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Second Chance

Second Chance

作者 Robert T. Kiyosaki 2015 400 页数
1k+ 评分
9 分钟
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1. 财务教育是个人和经济自由的关键


学校辜负了我们。 我们的教育系统没有教授财务知识,导致大多数人无法有效管理他们的金钱。这种财务教育的缺乏使许多人陷入贫困和债务的循环。

知识就是力量。 通过学习金钱、投资和商业,个人可以掌控自己的财务未来。这种教育不仅仅是为了积累财富,更是为了获得选择和追求自己激情的自由,而不受财务限制的束缚。

持续学习至关重要。 财务教育是一个持续的过程,而不是一次性的事件。市场变化,法律演变,新机会不断涌现。那些致力于终身财务学习的人最有可能在任何经济环境中适应和繁荣。

2. 传统教育让你准备好“老鼠赛跑”,而不是财务成功


学校培养员工。 传统教育系统旨在培养优秀的员工,而不是财务精明的个人。它强调专业技能和遵循指示,而不是创业思维和财务智慧。

突破需要新的思维。 要实现财务成功,必须打破传统教育灌输的思维模式。这意味着:

  • 质疑关于金钱和成功的传统智慧
  • 培养更具创业精神的视角
  • 在别人看到障碍的地方发现机会
  • 重视财务教育,甚至超过正式学术资格

实用技能很重要。 虽然传统教育有其作用,但必须补充实用的财务技能,如:

  • 理解财务报表
  • 学习税务策略
  • 掌握投资原则
  • 发展销售和谈判技巧

3. 资产把钱放进你的口袋;负债把钱从你的口袋拿走


重新定义资产和负债。 许多人错误地认为他们的房子或汽车是资产。然而,真正的资产是产生收入的,而负债是产生费用的。这种简单的重新定义可以极大地改变一个人的财务视角和决策。

专注于获取资产。 为了积累财富,集中精力获取产生收入的资产,如:

  • 租赁物业
  • 支付股息的股票
  • 不需要你亲自参与的企业
  • 知识产权(专利、版权、商标)

减少负债。 减少或消除不为你的财富积累做出贡献的费用。这可能包括:

  • 高月供的昂贵汽车
  • 信用卡债务
  • 过大的主要住宅按揭
  • 快速贬值的奢侈品

4. 富人不为钱工作;他们让钱为他们工作


转变思维方式。 不要用时间换取金钱,而是专注于建立和获取产生被动收入的资产。这使你即使在不主动工作时也能赚钱。

杠杆是关键。 富人利用各种形式的杠杆来倍增他们的努力和回报:

  • 别人的时间(员工、承包商)
  • 别人的钱(贷款、投资者)
  • 系统和技术

创造价值。 不仅仅是出售你的时间,而是寻找可以扩展和复制的价值创造方式。这可能包括:

  • 建立企业
  • 创造知识产权
  • 投资于增值资产

5. 通过实际经验培养财务智慧


通过实践学习。 财务智慧最好通过实际经验来培养,而不仅仅是阅读书籍或参加研讨会。从小处开始,从成功和失败中学习。

拥抱错误。 将财务失误视为学习机会而不是失败。每一个错误都提供了宝贵的教训,增加了你的整体财务智慧。

在冒险之前进行模拟。 使用财务游戏和模拟来练习决策和策略,而不冒实际资本的风险。像《现金流》这样的游戏可以提供宝贵的见解和经验。

6. 克服恐惧和自我怀疑,进行有计划的风险


面对你的恐惧。 许多人由于害怕失败或损失而在财务上停滞不前。认识到某种程度的风险是财务增长所必需的。

通过教育减少风险。 虽然勇敢很重要,但它应该与知识平衡。你对投资或商业机会了解得越多,你的风险就越有计划。

从小处开始,逐步扩大。 从较小的投资或商业项目开始,以建立信心和经验。随着知识和成功的增加,逐步扩大你的事业规模。

7. 建立强大的财务顾问和导师团队


与专家为伍。 没有人能在所有财务和商业领域都是专家。建立一个顾问团队,包括:

  • 会计师
  • 律师
  • 投资经纪人
  • 房地产代理
  • 成功的企业家

寻找导师。 找到那些已经实现你所追求的财务成功的人,并从他们的经验和见解中学习。

持续学习。 定期参加研讨会,阅读财务书籍,并保持对经济趋势和税法变化的关注。

8. 使用“好债务”来获取产生收入的资产


区分好债务和坏债务。 好债务用于获取产生收入或增值的资产。坏债务用于购买负债或资助消费。

利用好债务。 使用贷款和其他形式的融资来获取产生收入的资产,如:

  • 租赁物业
  • 企业
  • 投资于成长型公司

明智地管理债务。 虽然好债务可以加速财富积累,但关键是:

  • 保持健康的债务收入比
  • 理解并减轻杠杆相关的风险
  • 有明确的还款和现金流管理计划

9. 专注于现金流而不是资本增值


优先考虑定期收入。 不要只关注资产的潜在增值,而是优先考虑产生稳定现金流的投资。这提供了财务稳定性和再投资的能力。


  • 租赁物业
  • 支付股息的股票
  • 知识产权的版税
  • 具有经常性收入模式的企业

再投资以增长。 使用你的资产产生的现金流来获取更多资产,创造一个财富积累的良性循环。

10. 扩大你的手段,而不是在手段之下生活


改变你的思维方式。 不要限制你的生活方式,而是专注于增加你的收入和财富,以负担你想要的东西。

创造多种收入来源。 发展各种收入来源以扩大你的财务能力:

  • 开始副业
  • 投资于产生收入的资产
  • 发展被动收入来源

投资于自己。 不断提高你的技能和知识,以增加你的赚钱潜力和识别机会的能力。

11. 培养丰盈和慷慨的心态


采用丰盈心态。 相信有足够的资源和机会让每个人都能繁荣。这种观点会导致更具创造性和合作性的机会。

给予以获得。 慷慨往往会带来意想不到的回报。通过帮助他人成功,你会创造一个善意和机会的网络。

为他人创造价值。 专注于解决市场中的问题和满足需求。你为他人创造的价值越多,你自己就能积累越多的财富。



What's Second Chance about?

  • Focus on Financial Crisis: Second Chance by Robert T. Kiyosaki delves into the causes of the global financial crisis and offers strategies for individuals to navigate the evolving economic landscape.
  • Three-Part Structure: The book is structured into three parts: The Past, The Present, and The Future, each focusing on different aspects of financial education and personal empowerment.
  • Opportunity in Crisis: Kiyosaki emphasizes that every crisis presents an opportunity for growth and financial independence, encouraging readers to rethink their approach to money.

Why should I read Second Chance by Robert T. Kiyosaki?

  • Importance of Financial Education: The book underscores the lack of financial education in traditional schooling, making it crucial for anyone aiming to improve their financial literacy.
  • Empowerment Through Knowledge: Kiyosaki aims to empower readers to take control of their financial future by understanding money dynamics and investing.
  • Challenging Conventional Wisdom: It challenges common beliefs about saving, investing, and job security, encouraging readers to adopt new perspectives on wealth creation.

What are the key takeaways of Second Chance?

  • Crisis Equals Opportunity: Kiyosaki highlights that crises contain both danger and opportunity, urging readers to find growth opportunities in adversity.
  • Knowledge is the New Money: The book stresses that financial education is crucial for achieving wealth, with knowledge being more valuable than traditional currency.
  • Investing in Assets: Emphasizes the importance of investing in assets that generate cash flow rather than liabilities that drain resources.

What are the best quotes from Second Chance and what do they mean?

  • "We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.": Encourages proactive steps in shaping financial destinies rather than passively accepting circumstances.
  • "Savers are losers.": Argues that traditional saving methods do not keep pace with inflation, leading to a loss of purchasing power over time.
  • "Your house is not an asset.": Challenges the belief that homeownership is a guaranteed path to wealth, urging readers to rethink financial assumptions.

How does Robert T. Kiyosaki define money in Second Chance?

  • Knowledge as Money: Kiyosaki suggests that understanding financial principles is more valuable than traditional currency, stating "Knowledge is the new money."
  • Changing Nature of Money: Discusses how the definition and function of money have evolved, especially in the Information Age.
  • Financial Literacy: Emphasizes that financial literacy is crucial for navigating modern money management complexities.

What is the CASHFLOW Quadrant mentioned in Second Chance?

  • Four Types of Income Earners: Categorizes individuals into Employees (E), Self-Employed (S), Business Owners (B), and Investors (I), each representing a different income approach.
  • Mindset Differences: Each quadrant has a distinct mindset and financial strategy, with E and S earning through active work, while B and I focus on passive income.
  • Path to Financial Freedom: Encourages transitioning from E and S quadrants to B and I quadrants for greater financial independence and long-term wealth.

How does Second Chance address the concept of inflation?

  • Wealth Erosion: Discusses how inflation erodes purchasing power, making it essential to invest rather than save.
  • Investment Strategy: Suggests investing in assets that appreciate over time to combat inflation effects, emphasizing cash flow-generating investments.
  • Financial Education: Understanding inflation is part of financial education, crucial for making informed investment decisions.

What is the significance of the past in Second Chance?

  • Understanding Financial History: Examines the past to identify root causes of the current financial crisis, helping readers understand how we arrived at this point.
  • Lessons from Mistakes: Analyzing past financial decisions and crises provides valuable lessons to avoid repeating mistakes.
  • Foundation for Future Planning: The past serves as a guide for making informed future decisions, emphasizing historical context in financial planning.

How does Robert T. Kiyosaki define good debt in Second Chance?

  • Debt that Generates Income: Good debt is used to acquire assets that produce cash flow, such as borrowing to invest in rental properties.
  • Leverage for Growth: Allows individuals to leverage investments, potentially increasing returns, with wise debt use leading to greater financial success.
  • Tax Advantages: Often comes with tax benefits, such as mortgage interest deductions, enhancing investment profitability.

What is the Cash Heist concept in Second Chance?

  • Definition of Cash Heist: Refers to systematic ways the financial system and government policies erode individual wealth.
  • Mechanisms of Theft: Outlines mechanisms like inflation, taxes, and the banking system contributing to this heist.
  • Awareness and Action: Understanding the Cash Heist is crucial for individuals to protect their wealth and make informed financial decisions.

How can I apply the lessons from Second Chance to my life?

  • Shift Your Mindset: Change your perspective on money, viewing it as a tool for creating wealth rather than just paying bills.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about personal finance, investing, and the economy, as financial education is key to achieving independence.
  • Take Action: Seek investment opportunities and build your asset column, starting small and expanding as you gain confidence and knowledge.

What is the significance of the title Second Chance?

  • Opportunity for Change: Reflects the idea that individuals can reinvent their financial futures, regardless of past mistakes or circumstances.
  • Empowerment: Conveys a message of empowerment, encouraging readers to take control of their financial destinies through education and action.
  • Hope and Possibility: Symbolizes hope and the possibility of achieving financial freedom, inspiring readers to pursue dreams and overcome obstacles.


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