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Before Happiness

Before Happiness

The 5 Hidden Keys to Achieving Success, Spreading Happiness, and Sustaining Positive Change
by Shawn Achor 2013 272 pages
Self Help
Personal Development

Key Takeaways

1. Positive Reality: The Foundation of Success and Happiness

If you want to change your life, you first have to change your reality.

Reality shapes success. Our brains process only a fraction of the information we receive, meaning our perception of reality is a choice. By consciously choosing to focus on positive aspects of our environment, we can construct a reality that leads to greater success and happiness. This positive reality allows us to better utilize our cognitive resources, emotional intelligence, and social skills to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

Positive genius is key. The ability to consistently create a positive reality is called positive genius. It involves seeing multiple realities, choosing the most valuable one, and using it to drive positive growth. This skill is crucial for success in both personal and professional life, as it enables us to see opportunities where others see obstacles and to find solutions where others see dead ends.

Benefits of positive genius:

  • Increased motivation and engagement
  • Higher productivity and performance
  • Better problem-solving abilities
  • Improved relationships and social influence

2. Recognize Multiple Realities to Expand Your Perspective

Stop fighting stress. Stress is a fight-or-flight response, and when you fight or flee from it, you only make it worse.

Reframe your perspective. By recognizing that multiple realities exist in any given situation, we can choose the most beneficial one. This is particularly important when dealing with stress. Instead of viewing stress as purely negative, we can reframe it as a potential enhancer of performance and growth.

Add vantage points. To broaden our perspective, we need to deliberately seek out different viewpoints. This can be achieved by:

Techniques for adding vantage points:

  • Exposing ourselves to diverse cultures and experiences
  • Seeking opinions from people with different backgrounds
  • Practicing perspective-taking exercises
  • Engaging in activities that challenge our usual ways of thinking

By expanding our perspective, we become more adaptable, creative, and resilient in the face of challenges.

3. Map Your Path to Success with Meaningful Goals

Happiness led to success, true, but what gave someone—especially someone facing obstacles and hardships—the understanding that happiness was possible in the first place?

Identify meaning markers. To create an effective mental map for success, we need to identify what truly matters to us. These meaning markers serve as guideposts on our journey, helping us stay motivated and focused on our goals.

Diversify your meaning portfolio. A well-rounded set of meaning markers across various aspects of life provides multiple paths to fulfillment and success. This diversity helps maintain motivation and engagement, even when facing setbacks in one area.

Areas to consider for meaning markers:

  • Career and professional growth
  • Personal relationships
  • Health and well-being
  • Community involvement
  • Personal passions and interests

By aligning our goals with these meaning markers, we create a more purposeful and rewarding path to success.

4. Accelerate Success by Changing Your Perception of Goals

The closer we perceive success to be, the more successful we become.

Leverage the X-spot. Just as marathon runners experience a surge of energy when they see the finish line, we can create mental "X-spots" to accelerate our progress toward goals. By manipulating our perception of how close we are to success, we can tap into extra motivation and resources.

Strategies for accelerating success:

  • Proximity: Make goals seem closer

  • Break large goals into smaller, achievable milestones

  • Highlight progress made rather than distance remaining

  • Target size: Increase perceived likelihood of success

  • Focus on past successes in similar situations

  • Reduce perceived competition

  • Thrust: Decrease perceived effort required

  • Think in terms of objective units rather than effort

  • Manage time perception to make tasks seem shorter

By applying these strategies, we can create a reality where success seems more attainable, leading to increased motivation and performance.

5. Cancel Negative Noise to Boost Positive Signals

Signal is information that is true and reliable and alerts you to the opportunities, possibilities, and resources that will help you reach your fullest potential.

Identify and eliminate noise. To focus on valuable information (signal) that leads to success, we must first learn to recognize and filter out negative or useless information (noise). This involves developing criteria to distinguish between signal and noise, and actively working to reduce overall noise levels.

Criteria for identifying noise:

  • Unusable: Information that won't change your behavior
  • Untimely: Information you won't use imminently
  • Hypothetical: Based on "what could be" rather than "what is"
  • Distracting: Takes focus away from your goals

Strategies for reducing noise:
External noise reduction:

  • Limit exposure to negative news and media
  • Create quiet time for focused work
  • Curate information sources carefully

Internal noise cancellation:

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation
  • Challenge negative self-talk
  • Reframe worries in proportion to their likelihood

By reducing noise, we free up mental resources to better perceive and act on valuable signals that lead to success.

6. Transfer Your Positive Reality to Others Through Inception

Positive inception is not just about spreading happiness but about helping others see the reality in which success (and happiness) is possible.

Franchise success. To spread positive reality, identify simple, replicable behaviors or mindsets that lead to success. Share these "success franchises" with others to create a ripple effect of positivity and achievement.

Rewrite social scripts. Challenge and change prevailing social norms by introducing positive alternatives. Use the "power lead" technique to set a positive tone in conversations and interactions.

Create shared narratives. Develop emotional, meaningful stories that connect people to a shared vision of success. Use personal examples and beneficiary testimonials to make the narrative more impactful.

Techniques for positive inception:

  • Use humor to increase engagement and credibility
  • Leverage non-verbal communication to reinforce positive messages
  • Encourage peer-to-peer sharing of success stories
  • Appeal to emotion and personal values

By mastering these techniques, we can create a positive reality that spreads throughout our teams, organizations, and communities.

7. Use Adversity as a Tool for Team Bonding and Growth

Adversity, linked with the shared reality that our stress meant something, was what bonded us cadets together.

Reframe challenges as opportunities. Instead of viewing adversity as a purely negative force, we can use it to create stronger bonds within teams and foster personal growth. By framing challenges as shared experiences that lead to meaningful outcomes, we can increase engagement and commitment.

Create a narrative of triumph. After overcoming obstacles, take time to reflect on the journey and create a shared story of success. This narrative serves to reinforce positive realities and strengthen team cohesion.

Ways to use adversity for team building:

  • Celebrate overcoming challenges together
  • Share stories of past successes in the face of adversity
  • Create meaningful rituals or symbols tied to shared struggles
  • Use challenging experiences as opportunities for skill development

By embracing adversity as a tool for growth and bonding, we can create more resilient, motivated, and successful teams and individuals.

Last updated:

Review Summary

4.02 out of 5
Average of 3k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

Before Happiness receives mostly positive reviews, with readers appreciating its practical tips for increasing happiness and success. Many find the book's research-backed strategies and actionable advice valuable, particularly in work settings. Readers highlight concepts like the positive-to-negative interaction ratio, mental mapping, and noise canceling as insightful. Some critics note similarities to other self-help books or find certain chapters less engaging. Overall, most readers find the book thought-provoking and useful for improving their outlook and productivity.

About the Author

Shawn Achor is a prominent figure in positive psychology, known for his research on happiness leading to success. He spent 12 years studying happiness at Harvard University before authoring "The Happiness Advantage" and founding the Institute of Positive Research and GoodThinkInc. Achor's work challenges the conventional belief that success leads to happiness, instead proposing that happiness is a precursor to success. His TEDx talk, "The Happy Secret to Better Work," has garnered significant attention, becoming one of the 20 most-viewed TED talks. As an educator, author, and speaker, Achor has made substantial contributions to the field of positive psychology and its application in work and life.

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