitcoin combines the advantages of both fiat and gold, offering high salability across space and time.
  • Decentralization: Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, reducing the risk of government manipulation and control.
  • Financial Sovereignty: Bitcoin provides individuals with greater control over their finances, contrasting with fiat's centralized nature.

What is the concept of "fiat mining" in The Fiat Standard?

  • Lending as Mining: Fiat money is created through lending, likened to mining, where financial institutions "mine" new fiat tokens by issuing loans.
  • Inflationary Consequences: This process leads to inflation, as more money is created without a corresponding increase in real wealth.
  • Debt Incentives: The structure of fiat mining incentivizes individuals and institutions to accumulate debt.
  • Cycle of Debt Slavery: It further entrenches the cycle of debt slavery, as described by Ammous.

How does The Fiat Standard address the issue of inflation?

  • Inflation as a Systemic Issue: Inflation is a natural consequence of the fiat system, driven by the constant creation of new money through lending.
  • CPI and Measurement Problems: The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is critiqued as a flawed measure of inflation.
  • Long-Term Consequences: Unchecked inflation can lead to economic instability and crises, as seen in historical hyperinflation episodes.
  • Need for Sound Money: Ammous emphasizes the need for sound money to mitigate these risks.

What are the best quotes from The Fiat Standard and what do they mean?

  • "Fiat has effectively destroyed savings as a financial instrument.": Highlights how fiat money undermines the ability to save effectively.
  • "The monetization and universalization of debt is also a war on savings.": Emphasizes the shift towards a debt-driven economy.
  • "Bitcoin effectively combines gold’s salability across time with fiat’s salability across space.": Illustrates bitcoin's unique advantages as a monetary system.
  • "Fiat money is a tool for governments to control their citizens.": Suggests that fiat currencies enable state control over economic activity.

How does The Fiat Standard address the issue of energy consumption in bitcoin mining?

  • Energy as a Resource: Bitcoin mining utilizes energy that would otherwise be wasted, such as excess natural gas from oil extraction.
  • Incentivizing Energy Production: Bitcoin creates incentives for the development of cheap and renewable energy sources.
  • Efficiency of Mining: The efficiency of bitcoin mining operations is driven by the need for low-cost energy.
  • Innovations in Energy: This leads to innovations in energy production and consumption.

What are the potential risks of adopting bitcoin according to The Fiat Standard?

  • Government Regulation: Potential for government crackdowns on bitcoin, though its decentralized nature makes it difficult to eliminate.
  • Market Volatility: Bitcoin is subject to significant price volatility, which can deter some investors.
  • Technological Vulnerabilities: Risk of software bugs and technological failures, mitigated by bitcoin's open-source nature.
  • Emerging Technology: Volatility is a natural characteristic of emerging technologies and markets.


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