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Reimagining the Way You Relate to God
作者 Skye Jethani 2011 207 页数
4k+ 评分
11 分钟
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1. 伊甸园之后的生活:理解我们与上帝破裂的关系


人类的状况。 在伊甸园堕落之后,人类进入了一个充满混乱、丑陋和匮乏的世界。这种新现实在我们心中滋生了恐惧,促使我们寻求控制来减轻焦虑。然而,我们的控制尝试最终是徒劳的,往往是破坏性的。

宗教的回应。 各种形式的宗教作为试图重新控制我们混乱世界的尝试而出现。这些方法虽然看似多样,但都源于同样的恐惧和控制欲望。它们在一个不可预测的宇宙中提供了安全和可预测性的幻觉。

恢复的需要。 我们与上帝破裂的关系无法通过我们自己的控制努力来修复。相反,我们需要在与上帝的关系中进行根本性的转变——从恐惧驱动的操纵尝试转向恢复我们原本被创造来享受的亲密交流。

2. 四种姿态:人们与上帝关系的常见方式


理解姿态。 作者识别了人们与上帝关系的四种常见方式:

  • 在上帝之下的生活:通过顺服来取悦上帝
  • 在上帝之上的生活:试图利用神圣原则而不建立关系
  • 从上帝而来的生活:将上帝视为祝福和利益的来源
  • 为上帝而活的生活:在为上帝的国度成就事情中找到目的

每种方法的局限性。 虽然每种姿态都包含一些真理,但它们都未能达到上帝希望与我们建立的完整关系。它们常常导致失望、倦怠或对上帝性格的扭曲看法。

缺失的元素。 这些姿态缺乏的是与上帝本身的真正亲密交流。它们关注的是我们能从上帝那里得到什么或为上帝做什么,而不是简单地与上帝同在并享受他的存在。

3. 在上帝之下的生活:通过顺服控制的幻觉


规则的吸引力。 生活在“上帝之下”吸引了我们对明确界限和控制感的渴望。如果我们遵守规则,我们相信,上帝会祝福我们并保护我们免受伤害。这种方法常常导致律法主义和我们与上帝关系的交易性看法。

表现的负担。 这种姿态给个人带来了巨大的负担,要求他们保持完美的顺服。它可能导致:

  • 对未能达标的持续焦虑
  • 对那些不符合标准的人的评判
  • 对上帝的扭曲看法,认为他是一个严厉的任务主

控制的失败。 最终,生活在“上帝之下”未能提供它所承诺的控制。我们无法通过顺服操纵上帝,而我们的尝试往往导致更大的恐惧和与他人的冲突。

4. 在上帝之上的生活:没有关系的原则的欺骗


原则的吸引力。 “在上帝之上”的姿态认为宇宙由不变的法律或原则所支配。通过理解和应用这些原则,我们相信我们可以控制我们的环境并取得成功。这种方法常常将圣经简化为生活手册,而不是认识上帝的途径。

自给自足的幻觉。 这种姿态可能导致:

  • 对上帝的自主感
  • 对我们管理生活能力的过度自信
  • 忽视祷告和对上帝的真正依赖

知识的局限性。 虽然原则和知识是有价值的,但它们不能取代与上帝的活生生的关系。这种方法未能解决人类内心更深的渴望,尽管表面上看似成功,但常常让人感到空虚。

5. 从上帝而来的生活:消费主义基督教的空虚


消费者心态。 我们的消费文化深深影响了许多人对信仰的态度。上帝成为一个神圣的自动售货机,存在的目的是满足我们的需求和愿望。这种姿态将信仰简化为交易而不是关系。

自我中心的危险。 生活“从上帝而来”可能导致:

  • 一种权利感
  • 当上帝不符合我们的期望时的失望
  • 在困难时期崩溃的浅薄信仰

物质主义的空虚。 虽然上帝确实祝福我们并满足我们的需求,但将这作为我们信仰的焦点会让我们在灵性上营养不良。我们被创造不仅仅是为了接受;我们是为了与上帝本身的交流而被造的。

6. 为上帝而活的生活:使命驱动信仰的负担


目的的吸引力。 生活“为上帝而活”专注于为他的国度成就伟大的事情。这种姿态常常强调牺牲、服务和影响力。虽然这些是高尚的追求,但当它们与真正的与上帝的关系分离时,它们可能成为负担。

倦怠的危险。 这种方法可能导致:

  • 持续的努力和不足感
  • 将我们的价值等同于我们的成就
  • 忽视我们自己的灵性健康和与上帝的亲密关系

人类努力的局限性。 虽然上帝确实呼召我们参与他的使命,但我们的主要身份不是在于我们为他做了什么,而是在于我们与他的关系。我们的工作是从与上帝的交流中流淌出来的,而不是作为赢得他的爱或认可的手段。

7. 与上帝同在的生活:重新发现交流作为我们的真正目的


基督教的核心。 基督教信仰的核心不是在上帝之下、之上、从上帝而来或为上帝而活,而是与上帝同在。这是上帝在创造时的原本意图,也是他对人类的最终目的。

恢复关系。 与上帝同在的生活包括:

  • 珍惜上帝胜过一切
  • 通过基督与他联合
  • 在日常生活中体验他的存在

存在的变革力量。 当我们真正与上帝同在生活时,一切都会改变。我们的恐惧被平息,我们的身份得到保障,我们找到爱他人如同被爱那样的力量。

8. 信仰:放弃控制并拥抱信任


真正信仰的本质。 圣经中的信仰不是关于确定性或控制,而是关于信任和放弃。它是愿意放弃我们管理生活的尝试,而是依靠上帝的良善和爱。

克服恐惧。 信仰使我们能够:

  • 勇敢面对不确定性
  • 放开我们无法控制的环境
  • 体验来自知道我们被上帝掌握的平安

信任的旅程。 发展这种信仰是一个过程。它常常涉及怀疑和挣扎的时刻,但随着我们体验到上帝的信实,我们信任他的能力也会增长。

9. 希望:在上帝的存在中找到目的


真正希望的来源。 基督教的希望不是一厢情愿的想法,而是基于上帝的性格和应许的自信期望。它植根于相信上帝与我们同在,并在混乱中实现他的目的。

希望的变革力量。 带着希望生活使我们能够:

  • 在困难环境中找到意义
  • 在面对挫折时保持视角
  • 无论外部情况如何,都能带着目的和喜悦生活

培养希望。 我们通过以下方式培养希望:

  • 定期接触上帝的话语
  • 记住上帝过去的信实
  • 参与基督教社区,强化我们的希望

10. 爱:与上帝同在生活的终极表达


爱的中心地位。 爱不仅仅是基督徒生活的一个方面;它是与上帝同在生活的终极表达。它是当一切都消逝时仍然存在的东西。

爱的来源。 我们爱他人的能力源于体验上帝对我们的爱。当我们与上帝交流并接受他的爱时,我们被转变并有能力无私地爱他人。

爱的永恒本质。 虽然其他属灵的恩赐和经历是暂时的,但爱永远长存。它是上帝性格最清晰的反映,也是我们真正与他交流的最确凿标志。



What's "With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God" about?

  • Exploration of Relationship: The book explores different ways people relate to God, emphasizing the importance of a relationship with Him rather than using Him as a means to an end.
  • Five Postures: It introduces five postures of relating to God: Life Under, Over, From, For, and With God, with a focus on the last as the ideal.
  • Spiritual Reimagining: Skye Jethani calls readers to reimagine their spiritual lives, moving away from fear-based or utilitarian approaches to a more intimate communion with God.
  • Cultural Critique: The book critiques how cultural influences shape our understanding of God and encourages a return to a more biblical perspective.

Why should I read "With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God"?

  • Personal Growth: It offers insights into deepening your personal relationship with God, which can lead to spiritual growth and fulfillment.
  • Challenge Assumptions: The book challenges common assumptions about faith and encourages readers to examine their own beliefs and practices.
  • Practical Guidance: Provides practical advice on how to shift from a transactional to a relational approach to faith.
  • Cultural Relevance: It addresses contemporary issues in faith communities, making it relevant for modern readers seeking a more authentic spiritual life.

What are the key takeaways of "With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God"?

  • Life With God: The ultimate goal is to live a life with God, where He is the treasure, not just a means to an end.
  • Rejecting Control: True faith involves surrendering control and trusting in God's love and presence.
  • Experiencing God Now: We can experience God's presence in our daily lives, not just in the afterlife.
  • Love as the Foundation: Love is the greatest and most enduring quality in our relationship with God.

What are the five postures of relating to God discussed in the book?

  • Life Under God: Focuses on appeasing God through rituals and morality to gain His favor.
  • Life Over God: Sees God as a set of principles to be applied for a successful life.
  • Life From God: Views God as a provider of blessings and desires.
  • Life For God: Emphasizes serving God and accomplishing His mission as the primary goal.
  • Life With God: Centers on treasuring God Himself and living in communion with Him.

How does Skye Jethani define "Life With God"?

  • God as the Goal: Life With God is about making God the ultimate goal, not a means to an end.
  • Union with God: It involves being united with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Experiencing God: Encourages experiencing God's presence in everyday life through prayer and communion.
  • Love and Relationship: Emphasizes love as the foundation of our relationship with God.

What is the significance of the "eucatastrophe" in the book?

  • Unexpected Goodness: Eucatastrophe refers to the sudden appearance of goodness, akin to a divine intervention.
  • Christ's Coming: The coming of Jesus is seen as a eucatastrophe, revealing a new way of relating to God.
  • Illumination of Truth: It provides a glimpse of truth and joy, showing God's desire to be with us.
  • Transformation of Perspective: Encourages a shift from fear and control to trust and surrender in God's goodness.

How does "With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God" address fear and control?

  • Illusion of Control: The book argues that control is an illusion and cannot alleviate fear.
  • Surrender to God: True faith involves surrendering control and trusting in God's love and protection.
  • Freedom from Fear: Living with God frees us from fear, allowing us to experience peace and joy.
  • Role of Love: God's perfect love casts out fear, enabling us to live courageously.

What role does love play in "With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God"?

  • Central to Faith: Love is the central and most enduring quality in our relationship with God.
  • God's Love for Us: Understanding and experiencing God's love is foundational to living with Him.
  • Motivation for Action: Love motivates us to act selflessly and courageously, as exemplified by figures like Mother Antonia.
  • Eternal Quality: Unlike faith and hope, which will cease, love never ends and is the greatest of all.

What are some practical ways to experience a "Life With God"?

  • Prayer and Solitude: Engage in prayer and solitude to foster a deeper communion with God.
  • Scripture Engagement: Use practices like lectio divina to read and meditate on Scripture as a way to experience God's presence.
  • Daily Reflection: Practice examen to reflect on God's presence in daily life and grow in awareness of His love.
  • Community Worship: Participate in communal worship to connect with God and others in the faith community.

What are the best quotes from "With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God" and what do they mean?

  • "The gospel is not a way to get people to heaven; it is a way to get people to God." - This emphasizes that the ultimate goal of faith is communion with God, not just eternal life.
  • "Perfect love casts out fear." - Highlights the transformative power of God's love in freeing us from fear.
  • "Love never ends." - Stresses the eternal nature of love as the greatest quality in our relationship with God.
  • "Control is an illusion." - Reminds us that true peace comes from surrendering control to God.

How does Skye Jethani critique contemporary Christian practices in the book?

  • Consumer Christianity: Critiques the tendency to view God as a provider of blessings rather than the ultimate treasure.
  • Transactional Faith: Challenges the idea of using God to achieve personal goals or avoid punishment.
  • Cultural Influences: Examines how cultural values shape our understanding of God and faith practices.
  • Call for Reimagining: Encourages readers to reimagine their relationship with God beyond cultural and institutional constraints.

What is the ultimate message of "With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God"?

  • God as the Treasure: The ultimate message is to make God the treasure of our lives, not just a means to an end.
  • Life of Communion: Encourages living a life of communion with God, experiencing His presence daily.
  • Freedom from Fear: Offers freedom from fear through trust in God's love and protection.
  • Enduring Love: Emphasizes love as the greatest and most enduring quality in our relationship with God.


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