1. 胰岛素抵抗是慢性疾病背后的隐秘流行病
流行程度与影响。 胰岛素抵抗影响美国多达88%的成年人,是多种慢性疾病的前兆。它与心脏病、癌症、阿尔茨海默病以及其他日益普遍的疾病相关联。尽管其普遍存在,许多人甚至一些医疗专业人士对其重要性并不知情。
症状与诊断。 胰岛素抵抗的常见症状包括:
- 腹部脂肪过多
- 高血压
- 甘油三酯水平升高
- 皮肤标签或黑斑(黑棘皮病)
- 女性多囊卵巢综合症或男性勃起功能障碍
为了诊断胰岛素抵抗,医生应测量空腹胰岛素水平,而不仅仅是血糖。空腹胰岛素水平超过6 µU/mL可能表明存在胰岛素抵抗。
2. 过量胰岛素,而不仅仅是血糖,是代谢紊乱的根本原因
胰岛素的作用。 胰岛素是一种调节血糖的激素,但它也影响身体中的每一个细胞。当胰岛素水平长期偏高时,细胞会对其产生抵抗,导致胰岛素产生增加和敏感性下降的恶性循环。
超越血糖。 尽管大多数诊断关注血糖水平,但胰岛素本身是代谢健康更重要的指标。过量的胰岛素可能导致:
- 脂肪储存增加,尤其是在腹部
- 炎症和氧化应激
- 激素平衡改变
- 多个器官的细胞功能受损
3. 胰岛素抵抗影响身体多个器官和系统
广泛影响。 胰岛素抵抗影响身体的多个系统:
- 增加血压
- 改变胆固醇成分
- 促进动脉粥样硬化
- 促进阿尔茨海默病(有时称为“3型糖尿病”)
- 影响情绪和认知功能
- 女性:多囊卵巢综合症,生育问题
- 男性:睾酮水平低,勃起功能障碍
- 黑棘皮病(黑色皮肤斑块)
- 皮肤标签
- 痤疮增加
- 非酒精性脂肪肝病
- 胆结石风险增加
4. 生活方式因素,尤其是饮食,是胰岛素抵抗的主要驱动因素
饮食误区。 几十年来,低脂饮食的关注导致精制碳水化合物和糖的消费增加,这会使胰岛素水平飙升。这种方法更多是基于政治而非科学,显著促进了胰岛素抵抗的上升。
- 过量的糖和精制碳水化合物
- 高果糖消费
- 频繁零食和持续进食
- 缺乏富含纤维的全食物
- 久坐行为
- 慢性压力
- 睡眠质量和数量差
- 接触环境毒素
5. 限制碳水化合物是逆转胰岛素抵抗的关键
碳水化合物控制。 限制碳水化合物摄入,尤其是精制碳水化合物和糖,对于管理胰岛素水平至关重要。这种方法:
- 减少胰岛素峰值
- 促进脂肪燃烧
- 改善代谢灵活性
- 非淀粉类蔬菜
- 高质量蛋白质
- 健康脂肪(如鳄梨、橄榄油、坚果)
- 适量低升糖指数水果
餐食组成。 目标为:
- 55-70%的热量来自脂肪
- 20-30%来自蛋白质
- 5-20%来自碳水化合物(根据个人胰岛素敏感性而定)
6. 运动和睡眠在胰岛素敏感性中发挥关键作用
运动的好处。 体育活动通过以下方式改善胰岛素敏感性:
- 增加肌肉对葡萄糖的摄取,不依赖于胰岛素
- 减少炎症和氧化应激
- 促进脂肪减少,尤其是内脏脂肪
- 结合有氧运动和抗阻训练
- 追求高强度间歇训练以获得最大益处
- 整天频繁活动,以打破久坐时间
睡眠的重要性。 睡眠质量差或睡眠时间不足会迅速诱发胰岛素抵抗。优先保证每晚7-9小时的优质睡眠,并保持一致的作息时间。
7. 断食和限时进食可以改善胰岛素功能
断食的好处。 定期断食或限时进食可以:
- 降低基础胰岛素水平
- 改善胰岛素敏感性
- 促进自噬和细胞修复
- 增强代谢灵活性
- 16/8间歇性断食(16小时断食,8小时进食窗口)
- 每月进行一次或两次24小时断食
- 在医疗监督下进行延长断食
注意事项: 逐步开始,并咨询医疗提供者,尤其是如果你有既往健康问题。
8. 环境毒素助长胰岛素抵抗
- 空气污染(尤其是PM2.5颗粒)
- 烟草烟雾(包括二手烟和三手烟)
- 塑料和个人护理产品中的内分泌干扰物
- 农药和除草剂
- 在家中使用空气净化器
- 尽可能选择有机农产品
- 避免塑料食品容器和不粘锅
- 过滤饮用水
9. 通过有针对性的生活方式改变,胰岛素抵抗是可逆的
整体方法。 逆转胰岛素抵抗需要多方面的策略:
- 限制碳水化合物
- 增加健康脂肪和蛋白质
- 专注于全食物和未加工食品
- 结合有氧运动和抗阻训练
- 纳入高强度间歇训练
- 整天频繁活动
- 优先保证7-9小时的优质睡眠
- 练习减压技巧(冥想、深呼吸)
- 实施限时进食或间歇性断食
- 尽量减少接触环境污染物
- 跟踪空腹胰岛素水平和其他代谢指标
What's Why We Get Sick about?
- Focus on Insulin Resistance: The book by Benjamin Bikman explores insulin resistance as a central factor in many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.
- Comprehensive Overview: It provides a detailed examination of how insulin resistance affects various bodily systems, including heart health, brain function, reproductive health, and aging.
- Practical Solutions Offered: The author offers actionable advice on combating insulin resistance through lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and physical activity.
Why should I read Why We Get Sick?
- Understanding Chronic Diseases: The book is essential for anyone looking to understand the root causes of chronic diseases prevalent in modern society.
- Accessible to All: Dr. Bikman writes in a way that is accessible to both lay readers and professionals, making complex scientific concepts understandable.
- Empowerment Through Knowledge: By reading this book, you will gain insights into how to take control of your health and potentially reverse insulin resistance.
What are the key takeaways of Why We Get Sick?
- Insulin Resistance is Central: The book emphasizes that insulin resistance is a common condition affecting a significant portion of the population, often without their knowledge.
- Lifestyle Changes Matter: Dr. Bikman outlines specific lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, that can help combat insulin resistance.
- Connection Between Diet and Health: The author discusses how modern diets, particularly those high in processed foods and sugars, contribute to insulin resistance.
What is insulin resistance, as defined in Why We Get Sick?
- Reduced Insulin Response: Insulin resistance is defined as a reduced response to the hormone insulin, where cells require more insulin to achieve the same effect.
- Precursor to Diabetes: It can exist long before a person develops type 2 diabetes, making it crucial to identify and address it early.
- Systemic Impact: Insulin resistance affects multiple systems in the body, contributing to conditions such as heart disease, obesity, and neurodegenerative disorders.
How does Why We Get Sick link insulin resistance to heart health?
- Cardiovascular Connection: The book highlights that insulin resistance is closely linked to various cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension and atherosclerosis.
- Mechanisms Explained: Dr. Bikman explains how insulin resistance leads to increased blood pressure and changes in blood lipid profiles.
- Importance of Treatment: Addressing insulin resistance can lead to significant improvements in heart health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications.
What dietary changes does Why We Get Sick recommend?
- Control Carbohydrates: The book suggests significantly reducing carbohydrate intake, particularly refined sugars and starches, to lower insulin levels.
- Prioritize Protein and Fats: A diet rich in healthy fats and adequate protein is encouraged to maintain satiety and support metabolic health.
- Incorporate Fermented Foods: Including fermented foods like kimchi and yogurt can improve gut health and insulin sensitivity.
How does exercise impact insulin resistance according to Why We Get Sick?
- Types of Exercise: Both aerobic and resistance training are effective in improving insulin sensitivity.
- High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT is particularly effective for those short on time, as it can improve insulin resistance in a shorter duration.
- Consistency is Key: Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining insulin sensitivity, and the author encourages finding enjoyable forms of exercise.
What are the lifestyle factors that contribute to insulin resistance?
- Dietary Choices: Diets high in processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats can lead to insulin resistance.
- Physical Activity: Regular exercise is highlighted as a crucial factor in combating insulin resistance.
- Sleep and Stress: Insufficient sleep and chronic stress are also identified as contributors to insulin resistance.
What solutions does Why We Get Sick propose for fighting insulin resistance?
- Dietary Adjustments: Dr. Bikman recommends reducing carbohydrate intake and focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods.
- Increased Physical Activity: The book emphasizes the importance of regular exercise, including both aerobic and resistance training.
- Behavioral Changes: The author encourages managing stress and improving sleep quality to significantly impact insulin resistance.
What is the "dawn phenomenon" mentioned in Why We Get Sick?
- Definition: The dawn phenomenon refers to the natural increase in insulin resistance and blood sugar levels that occurs in the early morning.
- Impact on Breakfast Choices: Eating a high-carbohydrate breakfast can lead to higher blood sugar levels due to this phenomenon.
- Timing of Meals: Understanding the dawn phenomenon can help individuals plan their meals more effectively to optimize blood sugar control.
What are the best quotes from Why We Get Sick and what do they mean?
- “Insulin resistance underpins nearly every single chronic disease that we struggle with today.”: This quote encapsulates the book's central thesis that insulin resistance is a common root cause of many health issues.
- “Dietary fat is not the enemy; refined carbohydrates are.”: This statement challenges conventional dietary wisdom and emphasizes focusing on the quality of calories consumed.
- “Exercise is not just about burning calories; it’s about improving insulin sensitivity.”: This quote highlights the broader benefits of physical activity beyond weight loss.
How does Why We Get Sick address the role of inflammation in insulin resistance?
- Inflammation as a Driver: Chronic inflammation is a significant contributor to insulin resistance, with fat cells releasing inflammatory cytokines.
- Connection to Obesity: Obesity is often accompanied by chronic inflammation, further exacerbating insulin resistance.
- Strategies to Reduce Inflammation: Lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, can help reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity.
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