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Life Code

Life Code

The New Rules For Winning in the Real World
作者 Phillip C. McGraw 2012 244 页数
2k+ 评分
8 分钟


1. 现实世界已改变:识别新威胁并适应


世界并非表面所见。 我们对世界运作方式的传统理解往往过时且天真。现实是,有些人积极寻求利用、操纵和伤害他人以谋取私利。这些人,Dr. Phil称之为BAITERs(背叛者、虐待者、冒名顶替者、索取者、剥削者、鲁莽者),他们没有同情心或悔意。

紧急意识至关重要。 为了保护自己和亲人,你必须培养对这些威胁的“紧急意识”。这意味着:

  • 认识到并非所有人都为你的利益着想
  • 警惕并观察人们的行为和动机
  • 当感觉不对劲时相信自己的直觉
  • 放弃天真的信念,即给予每个人怀疑的好处总是美德

调整你的方法。 新的现实需要一套新的技能和策略。这包括:

  • 学会识别潜在威胁
  • 发展更自信和积极的生活态度
  • 愿意为自己站出来并设定界限
  • 培养一个值得信赖的盟友网络

2. 识别BAITERs:警惕剥削者和操纵者


识别“邪恶八特征”。 BAITERs通常表现出这些特征:

  1. 傲慢的特权感并将人视为目标
  2. 缺乏同情心
  3. 无法感到悔意或内疚
  4. 不负责任并无视他人福祉
  5. 在戏剧和危机中茁壮成长
  6. 吹嘘自己比别人聪明
  7. 短期关系的模式
  8. 生活在幻想世界中,充满妄想

警惕警告信号。 BAITERs可能最初看起来很有魅力和乐于助人,但他们的真实本性往往会随着时间的推移显现出来。注意:

  • 言行不一致
  • 持续关注从你那里得到什么
  • 试图将你与他人隔离
  • 过度奉承或看似好得难以置信的承诺

相信你的直觉。 如果某人让你感到不舒服或触发内部警报,不要忽视这些感觉。花时间客观评估情况并在允许那个人进一步进入你的生活之前收集更多信息。

3. 了解“邪恶十五”:BAITERs使用的策略


注意操纵技巧。 “邪恶十五”是BAITERs常用的剥削他人的策略:

  1. 通过诱惑和奉承渗透生活
  2. 创建阴谋关系
  3. 寻求过度认可
  4. 收集数据并“建立档案”
  5. 保持神秘感
  6. 将问题归咎于他人
  7. 撒谎和使用半真半假的话
  8. 欺骗和偷窃
  9. 隔离受害者并培养依赖性
  10. 滥用权力和权威
  11. 识别并利用弱点
  12. 选择性记忆和重写历史
  13. 两面派和散布流言
  14. 由于偏执而先发制人地攻击
  15. 进行被动攻击的破坏

保护自己免受剥削。 了解这些策略可以让你:

  • 识别某人试图操纵你的时候
  • 避免落入常见的陷阱和骗局
  • 在关系中保持健康的界限
  • 发展应对操纵行为的策略

4. 停止成为目标:掌控你的生活


深刻了解自己。 自我意识对于避免剥削和取得成功至关重要:

  • 识别你的优势、劣势和核心价值观
  • 了解你的情绪触发点和脆弱性
  • 识别你行为和关系中的模式

设定明确的目标和界限。 通过以下方式掌控你的生活:

  • 为生活的各个方面定义具体、可衡量的目标
  • 建立并执行健康的关系界限
  • 学会对不符合你价值观或目标的请求或情况说“不”

培养韧性和自信。 通过以下方式建立内在力量:

  • 挑战消极的自我对话和限制性信念
  • 培养接受挑战和学习机会的成长心态
  • 围绕自己以支持和积极的影响
  • 练习自我照顾和压力管理技巧

5. 掌握新的“生活法则”:16个成功策略


接受“甜蜜16”策略。 这些强大的策略可以帮助你在现实世界中茁壮成长:

  1. 定义并保持一致的形象
  2. 创造独特的感知
  3. 玩“大”,而不仅仅是长久
  4. 优雅地接受赞美
  5. 成为你角色中的关键人物
  6. 了解你的真正货币(真正激励你的东西)
  7. 始终有一个计划
  8. 保持事情低调
  9. 始终处于调查模式
  10. 伸展并以成功的方式行事
  11. 保持选择的开放性
  12. 掌握并利用系统
  13. 创建一个充满激情的支持者核心
  14. 只处理真相
  15. 识别并利用他人的自我和贪婪
  16. 明智地选择你的战斗

始终如一地实施这些策略。 成功来自于:

  • 发展与这些原则一致的新习惯和心态
  • 定期评估你的进展并调整你的方法
  • 愿意走出舒适区
  • 保持长期视角,同时采取一致行动

6. 在生活的各个领域有效谈判


识别谈判机会。 谈判不仅仅是商业交易;它是一种日常生活技能:

  • 在关系中:讨论家庭责任,计划家庭活动
  • 在工作中:薪资讨论,项目分配,截止日期
  • 在社交场合:与朋友制定计划,解决冲突


  1. 做好功课并了解你的界限
  2. 了解对方的动机和“货币”
  3. 关注利益,而不是立场
  4. 寻找双赢的解决方案
  5. 必要时愿意放弃

练习并完善你的技能。 有效的谈判需要:

  • 积极倾听和清晰沟通
  • 情商和同理心
  • 创造性地解决问题
  • 耐心和坚持
  • 在压力下保持冷静的能力

7. 在当今充满挑战的环境中明智地育儿


了解新的风险。 现代育儿面临独特的挑战:

  • 在非传统家庭结构中虐待的风险增加
  • 网络危险和网络欺凌
  • 社区监督和支持减少
  • 快速变化的社会规范和技术

教孩子新的“生活法则”。 帮助你的孩子发展:

  • 识别潜在威胁的批判性思维能力
  • 自信和设定界限的能力
  • 情商和韧性
  • 强烈的自我价值感和价值观

保持参与并开放沟通。 在当今世界中有效育儿需要:

  • 与孩子保持开放的沟通渠道
  • 积极参与他们的生活,无论是线上还是线下
  • 创建一个安全的环境来讨论困难话题
  • 模仿你希望孩子发展的行为和技能
  • 随着孩子的成长和面临新挑战调整你的育儿方法



What's "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World" about?

  • Author's Perspective: Written by Phillip C. McGraw, also known as Dr. Phil, the book provides a guide to navigating the complexities of modern life.
  • Focus on Real-World Challenges: It addresses the challenges posed by manipulative and exploitative individuals, referred to as "BAITERs."
  • Empowerment and Strategy: The book aims to empower readers with strategies to protect themselves and succeed in various aspects of life.
  • Comprehensive Approach: It combines personal anecdotes, psychological insights, and practical advice to help readers understand and apply the new "Life Code."

Why should I read "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World"?

  • Practical Advice: The book offers actionable strategies for dealing with difficult people and situations in everyday life.
  • Self-Improvement: It encourages readers to take control of their lives by understanding their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Protection Against Manipulation: Readers learn how to identify and protect themselves from manipulative individuals.
  • Empowerment: The book provides tools to help readers achieve personal and professional success.

What are the key takeaways of "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World"?

  • Understanding BAITERs: Learn to identify and deal with manipulative individuals using the "Evil Eight" identifiers.
  • Self-Reflection: The book emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself, including strengths and vulnerabilities.
  • Strategic Living: It introduces the "Sweet 16" strategies for winning in the real world, focusing on proactive and purposeful living.
  • Negotiation Skills: Readers are taught how to negotiate effectively in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional settings.

What are the "Evil Eight" identifiers in "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World"?

  • Arrogant Entitlement: BAITERs see the world through a lens of entitlement and treat people as targets.
  • Lack of Empathy: They are incapable of understanding or caring about others' feelings.
  • No Remorse: BAITERs do not feel guilt and fail to learn from their mistakes.
  • Irresponsibility: They are self-destructive and disregard the well-being of others.

What is the "Sweet 16" in "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World"?

  • Defined Image: Create and maintain a consistent personal image.
  • Uniqueness: Stand out by embracing what makes you unique.
  • Play Big: Focus on making a significant impact rather than just longevity.
  • Essentiality: Become indispensable in your personal and professional life.

How does Dr. Phil suggest dealing with BAITERs in "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World"?

  • Spotting BAITERs: Use the "Evil Eight" identifiers to recognize manipulative individuals.
  • Understanding Tactics: Familiarize yourself with the "Nefarious 15" tactics BAITERs use to exploit others.
  • Self-Protection: Develop strategies to protect yourself from being targeted or manipulated.
  • Empowerment: Focus on building your strengths and maintaining control over your life.

What negotiation strategies does Dr. Phil recommend in "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World"?

  • Out-Fair the Opponent: Aim to be fairer than the other side to facilitate compromise.
  • Understand Their Wants: Identify what the other party truly desires to find common ground.
  • Do Your Homework: Research and prepare thoroughly before entering negotiations.
  • Know Your Limits: Set clear boundaries and stick to them during negotiations.

How does "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World" address parenting?

  • Prepare Children for Reality: Teach children to self-protect and navigate the real world.
  • Instill Awareness: Educate children about the risks posed by manipulative individuals.
  • Encourage Self-Discipline: Help children internalize lessons to become self-reliant.
  • Balance Protection and Freedom: Teach children to be aware without instilling fear.

What are some of the best quotes from "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World" and what do they mean?

  • "Life is a game: Be a player or be played." This quote emphasizes the importance of being proactive and strategic in life.
  • "You teach people how to treat you." It highlights the power of setting boundaries and expectations in relationships.
  • "Knowledge is power, and you can use that power to change the rest of your life." This underscores the value of self-awareness and learning.
  • "The truth will set you free." It encourages honesty with oneself as a foundation for personal growth and empowerment.

How does Dr. Phil suggest building self-awareness in "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World"?

  • Self-Reflection: Regularly assess your strengths, weaknesses, and personal truth.
  • Acknowledge Vulnerabilities: Identify areas where you are most susceptible to manipulation.
  • Embrace Strengths: Focus on nurturing and leveraging your unique abilities.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay informed and adaptable to changes in your environment.

What role does self-protection play in "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World"?

  • Vigilance: Maintain an "urgent awareness" of potential threats and manipulative individuals.
  • Boundaries: Set and enforce clear personal boundaries to protect yourself.
  • Empowerment: Use knowledge and self-awareness to strengthen your defenses.
  • Proactive Living: Take control of your life by making informed and strategic decisions.

How does "Life Code: The New Rules For Winning in the Real World" redefine success?

  • Beyond Material Gains: Success is not just about financial or material achievements.
  • Personal Fulfillment: It includes achieving personal goals and maintaining peace of mind.
  • Healthy Relationships: Success involves building and sustaining meaningful relationships.
  • Continuous Growth: Embrace lifelong learning and adaptability as key components of success.


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