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Wired for Dating

Wired for Dating

How Understanding Neurobiology and Attachment Style Can Help You Find Your Ideal Mate
作者 Stan Tatkin 2016 200 页数
1k+ 评分
9 分钟
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1. 理解吸引力和约会的心理生物学


化学中毒。 当你遇到一个有吸引力的人时,你的大脑会释放出一种强效的神经化学混合物,产生兴奋、专注和焦虑的感觉。这种“爱情鸡尾酒”包括睾酮和雌激素等激素,以及多巴胺、去甲肾上腺素和血清素等神经递质。这些化学物质驱动了吸引和迷恋的初始阶段。

视觉和熟悉的线索。 你的大脑视觉系统在吸引力中起着至关重要的作用。远视觉系统与更原始的大脑区域相关,捕捉广泛的身体特征和动作,而近视觉系统则允许更详细的观察。此外,我们往往会被那些让我们感到熟悉的人吸引,通常让人联想到我们过去的重要人物。

  • 吸引力中的关键神经化学物质:
  • 多巴胺:产生愉悦和欲望的感觉
  • 去甲肾上腺素:引发兴奋和紧张
  • 血清素:影响情绪,在迷恋期间可能会减少
  • 催产素和加压素:在后期阶段对建立联系很重要

2. 识别和应对三种依恋风格


锚、岛和波。 理解这三种依恋风格对于成功的约会和关系形成至关重要。锚是安全依恋的人,他们对亲密和独立感到舒适。岛重视自立,可能会在情感亲密方面挣扎。波渴望联系,但对关系可能会感到焦虑和矛盾。

适应不同的风格。 识别你自己的依恋风格以及潜在伴侣的依恋风格,可以让你更有效地应对约会过程。例如,岛可能需要更多的空间和独立性,而波可能需要更多的安慰和亲密。理解这些动态可以帮助你避免误解,创造更和谐的关系。

  • 各种依恋风格的特征:
  • 锚:安全、平衡、善于情绪调节
  • 岛:独立、自立,可能在亲密方面挣扎
  • 波:渴望亲密,可能会焦虑或矛盾
  • 约会不同风格的提示:
  • 了解自己的依恋风格和需求
  • 开诚布公地沟通期望和界限
  • 对伴侣的依恋相关行为保持耐心和理解

3. 掌握福尔摩斯的艺术:观察和筛选潜在伴侣


观察技巧。 培养敏锐的观察技巧,或称“福尔摩斯化”,对于有效筛选潜在伴侣至关重要。这包括密切关注言语和非言语线索,如肢体语言、语调和行为的一致性。通过磨练这些技能,你可以收集有关一个人性格、价值观和兼容性的重要信息。

全面的筛选过程。 有效的筛选不仅限于初步观察,还包括三个阶段的过程:初步筛选、朋友和家人的深入筛选以及持续评估。这种全面的方法有助于你对潜在伴侣做出更明智的决定,并增加找到兼容伴侣的可能性。

  • 观察的关键领域:
  • 非言语线索:面部表情、肢体语言、眼神接触
  • 言语交流:一致性、开放性、倾听能力
  • 与他人的互动:他们如何对待服务人员、朋友、家人
  • 筛选策略:
  • 参与各种活动和情境,以了解不同方面的个性
  • 将潜在伴侣介绍给可信赖的朋友和家人,以获得外部观点
  • 注意他们如何处理压力、冲突和失望

4. 培养正念以管理约会焦虑


当下意识。 练习正念可以显著减少约会焦虑并改善整体约会体验。通过不带评判地专注于当下,你可以更好地管理神经系统对压力和焦虑的反应。这使你在约会时保持冷静和真实,而不是陷入对未来或过去经历的担忧中。

实用技巧。 有几种正念技巧可以帮助你在约会情境中保持冷静和放松。这些技巧包括有意识的呼吸、身体扫描以释放紧张,以及保持对自己思想和情感的意识而不被其困扰。

  • 约会中的正念练习:
  • 正念呼吸:专注于呼吸,将自己锚定在当下
  • 身体扫描:定期检查并释放身体紧张
  • 思想观察:注意焦虑的思想而不与之纠缠
  • 正念在约会中的好处:
  • 减少表现焦虑和自我意识
  • 提高倾听和与约会对象联系的能力
  • 增强对约会体验的整体享受

5. 发展互相调节和冲突解决的技能


互相调节。 学会调节自己的神经系统并帮助调节伴侣的神经系统,对于建立牢固、安全的关系至关重要。这包括发展自我安抚和伴侣安抚的技能,使你能够在个人和情侣层面上保持情绪平衡。

有效的冲突解决。 任何关系中冲突都是不可避免的,但你如何处理它们可以决定你们的关系是成功还是失败。发展“良好争吵”的技能包括学习有效沟通、管理情绪以及朝着互利的解决方案努力。

  • 互相调节技巧:
  • 非言语安抚:身体接触、眼神接触、平静的存在
  • 言语安慰:表达关心、理解和承诺
  • 创建一个“情侣泡泡”以提供安全和支持
  • 冲突解决策略:
  • 以缓解为先:承认伤害并迅速化解威胁
  • 练习积极倾听和共情
  • 专注于寻找双赢的解决方案
  • 在适当的时候使用玩笑来缓解紧张

6. 建立基于信任和公平的安全功能关系


安全的基础。 安全功能关系的特点是相互信任、公平和对彼此需求的敏感。这种类型的关系为双方提供了一个稳定的基础,使他们能够在个人和情侣层面上茁壮成长。

关键原则。 要创建一个安全功能的关系,重点是发展真正的互惠关系,双方的需求都得到同等重视和满足。这包括保持开放的沟通、表现出一致的关心和支持,并共同努力创造一种安全和归属感。

  • 安全功能关系的特征:
  • 相互信任和可靠性
  • 快速修复情感伤害
  • 平衡的付出与回报
  • 共同的目标和价值观
  • 建立安全功能的策略:
  • 优先考虑关系而非外部影响
  • 创建一个“情侣泡泡”以提供安全和支持
  • 练习持续关注彼此的需求
  • 培养感恩和欣赏的文化

7. 优雅地处理分手并从过去的关系中学习


正念结束。 当一段关系结束时,以正念和尊重的态度处理分手可以最大限度地减少伤害并促进个人成长。这包括明确你的理由,表达对关系中积极方面的感激,并对自己和伴侣保持同情的态度。

成长机会。 每段关系,即使是结束的关系,都提供了宝贵的学习经验。通过反思哪些方面有效,哪些方面无效,你可以获得有助于未来关系的见解。这种自我反思和成长的过程对于发展更健康、更充实的关系至关重要。

  • 正念分手的指南:
  • 尽可能面对面沟通
  • 明确和诚实地表达你的理由
  • 表达对关系中积极方面的感激
  • 避免责备,专注于个人成长
  • 从过去的关系中汲取的教训:
  • 识别你在关系选择和行为中的模式
  • 认识到个人成长和改进的领域
  • 澄清你在未来关系中的价值观和需求
  • 更清晰地了解兼容伴侣的特质



What's "Wired for Dating" about?

  • Understanding Relationships: "Wired for Dating" by Stan Tatkin explores how understanding neurobiology and attachment styles can help individuals find their ideal mate.
  • Science-Based Approach: The book provides a science-based approach to dating, focusing on the psychological and biological aspects of romantic relationships.
  • Attachment Styles: It delves into different attachment styles—anchor, island, and wave—and how they influence dating and relationships.
  • Practical Guidance: The book offers practical advice, exercises, and techniques to help readers navigate the dating process effectively.

Why should I read "Wired for Dating"?

  • Improve Dating Success: The book offers insights and techniques to increase the chances of successful dating and forming enduring relationships.
  • Scientific Insights: It provides a deep understanding of the neurobiological and psychological factors that influence attraction and relationship dynamics.
  • Self-Discovery: Readers can learn more about their own attachment styles and how these affect their dating experiences.
  • Practical Tools: The book includes exercises and strategies to help readers manage dating jitters, vet potential partners, and build secure-functioning relationships.

What are the key takeaways of "Wired for Dating"?

  • Attachment Styles Matter: Understanding your own and your partner's attachment style (anchor, island, wave) is crucial for relationship success.
  • Neurobiology's Role: Neurobiological factors, such as the brain's response to attraction and stress, play a significant role in dating and relationships.
  • Secure Functioning: The goal is to create a secure-functioning relationship characterized by mutuality, fairness, and sensitivity.
  • Vetting and Mindfulness: Effective vetting of partners and mindfulness in interactions can lead to more fulfilling and lasting relationships.

How does Stan Tatkin define attachment styles in "Wired for Dating"?

  • Anchor: Anchors are secure individuals who are willing to commit and share with others, generally happy and adaptable.
  • Island: Islands are independent and self-reliant, often distancing themselves in relationships to maintain autonomy.
  • Wave: Waves are generous and giving, focused on taking care of others but may struggle with dependency and ambivalence.
  • Dynamic Nature: Tatkin emphasizes that these styles are not fixed and can change over time with different relationships and experiences.

What is the "psychobiological approach" in "Wired for Dating"?

  • Integration of Sciences: The psychobiological approach integrates insights from developmental neuroscience, attachment theory, and arousal theory.
  • Understanding Brain Function: It focuses on how the brain's automatic and social functions influence dating behaviors and relationship dynamics.
  • Managing Arousal: The approach teaches how to manage one's energy, alertness, and readiness to engage in relationships.
  • Building Secure Relationships: It provides tools to help individuals move toward secure-functioning relationships by understanding and managing their own and their partner's nervous systems.

How does "Wired for Dating" suggest handling dating jitters?

  • Mindfulness Techniques: The book recommends using mindfulness to become aware of and regulate one's nervous system during dates.
  • Preparation Tips: It suggests getting plenty of rest, visualizing positive outcomes, and engaging in calming activities before a date.
  • Body Awareness: Readers are encouraged to scan their bodies for tension and practice relaxation techniques to stay calm.
  • Focus on Partner: Paying close attention to the partner can help shift focus away from internal anxieties and improve the dating experience.

What are the "myths about love relationships" discussed in "Wired for Dating"?

  • Love Is All You Need: The book dispels the myth that love alone is sufficient for a successful relationship, emphasizing the need for security and mutuality.
  • Self-Love First: It challenges the idea that one must love themselves before loving someone else, highlighting the importance of learning love through relationships.
  • Low Maintenance Ideal: The myth of the low-maintenance partner is debunked, as all relationships require effort and mutual care.
  • Soul Mate Concept: The book questions the notion of a single soul mate, suggesting that many potential partners can be compatible.

How does "Wired for Dating" address online dating?

  • Popularity and Perils: The book acknowledges the popularity of online dating but warns of potential pitfalls like dishonesty and serial dating.
  • Vetting Process: It emphasizes the importance of vetting potential partners met online, just as one would in traditional dating.
  • Local Connections: Online dating can expand the dating pool locally, avoiding the complications of long-distance relationships.
  • Safety Tips: The book provides practical advice for safe online dating, such as meeting in public places and being cautious with personal information.

What are the best quotes from "Wired for Dating" and what do they mean?

  • "We are born in relationship. We are also wounded in relationship and healed in relationship, and we thrive only in relationship." This quote highlights the fundamental role of relationships in human development and healing.
  • "The best step-by-step manual for how to conduct yourself on a first date, vet a prospective partner, and keep yourself from inadvertently destroying the relationship." This emphasizes the book's practical guidance for navigating the dating process.
  • "Stan Tatkin’s marvelous and intelligent guide gives you the total map when you seek a partner worthy of your efforts and ask the important question, ‘Is this the right one for me?’" This underscores the book's comprehensive approach to finding a compatible partner.
  • "Now you can date with a safety net, and enjoy the journey as the genuine magic happens." This quote reflects the book's aim to provide readers with tools and confidence to enjoy dating.

How does "Wired for Dating" suggest dealing with conflicts in relationships?

  • Quick Repair: The book emphasizes the importance of quickly repairing any injuries or misunderstandings in a relationship.
  • Lead with Relief: It suggests leading with relief during conflicts by acknowledging any injury and diffusing threat to calm the nervous system.
  • Empathy and Playfulness: Encourages using empathy and playfulness to co-regulate conflict and maintain a positive connection.
  • Face-to-Face Communication: Stresses the importance of direct eye contact and face-to-face communication to resolve conflicts effectively.

What is the "couple bubble" concept in "Wired for Dating"?

  • Protective Agreement: A couple bubble is an agreement that prioritizes the relationship above all else, creating a safe and secure environment for both partners.
  • Mutual Care: It involves partners being each other's primary go-to people, ensuring mutual protection and support.
  • Foundation for Security: The couple bubble is seen as a foundation for a secure-functioning relationship, promoting fairness, justice, and sensitivity.
  • Evolving Agreement: The book suggests that the couple bubble can evolve over time, adapting to the changing needs of the relationship.

How does "Wired for Dating" propose creating a couple pact?

  • Collaborative Process: The book recommends a collaborative process where both partners contribute to creating a set of mutual agreements.
  • Principle-Based: The pact should be based on principles that foster secure functioning, such as transparency, mutual support, and quick repair of injuries.
  • Tailored to Relationship: It should be tailored to the specific needs and dynamics of the relationship, allowing for revisions as needed.
  • Celebration and Commitment: The creation of a couple pact can be celebrated as a formal commitment, reinforcing the partners' dedication to each other.


3.79 满分 5
平均评分来自 1k+ 来自Goodreads和亚马逊的评分.

《Wired for Dating》获得了褒贬不一的评价,平均评分为3.80/5。读者们欣赏其对依恋类型、神经生物学和关系动态的见解。许多人认为这本书有助于自我反思和理解约会行为。一些人称赞其非评判性的态度和实用的建议。然而,批评者认为它过于简化复杂的概念,缺乏深度。书中对依恋类型的重新命名(锚、岛、波)既因减少污名而受到赞扬,也因偏离既定术语而受到批评。总体而言,这本书被视为约会中依恋理论的有用入门。

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