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The Slight Edge

The Slight Edge

作者 Jeff Olson 2005 168 页数
24k+ 评分
8 分钟


1. 微小优势:简单行动的时间复利


复利的力量。 微小优势的原理是,小而一致的行动,随着时间的推移,会带来显著的结果。这个概念通过一个富翁给他的儿子们提供选择的故事得以体现:一百万美元或一个每天翻倍的便士。选择便士的儿子最终获得了超过一千万美元,展示了复利增长的指数力量。

容易做,也容易不做。 微小优势的挑战在于,这些小行动既容易做,也容易不做。每天阅读十页好书,定期存一小笔钱,或做出健康的饮食选择,这些都是看似不起眼的简单行动。然而,持续选择做这些小事,随着时间的推移,才是成功与失败的分水岭。

  • 微小优势行动的例子:
    • 每天阅读10页个人发展书籍
    • 持续存一小部分收入
    • 每天锻炼15-30分钟
    • 通过写下三件感恩的事情来练习感恩

2. 成功是选择:每日决策的力量


日常选择塑造命运。 成功不是由宏大的行动决定的,而是由我们每天做出的微小决策决定的。这些选择在当下看似微不足道,但它们随着时间的推移积累起来,形成我们的人生轨迹。作者强调,我们完全可以掌控这些决策,从而掌控我们的人生方向。

复利效应。 正如积极的选择会积累成成功,消极的选择也会积累成失败。因此,意识到我们每日决策及其长期影响至关重要。微小优势既可以提升你,也可以拉低你,这取决于你持续做出的选择。

  • 每日选择影响的关键领域:
    • 健康与健身
    • 财务状况
    • 人际关系
    • 个人和职业发展
    • 整体幸福感和满足感

3. 两条人生路径:成功曲线与失败曲线


理解曲线。 人生不是直线前进的,而是沿着曲线——要么向上(成功曲线),要么向下(失败曲线)。成功曲线代表了5%实现目标并过上充实生活的人,而失败曲线代表了95%未能实现目标的人。这两组人之间的关键区别在于他们对微小优势的理解和应用。

责任与责备。 处于成功曲线上的人对自己的人生和选择负全责,而处于失败曲线上的人则倾向于责怪外部因素。这种态度上的根本差异决定了个人如何应对挑战和机遇,最终决定了他们的人生轨迹。

  • 成功曲线上人的特征:
    • 对自己的行为和结果负责
    • 专注于未来和可能性
    • 持续应用微小优势原理
    • 拥抱持续学习和个人成长

4. 掌握平凡:拥抱小而一致的行动


一致性的力量。 成功不是关于宏大、英雄的行动,而是关于掌握平凡——持续执行小而简单的行动,这些行动随着时间的推移会积累成显著的结果。这需要耐心和对过程的信任,因为结果往往不会立即显现。

克服即时满足感。 在我们快节奏的世界中,我们常常期望立即看到结果。然而,真正的成功需要拥抱延迟满足感并信任微小优势的过程。这意味着即使在没有立即看到结果时,仍然继续采取积极的行动,理解复利效应最终会带来显著的成果。

  • 掌握平凡的例子:
    • 持续出勤工作或练习
    • 保持规律的睡眠时间
    • 坚持预算和财务计划
    • 每天练习一项技能设定的时间

5. 微小优势的盟友:动量、完成、反思和庆祝


利用动量。 一致性创造动量,使得随着时间的推移保持积极习惯变得更容易。就像一个运动中的物体,一旦你开始采取积极行动,继续下去就变得更容易。这种动量帮助克服初始阻力,并为长期成功奠定基础。

完成的力量。 完成你开始的事情,无论多么小,都能建立信心并创造积极的动量。未完成的任务和未履行的承诺会消耗能量并制造心理杂乱。通过专注于完成,你为新的机会和成长清理了道路。

反思和庆祝。 定期的自我反思可以让你评估进展并做出必要的调整。同样重要的是庆祝你的成功,无论多么小。这会强化积极的行为并激励你继续前行。

  • 利用微小优势盟友的方法:
    • 设定并实现小的每日目标以建立动量
    • 定期回顾并完成未完成的任务
    • 安排每周反思会议以评估进展
    • 庆祝里程碑和成就,无论大小

6. 培养积极习惯:成功的七个关键


习惯的力量。 你的习惯,无论是积极的还是消极的,通过微小优势原理塑造了你的人生。通过有意识地培养积极的习惯,你可以利用复利增长的力量来实现你的目标并创造你想要的生活。

七个关键习惯。 作者列出了支持成功的七个关键习惯:

  1. 持续出现
  2. 保持积极
  3. 长期承诺
  4. 培养由信念支持的强烈愿望
  5. 愿意付出代价
  6. 实践微小优势诚信
  7. 通过持续学习投资自己
  • 发展这些习惯的方法:
    • 设定每日提醒来练习每个习惯
    • 找一个责任伙伴或导师
    • 记录你的进展并庆祝小胜利
    • 与积极的影响力为伴

7. 实现梦想的三步


写下来。 实现梦想的第一步是通过写下来使其具体化。这个表达目标的过程有助于澄清你的愿景并使其更具象化。具体说明你想要实现的目标,并为每个目标设定一个截止日期。

每天看一看。 定期查看你写下的目标,使其始终在你脑海中,帮助对抗趋于平庸的自然倾向。这种持续的提醒强化了你的承诺,并帮助你将每日行动与长期目标对齐。

从计划开始。 虽然你的初始计划可能并不完美,但有一个起点是至关重要的。计划本身的行为是有价值的,因为它让你朝着正确的方向前进。准备好在前进过程中调整你的计划,学习并适应。

  • 将梦想变为现实的步骤:
    1. 写下具体的、有时间限制的目标
    2. 每天查看你的目标
    3. 创建初步行动计划
    4. 朝着目标采取一致的小行动
    5. 反思进展并根据需要调整



What's The Slight Edge about?

  • Philosophy of Incremental Change: The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson focuses on the power of small, consistent actions that lead to significant success over time. It shows how daily disciplines can create extraordinary results in life areas like health, finances, and relationships.
  • Personal Stories and Examples: Olson includes personal anecdotes and testimonials from readers who have transformed their lives using the slight edge philosophy, demonstrating practical applications of the book's concepts.
  • Happiness and Success: The book explores the link between happiness and success, suggesting that happiness is a precursor to achieving goals, supported by findings from positive psychology.

Why should I read The Slight Edge?

  • Transformative Impact: The book offers a new perspective on achieving success through simple daily actions, encouraging readers to take responsibility for their lives and make conscious choices for improvement.
  • Versatile Principles: The principles can be applied to various life aspects, such as health, relationships, and career, making it a valuable resource for enhancing quality of life.
  • Inspiration and Motivation: Filled with motivational stories and practical advice, Olson’s engaging writing style makes the concepts accessible and relatable, inspiring readers to take action.

What are the key takeaways of The Slight Edge?

  • Small Actions Matter: Olson emphasizes that small, seemingly insignificant actions can lead to significant results over time, stating that “simple daily disciplines” are the difference between failure and success.
  • The Power of Time: Time is crucial in the slight edge philosophy, as it magnifies simple daily disciplines into massive success.
  • Happiness Precedes Success: Olson argues that happiness is not a result of success but a key ingredient for achieving it, quoting Albert Schweitzer: “Happiness is the key to success.”

What are the best quotes from The Slight Edge and what do they mean?

  • “Do the thing, and you shall have the power.”: This quote emphasizes the importance of taking action, suggesting that engaging in the right actions empowers you to achieve your goals.
  • “The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer.”: It highlights that challenges can be overcome with persistence and time, encouraging patience and commitment.
  • “You have complete control over the direction that the rest of your life takes.”: This reinforces personal responsibility, reminding readers that their choices shape their future.

What is the slight edge philosophy in The Slight Edge?

  • Incremental Improvement: The philosophy is based on the idea that small, consistent actions lead to significant improvements over time, illustrated with the metaphor of a penny doubling every day.
  • Daily Disciplines: It encourages practicing daily disciplines that may seem insignificant but compound to create major life changes.
  • Mindset Shift: Adopting this philosophy requires focusing on long-term benefits of consistent actions rather than immediate results, fostering resilience and patience.

How can I apply the principles of The Slight Edge in my life?

  • Set Daily Goals: Identify small, achievable goals to work on daily, such as reading ten pages of a book or saving a small amount of money each week.
  • Track Your Progress: Use a journal or log to track daily actions and progress, helping you stay accountable and motivated as you see cumulative effects over time.
  • Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Maintain a positive attitude and practice gratitude, as happiness is a key ingredient for success according to Olson.

How does The Slight Edge relate to happiness?

  • Happiness as a Foundation: Olson argues that happiness is essential for achieving success, stating that “happiness is the key to success.”
  • Daily Practices for Happiness: The book outlines simple daily practices like gratitude journaling and acts of kindness to increase happiness and create a positive environment for success.
  • Connection to Success: By fostering happiness through small, consistent actions, you create a solid foundation for achieving aspirations, intertwining the slight edge philosophy with happiness.

What are some common misconceptions about success discussed in The Slight Edge?

  • Belief in Quantum Leaps: Many believe success comes from dramatic breakthroughs, but Olson emphasizes that true success is built through consistent, small actions over time.
  • Instant Gratification: The culture of instant gratification leads to expecting immediate results, but success is a gradual process requiring patience and persistence.
  • External Factors: Some attribute success to external circumstances or luck, but Olson teaches that personal responsibility and daily choices are the true drivers of success.

How can I apply the slight edge to my health?

  • Daily Health Discipline: Commit to a simple daily health discipline, like exercising for a set time each day, leading to significant health improvements over time.
  • Focus on Nutrition: Make small, healthy dietary choices, such as opting for fruits and vegetables over processed foods, which compound to create a healthier lifestyle.
  • Track Progress: Keep a record of health-related activities to maintain motivation and accountability, reinforcing positive changes.

What role do mentors play in The Slight Edge?

  • Learning Through Modeling: Finding mentors who have achieved your aspirations can accelerate your growth and success by learning from their experiences.
  • Support System: Mentors provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability, helping you stay on track with your goals and offering valuable insights.
  • Mastermind Groups: Forming mastermind groups with like-minded individuals enhances learning and fosters a sense of community, supporting each other’s journeys.

How can I create a plan to achieve my goals using The Slight Edge?

  • Write It Down: Clearly articulate your goals in writing, making them specific and time-bound to solidify commitment and provide clarity.
  • Daily Review: Regularly review your goals to keep them fresh in your mind and stay focused, reinforcing your commitment.
  • Start with a Simple Plan: Begin with a straightforward plan outlining initial steps, remaining flexible and open to adjustments as you progress.

What is the importance of reflection in The Slight Edge?

  • Self-Assessment: Reflection allows you to assess progress and identify areas for improvement, helping you stay accountable and focused on goals.
  • Celebrate Successes: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements, no matter how small, to reinforce positive behavior and maintain motivation.
  • Adjust Course: Regular reflection helps recognize when you’re off track, ensuring you stay aligned with goals and continue moving forward.


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平均评分来自 24k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.


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