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The New One Minute Manager

The New One Minute Manager

作者 Kenneth H. Blanchard 1981 112 页数
100k+ 评分
8 分钟


1. 新的一分钟经理适应当今快节奏的世界


协作式领导。 新的一分钟经理认识到传统的自上而下的管理在当今快速变化的商业环境中已不再有效。相反,他采用更具协作性的方式,与团队成员并肩工作,共同设定目标、做出决策并实现结果。这种转变使组织能够更加灵活和响应市场需求。

平衡结果和人员。 新的一分钟经理明白,成功来自于既实现结果又发展人员。通过关注这两个方面,他创造了一个员工感到被重视和参与的环境,从而提高了生产力和创新能力。这种方法有助于吸引和留住人才,这在当今竞争激烈的就业市场中至关重要。

2. 设定一分钟目标以获得清晰和专注


简明清晰的目标。 一分钟目标写在一页纸上,不超过两段,使其易于审阅和理解。这种简洁性确保员工能够快速掌握他们的目标,并专注于最重要的事情。

定期审查和对齐。 鼓励员工每天审查他们的目标,这只需要几分钟。这种做法帮助他们:

  • 与组织目标保持一致
  • 识别他们的行动可能未能贡献于目标实现的领域
  • 对工作方法进行必要的调整
  • 保持动力和参与度

3. 给予一分钟表扬以鼓励和激励


即时和具体的反馈。 一分钟表扬在经理注意到良好表现时立即给予。表扬是具体的,详细说明员工做对了什么以及它如何对组织产生积极影响。这种即时和有针对性的反馈强化了期望的行为,并激励员工继续表现出色。

建立信心。 通过持续抓住人们做对的事情,尤其是在他们学习新任务或开始新项目时,经理帮助团队成员建立信心。这种方法:

  • 鼓励员工接受新挑战
  • 培养积极的工作环境
  • 提高工作满意度和参与度
  • 改善整体表现和生产力

4. 提供一分钟重定向以有效纠正错误


及时和专注的反馈。 一分钟重定向在错误或糟糕表现发生时立即处理。通过及时处理问题并一次专注于一个行为,经理防止了负面反馈的积累,并减少了压倒或使员工士气低落的可能性。

两部分结构。 重定向包括两个部分:

  1. 清楚地说明出了什么问题及其影响
  2. 重申该人的价值并表达对其改进能力的信心


  • 理解他们的错误而不感到个人受到攻击
  • 对自己的行为负责
  • 保持改进和成功的动力

5. 有效的反馈是激励人的关键


持续的绩效管理。 新的一分钟经理不依赖年度绩效评估,而是在全年提供持续的反馈。这种方法确保员工始终知道自己的表现,并能及时调整。

创建丰富反馈的环境。 通过持续提供正面和纠正性反馈,经理创造了一个文化,在这种文化中:

  • 员工感到他们的贡献被重视和认可
  • 绩效问题得到及时和有效的处理
  • 团队成员更加投入和有动力表现出色
  • 持续改进成为工作过程的自然部分

6. 在提供反馈时将行为与个人价值分开


关注行为而非性格。 在提供反馈时,尤其是在重定向时,区分个人的行为和他们的内在价值至关重要。这种分离有助于防止员工变得防御性,并使他们专注于改进表现。

保持尊重和信任。 通过在处理行为时始终尊重个人,经理:

  • 与团队成员建立更强的关系
  • 创造一个心理安全的学习和成长环境
  • 鼓励员工对自己的行为和发展负责
  • 培养持续改进和开放沟通的文化

7. 投资时间发展人员以获得更好的结果


优先发展人员。 新的一分钟经理认识到,投资时间发展员工为组织带来显著回报。这种投资包括:

  • 设定明确的目标和期望
  • 提供定期的反馈和指导
  • 提供学习和成长的机会
  • 授权员工接受新挑战

长期利益。 通过持续投资于人,经理:

  • 改善整体团队表现和生产力
  • 提高员工参与度和工作满意度
  • 减少人员流动及相关成本
  • 为未来的领导角色培养人才
  • 培养持续学习和创新的文化

8. 授权人们自我管理并享受工作


培养自主性。 新的一分钟经理鼓励员工对自己的工作负责并独立做出决策。这种方法:

  • 提高员工的参与度和工作满意度
  • 发展解决问题和决策能力
  • 改善整体生产力和效率
  • 使经理能够专注于战略问题而不是微观管理

创建合作伙伴心态。 通过将员工视为合作伙伴而非下属,经理:

  • 建立信任和相互尊重
  • 鼓励创新和创造力
  • 促进对结果的共同责任感
  • 创造一个更具协作性和愉快的工作环境

9. 在对行为严格和对个人支持之间取得平衡


严格但公平的方法。 新的一分钟经理在保持高绩效标准的同时,表现出对个人的真诚关心和支持。这种平衡有助于:

  • 有效地解决绩效问题而不使员工士气低落
  • 保持积极和激励的工作环境
  • 在团队成员中建立韧性和适应能力
  • 培养持续改进和问责的文化

根据个人调整反馈。 经理在提供反馈时应考虑每个员工的经验水平和个性:

  • 新员工或经验不足的员工可能需要更频繁的表扬和较温和的重定向
  • 经验丰富的团队成员可能受益于更具挑战性的反馈和更高的期望
  • 调整方法确保反馈既有效又易于接受

10. 根据变化的需求和情况调整管理风格


领导的灵活性。 新的一分钟经理认识到,不同的情况和个人需要不同的方法。这种适应性使经理能够:

  • 有效应对不断变化的商业环境
  • 满足团队成员的多样化需求
  • 解决新出现的挑战和机遇
  • 不断提高他们的领导效能

鼓励创新。 通过调整他们的管理风格并鼓励他人也这样做,领导者:

  • 培养创新和持续改进的文化
  • 授权员工找到问题的创造性解决方案
  • 提高组织的灵活性和竞争力
  • 创造一个将变化视为机遇而非威胁的环境



What's "The New One Minute Manager" about?

  • Overview: "The New One Minute Manager" by Kenneth H. Blanchard is a modern adaptation of the classic management book, focusing on effective leadership in today's fast-paced world.
  • Core Concept: It introduces a more collaborative approach to management, emphasizing the importance of engaging and motivating people to achieve both personal and organizational success.
  • Three Secrets: The book revolves around three key management techniques: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Re-Directs.
  • Purpose: It aims to help managers lead more effectively by fostering a work environment where people feel valued and are encouraged to contribute their best.

Why should I read "The New One Minute Manager"?

  • Adaptation to Change: The book provides insights into managing in a rapidly changing world, making it relevant for today's leaders.
  • Practical Techniques: It offers simple, actionable strategies that can be implemented immediately to improve management effectiveness.
  • Engagement Focus: The book emphasizes the importance of employee engagement and satisfaction, which are crucial for organizational success.
  • Proven Success: The principles have been used by millions worldwide, demonstrating their effectiveness in various settings.

What are the key takeaways of "The New One Minute Manager"?

  • One Minute Goals: Set clear, concise goals with your team to ensure everyone knows what is expected and what success looks like.
  • One Minute Praisings: Catch people doing something right and provide immediate, specific praise to reinforce positive behavior.
  • One Minute Re-Directs: Address mistakes quickly and constructively, focusing on the behavior, not the person, to encourage learning and improvement.
  • People and Results: Effective management requires balancing a focus on both people and results, as they are interdependent.

What is the "One Minute Goals" method in "The New One Minute Manager"?

  • Goal Clarity: Collaboratively set clear, concise goals with your team, ensuring everyone understands their responsibilities and what good performance looks like.
  • Written Goals: Have team members write down their goals on a single page, including due dates, to keep them focused and accountable.
  • Regular Review: Encourage daily review of goals to ensure alignment with current activities and make necessary adjustments.
  • Self-Management: Empower team members to manage themselves by regularly checking their progress against their goals.

How do "One Minute Praisings" work in "The New One Minute Manager"?

  • Immediate Feedback: Provide praise as soon as possible after observing positive behavior to reinforce it effectively.
  • Specific Praise: Clearly articulate what the person did right and how it contributes to the team's success.
  • Emotional Connection: Allow a moment for the person to feel good about their achievement, enhancing motivation and confidence.
  • Encouragement: Encourage continued good performance and express confidence in the person's abilities.

What is the "One Minute Re-Directs" technique in "The New One Minute Manager"?

  • Timely Correction: Address mistakes as soon as they are noticed to prevent them from becoming ingrained habits.
  • Fact-Based Discussion: Confirm the facts and review the mistake with the person, focusing on the specific behavior that needs correction.
  • Emotional Impact: Express how the mistake affects results and allow a moment for the person to reflect on the impact.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reaffirm the person's value, express confidence in their abilities, and support their success moving forward.

How does "The New One Minute Manager" explain the effectiveness of its methods?

  • Feedback Importance: The book emphasizes that feedback is the number one motivator for people, helping them understand how they are doing.
  • Behavioral Focus: By separating behavior from personal worth, the methods encourage improvement without damaging self-esteem.
  • Simple and Quick: The techniques are designed to be quick and easy to implement, making them practical for busy managers.
  • Proven Results: The methods have been tested and proven effective in various organizations, leading to better performance and satisfaction.

What are the best quotes from "The New One Minute Manager" and what do they mean?

  • "The Best Minute I Spend Is The One I Invest In People." This quote highlights the importance of investing time in developing and supporting team members for long-term success.
  • "Feedback Is the Breakfast of Champions." It underscores the critical role of feedback in motivating and guiding people to achieve their best.
  • "Help People Reach Their Full Potential. Catch Them Doing Something Right." This emphasizes the power of positive reinforcement in unlocking people's potential.
  • "We Are Not Just Our Behavior. We Are The Person Managing Our Behavior." It reminds managers to focus on behavior, not personal worth, when providing feedback.

How does "The New One Minute Manager" address changes in the modern workplace?

  • Collaborative Leadership: The book shifts from top-down management to a more collaborative, side-by-side approach, reflecting modern workplace dynamics.
  • Employee Engagement: It recognizes the growing importance of employee engagement and fulfillment in achieving organizational success.
  • Adaptability: The methods are designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing managers to respond effectively to rapid changes in technology and globalization.
  • Talent Retention: The book emphasizes the need to attract and retain talent by creating a supportive and motivating work environment.

What is the role of the manager in "The New One Minute Manager"?

  • Facilitator: The manager acts as a facilitator, helping team members set goals and providing the support they need to achieve them.
  • Coach: By giving timely feedback and encouragement, the manager coaches team members to improve their performance and develop their skills.
  • Partner: The manager works alongside team members, fostering a sense of partnership and shared responsibility for success.
  • Leader: The manager leads by example, demonstrating the behaviors and attitudes that contribute to a positive and productive work environment.

How can "The New One Minute Manager" be applied outside of work?

  • Family and Friends: The principles can be used to improve relationships with family and friends by setting clear expectations and providing positive feedback.
  • Personal Development: Individuals can apply the methods to their own personal goals, using self-praising and self-re-directing to stay on track.
  • Community Involvement: The techniques can be used in volunteer and community settings to motivate and engage others in achieving common goals.
  • Everyday Interactions: The focus on clear communication and positive reinforcement can enhance everyday interactions and build stronger connections with others.

What is the significance of the "Symbol" in "The New One Minute Manager"?

  • Reminder of Importance: The symbol serves as a reminder to managers to take a moment each day to recognize the value of the people they lead.
  • Focus on People: It emphasizes that people are the most important resource in any organization and should be treated with respect and appreciation.
  • Encouragement to Reflect: The symbol encourages managers to reflect on their interactions with team members and ensure they are fostering a positive environment.
  • Visual Cue: As a visual cue, the symbol helps keep the principles of One Minute Management top of mind, reinforcing their application in daily practice.


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肯·布兰查德 是一位著名的领导力专家和畅销书作家。他合著了《一分钟经理人》和其他60本书,全球销量超过2100万册。他的作品被翻译成27种以上的语言,并被亚马逊评为前25名畅销书作家,入选亚马逊名人堂。1979年,布兰查德与妻子玛吉共同创立了肯·布兰查德公司,这是一家国际管理培训和咨询公司。他在圣地亚哥大学的执行领导力硕士课程中任教,并继续在领导力主题上写作和演讲。布兰查德在管理和领导力领域的影响力得到了广泛认可。

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