1. 爱既是一种感觉也是一种行动,根植于自我奉献
爱 = 耶稣在十字架上。
爱的重新定义。 圣经将爱不仅仅视为情感或吸引力,而是为他人利益而自我奉献的承诺,耶稣的牺牲性死亡就是这种爱的典范。这种爱包含了感觉和行动。
- Ahava:一种强烈、坚定和承诺的希伯来概念
- Rayah:伴侣和友谊
- Dod:浪漫和性吸引
2. 婚姻是为了友谊、伙伴关系、性、家庭和共同成长
神对婚姻的目的。 婚姻不仅仅是为了个人的幸福或满足,它被设计为服务更大的目的:
- 友谊:深厚的伴侣关系和亲密感
- 伙伴关系:在生活使命或“园艺项目”中共同努力
- 性:独特的性结合和愉悦
- 家庭:生育和抚养孩子的潜力
- 共同成长:帮助彼此更像基督
超越个人满足。 健康的婚姻建立在共同的目标和使命感上,而不仅仅是浪漫的感觉。它是关于两个人合作服务神和他人,同时在个人和夫妻关系中成长。
3. 性是神的礼物,旨在婚姻中带来相互愉悦
对性的积极看法。 圣经将性视为神的美好礼物,旨在婚姻中带来愉悦和亲密。它不是肮脏或可耻的,而是爱的美丽表达和团结。
- 专属于婚姻中的男女
- 相互给予和接受愉悦
- 摆脱剥削或自私
- 涉及整个身心——身体、情感和精神
文化的扭曲。 我们的文化常常将性简化为纯粹的身体愉悦或将其商品化。圣经的观点提升了性,视其为一种深刻的、多维的亲密和结合体验。
4. 等待婚姻建立信任并为终身承诺做准备
性纯洁的好处。 等待婚姻再发生性行为不是压抑,而是建立信任和承诺的基础。它让情侣在没有过早身体亲密的复杂情况下发展情感和精神上的亲密。
- 在关系早期设定明确的身体界限
- 避免导致诱惑的情境
- 专注于建立友谊和共同兴趣
- 公开讨论你对性的价值观和期望
5. 性别角色平等但独特,旨在互补的伙伴关系中
平等和独特性。 圣经教导男女在价值和尊严上是平等的,但被创造时具有独特的优势和角色。这不是关于优越或劣等,而是关于互补的伙伴关系。
- 两性都完全反映神的形象
- 价值相等,功能不同
- 男人被召唤为仆人领袖
- 女人被召唤为受尊重的伙伴
6. 单身可以是更专注于神的召唤的礼物
单身的价值。 虽然婚姻是好的,但圣经也将单身视为一种有价值的状态。它允许对神和他的目的有不分心的奉献。
- 更多时间和精力用于事工和服务
- 有自由承担风险或要求高的使命
- 有机会建立多样和深厚的友谊
- 不分心的灵性成长
7. 所有性破碎都可以得到医治和救赎
恢复的希望。 无论一个人经历了性虐待、与成瘾斗争,还是做出了他们后悔的选择,福音都提供了医治和更新的希望。
- 承认痛苦和损害
- 忏悔罪过并接受神的宽恕
- 如有需要,寻求专业帮助
- 建立健康的社区和问责制
- 用圣经真理更新对性的认识
- 在治愈过程中练习耐心
8. 健康的关系需要社区支持和共同的信仰
社区的重要性。 浪漫关系不应存在于真空中。它们需要更广泛社区的智慧、支持和问责。
- 提供客观的观点和建议
- 提供问责和支持
- 帮助辨别婚姻的兼容性和准备情况
- 庆祝和加强关系
共同的信仰。 对基督的共同承诺为关系中的共同价值观、目标和冲突解决提供了基础。它使夫妻的目标和优先事项保持一致。
9. 真正的自由来自遵循神的设计,而不是文化规范
重新定义自由。 我们的文化常常将自由等同于不受限制的选择。圣经的观点认为,真正的自由是按照神的设计生活,这会带来繁荣。
- 文化:做你想做的任何事
- 圣经:做你被创造来做的事
What's "Loveology" by John Mark Comer about?
- Exploration of Relationships: "Loveology" delves into the complexities of love, marriage, sex, and gender roles from a Christian perspective, aiming to provide clarity and guidance.
- Biblical Foundation: The book is rooted in biblical teachings, using scripture to explore God's original design for relationships and how they have been affected by sin.
- Practical Advice: It offers practical advice for navigating modern relationships, addressing common issues like dating, marriage, and sexuality.
- Cultural Relevance: The book addresses contemporary cultural challenges, such as the redefinition of marriage and the impact of the sexual revolution.
Why should I read "Loveology"?
- Understanding Relationships: It provides a comprehensive understanding of relationships through the lens of Christian theology, which can be beneficial for both believers and those curious about Christian perspectives.
- Practical Guidance: The book offers practical advice for singles, those dating, engaged, or married, helping readers navigate their relationships with wisdom.
- Cultural Insight: It addresses current cultural issues, offering a countercultural perspective that challenges modern views on love and sexuality.
- Personal Growth: Readers can gain insights into their own relationships and personal growth, learning how to align their lives with biblical principles.
What are the key takeaways of "Loveology"?
- Love as Action: Love is both a feeling and an action, with the latter being more significant in sustaining relationships.
- Marriage's Purpose: Marriage is for friendship, partnership in life’s work, sexuality, and family, with a focus on mutual support and growth.
- Sexuality's Role: Sex is a gift from God meant to be enjoyed within the context of marriage, serving as a powerful bond between spouses.
- Gender Roles: The book discusses the biblical perspective on gender roles, emphasizing equality but also unique roles for men and women in relationships.
What are the best quotes from "Loveology" and what do they mean?
- "Love is a feeling and an action." This quote emphasizes that while emotions are important, the actions we take in love are what truly sustain relationships.
- "Marriage is about so much more than marriage." It highlights that marriage is not just about the relationship itself but about fulfilling a greater purpose together.
- "Sex is very good." This affirms the biblical view that sex is a positive and integral part of marriage, meant to be enjoyed and celebrated.
- "We are both the victim and the perpetrator of the crime." This reflects on the human condition post-fall, acknowledging our role in both experiencing and causing relational brokenness.
How does "Loveology" define love?
- Biblical Definition: Love is defined through the example of Jesus on the cross, emphasizing self-giving and sacrifice.
- Noun and Verb: Love is both a noun (a feeling) and a verb (an action), with the latter being crucial for lasting relationships.
- Self-Giving Nature: True love is about giving rather than getting, focusing on the well-being of the other person.
- Ahava: The Hebrew word for love, ahava, is explored as a deep, committed love that is as strong as death and unyielding as the grave.
What advice does "Loveology" offer for dating?
- Pace Yourself: The book advises taking relationships slowly to build a strong foundation of friendship before diving into deeper emotional or physical connections.
- Purposeful Dating: Dating should be intentional, with the goal of determining if the person is someone you want to marry.
- Community Involvement: Involve trusted friends and family in your relationship to gain perspective and wisdom.
- Avoiding Temptation: Set boundaries to avoid sexual temptation, keeping the relationship pure until marriage.
How does "Loveology" address the topic of sex?
- Gift from God: Sex is portrayed as a good gift from God, meant to be enjoyed within the context of marriage.
- Bonding Power: It serves as a powerful bond between spouses, reinforcing their unity and commitment.
- Cultural Misconceptions: The book challenges cultural views that reduce sex to a mere physical act, emphasizing its deeper spiritual and emotional significance.
- Avoiding Porneia: It warns against sexual immorality (porneia), advocating for sexual purity and fidelity within marriage.
What does "Loveology" say about gender roles?
- Equality and Uniqueness: Men and women are equal in value but have unique roles in relationships, as outlined in the Bible.
- Leadership and Partnership: Men are called to lead in a self-sacrificial way, while women are seen as partners who support and complement their husbands.
- Cultural Challenges: The book addresses modern challenges to traditional gender roles, advocating for a return to biblical principles.
- Freedom in Roles: While roles are defined, there is freedom in how they are expressed, allowing for cultural and personal variations.
How does "Loveology" approach the topic of homosexuality?
- Biblical Stance: The book maintains that God's design for marriage is between a man and a woman, viewing homosexual acts as outside this design.
- Compassionate Tone: It acknowledges the church's past mistakes in handling this issue and calls for a more compassionate and understanding approach.
- Identity in Christ: Emphasizes that identity should be rooted in Christ rather than sexual orientation.
- Invitation to All: The church is portrayed as a welcoming family for all, regardless of sexual orientation, encouraging a journey towards biblical living.
What is the significance of marriage in "Loveology"?
- Covenant Relationship: Marriage is seen as a covenant, not just a contract, reflecting God's unbreakable commitment to His people.
- Purposeful Union: It serves multiple purposes, including companionship, partnership in life's work, and raising a family.
- Reflecting God's Image: Marriage is a way to reflect God's image and love to the world, showcasing the unity and diversity of male and female.
- Lifelong Commitment: Emphasizes the importance of a lifelong commitment, with divorce seen as a last resort only in extreme circumstances.
How does "Loveology" suggest handling singleness?
- Gift Perspective: Singleness is viewed as a gift, offering unique opportunities for service and devotion to God.
- Contentment in Christ: Encourages finding contentment and purpose in Christ, rather than viewing singleness as a waiting period for marriage.
- Active Waiting: Singles are encouraged to actively pursue God's calling and personal growth during this season.
- Community and Relationships: Highlights the importance of deep, meaningful relationships within the church community for support and growth.
What practical steps does "Loveology" offer for building a strong marriage?
- Foundation of Friendship: Build a strong friendship as the foundation of your marriage, ensuring mutual respect and enjoyment of each other's company.
- Shared Mission: Center your marriage around a shared mission or calling, working together towards common goals.
- Regular Communication: Maintain open and honest communication, addressing issues before they become major problems.
- Prioritize Intimacy: Regularly invest in your physical and emotional intimacy, keeping the marriage bond strong and vibrant.
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