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Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office

Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office

101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers
作者 Lois P. Frankel 2004 288 页数
18k+ 评分
10 分钟
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1. 拥抱你的力量:重新定义成功


认识到你内在的力量。 许多女性难以看到自己的力量,这往往是由于社会的影响或过去的经历。然而,真正的力量来自内心,是你控制自己生活和选择的能力。这不是关于支配他人,而是自信地追求你的目标并坚持你的信念。

重新定义成功。 社会常常对成功有狭隘的定义,尤其是对女性。挑战这些观念,创造你自己的成就标准。这可能包括个人成长、对他人的影响、工作与生活的平衡,或任何与你的价值观一致的因素。记住,你有权定义成功对你来说是什么样子。

对你的职业轨迹负责。 不要等待别人认可你的潜力或给你机会。主动寻找挑战,为自己争取,并承担计算过的风险。当你拥抱你的力量时,你就成为自己职业故事的作者,而不是别人叙述中的被动参与者。

2. 掌握自我展示的艺术:外表、声音和行为


穿着得体。 虽然看起来很表面,但你的外表在别人对你专业形象的看法中起着至关重要的作用。投资于一个精致、合适的衣橱,反映你希望达到的成功水平。这并不意味着要符合过时的刻板印象,而是以一种在你特定行业中赢得尊重和关注的方式展示自己。

发展你的执行力。 这不仅仅是你的衣着:

  • 身体语言:站直,保持眼神交流,使用自信的手势
  • 声音:清晰地说话,音量适中
  • 举止:即使在挑战性情况下也要表现出冷静的自信

培养个人品牌。 识别你的独特优势和你为组织带来的价值。通过你的工作、互动和在线形象一致地传达这个品牌。一个强大的个人品牌会让你难忘,并将你定位为你领域的专家。

3. 自信且正直地应对职场政治


了解潜规则。 每个工作场所都有其独特的政治环境。花时间观察和了解组织内的权力动态、联盟和不成文的期望。这些知识对于做出明智的决策和有效地导航你的职业道路至关重要。

建立战略关系。 网络不仅仅是收集名片;它是与各级同事建立真正的联系。培养与以下人员的关系:

  • 可以指导你职业发展的导师
  • 会在幕后为你争取机会的赞助人
  • 可以提供支持和合作的同事

保持正直。 参与办公室政治并不意味着要妥协你的价值观。始终以诚实和道德行事。当面临困难情况时,寻求双赢的解决方案,既有利于你也有利于组织。你正直的声誉将在你的职业生涯中成为宝贵的资产。

4. 坚定地沟通:发声并被听到


找到你的声音。 许多女性在会议上发言或坚持自己的想法时感到困难。练习清晰自信地表达你的想法。为重要讨论提前准备关键点,不要害怕在对话中占据空间。

消除削弱权威的语言。 注意那些削弱你权威的习惯:

  • 过度道歉
  • 限定语句(“我觉得可能...”)
  • 上扬语调(以升调结束陈述)
  • 最小化你的成就

直接解决问题。 当面对不尊重或不公平待遇时,及时且专业地解决。使用“我”陈述表达你的担忧并提出解决方案。通过正面解决问题,你防止了怨恨的积累,并确立了自己作为公平待遇的倡导者的形象。

5. 建立并利用你的职业网络


投资于关系建设。 网络不仅仅是为了找工作;它是一个丰富你职业生涯的持续过程。定期与同事联系,参加行业活动,并参与专业组织。这些关系可以在你的职业生涯中提供支持、机会和宝贵的见解。

培养多样化的网络。 不要仅限于你身边的人。寻找与以下人员的联系:

  • 不同部门或行业的同事
  • 各个职业阶段的专业人士
  • 拥有不同背景和观点的人

先给予再索取。 以慷慨的心态对待网络。寻找帮助他人的方式,分享你的专业知识,并进行介绍。这种善意往往会以意想不到的方式回报你。

6. 平衡雄心与真实:在攀登中不要迷失自我


拥抱真实的自我。 不要感到压力去采用刻板的男性领导风格来取得成功。相反,利用你的自然优势和独特视角。真实性建立信任,使你成为一个更具亲和力和有效的领导者。

设定界限。 雄心勃勃很重要,但不能以牺牲你的福祉或价值观为代价。学会对不符合你目标或让你过度劳累的任务或机会说不。建立明确的界限显示出自尊,并有助于防止倦怠。

培养工作与生活的整合。 与其追求完美的平衡,这往往是不现实的,不如寻找将你的职业和个人生活整合在一起的方式,使其感觉充实。这可能包括:

  • 协商灵活的工作安排
  • 在工作和家庭中委派任务
  • 优先考虑自我照顾和个人关系

7. 克服性别刻板印象:战略性地挑战期望


意识到刻板印象。 认识到可能影响你在工作场所中被看待的常见性别偏见。这些可能包括对女性野心较小、更情绪化或更适合支持角色的假设。

巧妙地挑战刻板印象。 与其直接对抗每一个偏见实例,不如专注于持续展示你的能力和领导才能。让你的工作为自己说话,并在偏见直接影响你的职业发展时战略性地解决误解。

将传统的“女性”特质重新定义为优势。 通常与女性相关的品质,如同理心、合作和注重细节,在现代工作场所中越来越受到重视。强调这些特质如何有助于你作为领导者和问题解决者的有效性。

8. 无畏地为你的价值和晋升谈判


做好研究。 在进入任何谈判之前,收集有关行业标准、你的市场价值以及你对组织的具体贡献的数据。这些信息在讨论薪酬或晋升时为你提供信心和杠杆。

练习你的陈述。 与可信赖的朋友或导师一起排练你的谈判要点。这有助于你完善信息,并在为自己争取时感到更舒适。准备好清晰地表达你的价值以及满足你的要求如何使组织受益。

不要接受第一个报价。 许多女性在初次报价时感到不舒服,不敢反驳,担心会显得不知足或难以相处。记住,谈判是职业过程中的预期部分。尊重地反驳你经过充分研究的提议,并准备好讨论既满足你需求又符合组织利益的创造性解决方案。

9. 培养韧性:将挫折转化为机会


将失败重新定义为反馈。 当面对挫折时,抵制将其内化为个人缺陷的冲动。相反,将这些经历视为宝贵的学习机会。分析出错的地方,提取教训,并利用这些知识来指导你未来的行动。

发展成长心态。 相信你有能力学习和改进。当面对挑战时,专注于你可以采用的努力和策略来克服它们,而不是怀疑你固有的能力。这种心态在面对障碍时培养了韧性和坚持。

建立支持系统。 围绕自己身边有相信你并能在困难时期提供鼓励的人。这可能包括:

  • 克服了类似挑战的导师
  • 能够理解你经历的同事
  • 提供情感支持的朋友和家人

10. 以情商和同理心领导


利用你的情商。 女性在情商(EQ)方面通常具有天然优势,这在有效领导中越来越被认可。通过以下方式培养你的情商:

  • 练习自我意识和管理情绪
  • 发展强大的人际交往技能
  • 读取和回应他人的情感线索

培养包容性领导。 利用你的同理心创造一个多样化观点受到重视并且每个人都感到被倾听的工作环境。这种方法不仅改善团队动态,还能带来更好的决策和创新。

平衡同理心与果断。 虽然同理心是一种优势,但不要让它阻止你做出艰难的决定或在必要时解决绩效问题。学会以同情心传达困难的信息,同时仍然保持高标准和问责制。



What's Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office about?

  • Focus on Women's Careers: The book explores unconscious mistakes women make that hinder their career progress, urging them to adopt behaviors that align with their professional goals.
  • Empowerment and Change: It encourages women to shift from "nice girl" behaviors, often socially ingrained, to "winning woman" behaviors that foster success and assertiveness.
  • Practical Coaching Tips: Lois P. Frankel provides 133 specific mistakes and actionable coaching tips to help women achieve their career aspirations.

Why should I read Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office?

  • Career Advancement: The book offers insights into common pitfalls women face in their careers and how to avoid them, making it a valuable resource for professional growth.
  • Real-Life Examples: Frankel shares anecdotes and examples from her coaching experience, illustrating challenges women face and strategies to overcome them.
  • Actionable Advice: Filled with practical tips and strategies, the book can be implemented immediately to improve workplace dynamics and personal effectiveness.

What are the key takeaways of Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office?

  • Awareness of Mistakes: Recognizing specific mistakes, such as being overly accommodating or not negotiating, is crucial for career growth.
  • Importance of Assertiveness: The book emphasizes the need for women to assert themselves and advocate for their needs, rather than waiting for opportunities.
  • Building Relationships: Networking and building professional relationships are highlighted as pivotal for career advancement.

What are some specific mistakes discussed in Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office?

  • Over-Accommodating: Women often prioritize others' needs over their own, leading to being overlooked for promotions and opportunities.
  • Fear of Negotiation: Many women hesitate to negotiate for raises or promotions, fearing negative repercussions or feeling undeserving.
  • Avoiding Office Politics: Avoiding office politics can hinder career advancement, as understanding and engaging in workplace dynamics is essential for success.

What is the DESCript method mentioned in Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office?

  • Structured Communication: The DESCript method is a communication strategy to help women express their needs and concerns effectively.
  • Components of the Method: It includes defining the situation, expressing feelings, specifying the desired outcome, and reinforcing the relationship.
  • Practical Application: This method helps women navigate difficult conversations without being confrontational, fostering a collaborative environment.

How does Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office address the issue of work-life balance?

  • Work-Life Integration: The book suggests work-life integration as a more realistic approach for women managing multiple responsibilities.
  • Realistic Expectations: It encourages women to set realistic expectations and prioritize well-being alongside professional goals.
  • Avoiding Perfectionism: Frankel advises against striving for perfection in both work and personal life, as it can lead to burnout.

What strategies does Frankel suggest for overcoming the "nice girl" syndrome in Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office?

  • Assertive Communication: Women are encouraged to practice assertive communication, expressing their needs and opinions clearly.
  • Networking and Relationship Building: Building a strong professional network and leveraging relationships for career advancement is emphasized.
  • Self-Advocacy: Frankel advises women to actively advocate for themselves, whether in negotiations or seeking promotions.

How can I apply the lessons from Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office in my daily work life?

  • Self-Assessment: Start by completing the self-assessment in the book to identify areas for improvement.
  • Set Goals: Create actionable goals based on the coaching tips, such as practicing negotiation skills or seeking mentorship.
  • Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on progress and adjust strategies as needed to actively work towards career aspirations.

What is the significance of emotional intelligence (EQ) in Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office?

  • Key to Success: Emotional intelligence is often more important than traditional intelligence (IQ) for career success, particularly for women.
  • Building Relationships: High EQ allows women to build strong relationships and navigate workplace dynamics effectively.
  • Self-Awareness and Regulation: Frankel emphasizes self-awareness and self-regulation as components of EQ, helping women manage responses and interactions.

What are the best quotes from Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office and what do they mean?

  • "There’s no crying! THERE’S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL!": Emphasizes resilience and maintaining professionalism in challenging situations.
  • "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.": Reminds women to recognize their capabilities and act with confidence.
  • "Success breeds success.": Highlights that achieving small successes can build momentum and lead to greater accomplishments.

How does Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office address the importance of networking for women?

  • Build Relationships: Networking is essential for career advancement, and women are encouraged to actively seek connections.
  • Participate in Professional Groups: Joining organizations or attending events provides valuable networking and mentorship opportunities.
  • Leverage Existing Contacts: Utilize current relationships to expand networks and seek new opportunities.

How can women overcome the tendency to apologize frequently as discussed in Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office?

  • Limit Apologies: Consciously reduce unnecessary apologies, reserving them for genuine mistakes.
  • Respond with Confidence: Acknowledge compliments or feedback without downplaying contributions.
  • Use Assertive Language: Express feelings or needs directly, reinforcing authority in conversations.


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