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How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk

How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk

by Adele Faber 2005 224 pages
Self Help

Key Takeaways

1. Effective communication hinges on acknowledging feelings

It's our listening that can give the greatest comfort. It's our acceptance of their unhappy feelings that can make it easier for our kids to cope with them.

Listen actively. When teenagers express their feelings, resist the urge to dismiss, minimize, or solve their problems immediately. Instead, acknowledge their emotions with empathy and understanding. This creates a safe space for them to open up and process their feelings.

Use reflective language. Respond with phrases that mirror their emotions, such as "That must be frustrating" or "I can see why you'd feel that way." This validation helps teens feel heard and respected, strengthening your relationship and communication.

Avoid judgment. Refrain from criticizing or lecturing. Instead, focus on understanding their perspective, even if you disagree. This approach encourages teens to continue sharing their thoughts and feelings with you.

2. Engage cooperation through respectful language and choices

It is our respectful attitude and respectful language that makes it possible for our teenagers to hear us and to cooperate.

Describe the problem. Instead of giving orders or accusations, explain the situation objectively. For example, say "I see dirty dishes in the sink" rather than "You never clean up after yourself!"

Offer choices. Provide options that meet both your needs and theirs. This empowers teens to make decisions and take responsibility. For instance, "Would you prefer to do the dishes now or after dinner?"

Use "I" statements. Express your feelings and needs without blaming. Say "I feel frustrated when the living room is messy" instead of "You're so lazy and disorganized."

  • Give information instead of commands
  • Say it in a word ("Dishes!") rather than a lecture
  • Write a note instead of nagging

3. Problem-solving as an alternative to punishment

Our goal in taking action is not only to put an end to unacceptable behavior but to give our kids a chance to learn from their mistakes. A chance to right their wrongs.

Focus on solutions. Instead of imposing punishments, work with your teen to find ways to correct the situation and prevent future occurrences. This approach teaches responsibility and problem-solving skills.

Express feelings and expectations. Clearly communicate how their actions affected you and what you expect going forward. For example, "I was worried when you missed curfew. I expect you to call if you're running late."

Allow natural consequences. When appropriate, let teens experience the natural outcomes of their choices. This can be more effective than arbitrary punishments in teaching cause and effect.

  • State your feelings
  • State your expectations
  • Show how to make amends
  • Offer a choice
  • Take action (as a last resort)

4. Work together to find mutually agreeable solutions

When parents and teens join forces to tackle the problem together, they're more likely to find solutions that work for everyone.

Invite perspective. Start by asking your teen to share their view of the situation. Listen without interrupting or judging, showing that you value their input.

Share your concerns. After acknowledging their perspective, express your own thoughts and worries calmly and clearly.

Brainstorm together. Encourage creativity by listing all possible solutions, no matter how unrealistic they may seem at first. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of teamwork and mutual respect.

  • Write down all ideas without evaluating
  • Review the list together
  • Choose solutions you both agree on
  • Implement and follow up on the agreed-upon plan

5. Praise descriptively to foster self-esteem and motivation

Words that describe often lead people to a greater appreciation of their strengths.

Be specific. Instead of general praise like "You're so smart," describe the effort or action you observed. For example, "I noticed you studied for an extra hour before your test. That kind of dedication really pays off."

Focus on the process. Highlight the steps they took to achieve a result, rather than just the outcome. This encourages a growth mindset and resilience in the face of challenges.

Avoid comparisons. Praise your teen's individual progress and effort without measuring them against siblings or peers. This promotes self-motivation rather than competition.

  • Describe what you see: "I see you organized your desk before starting homework."
  • Express your feelings: "I'm impressed by how you handled that difficult situation with your friend."
  • Avoid evaluative praise: "You're the best!" or "You're so talented!"

6. Address sex and relationships with open, honest dialogue

Instead of the one "big talk," look for opportunities to have "small talks."

Create ongoing conversations. Use everyday situations, media, or news stories as springboards for discussions about sex, relationships, and values. This approach feels more natural and less intimidating than a single, formal talk.

Provide accurate information. Ensure your teen has access to factual, age-appropriate information about sexual health, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections. Be prepared to answer questions honestly or find reliable resources together.

Share your values. While respecting your teen's developing autonomy, communicate your family's values regarding relationships and sexual behavior. Explain the reasoning behind your beliefs and expectations.

  • Discuss consent and healthy relationships
  • Address the emotional aspects of sex and relationships
  • Be prepared to talk about LGBTQ+ issues and identities

7. Tackle drug use through informed, ongoing conversations

Your kids care deeply about what you think. They may not always show it, but your values and convictions are very important to them and can be the determining factor in their decision to either use or avoid drugs and alcohol.

Stay informed. Keep up-to-date on current drug trends, effects, and risks. Share this information with your teen in a factual, non-judgmental manner.

Set clear expectations. Communicate your family's rules and consequences regarding drug and alcohol use. Explain the reasoning behind these rules, focusing on health and safety concerns.

Foster open dialogue. Create an environment where your teen feels comfortable asking questions or sharing concerns about drugs without fear of punishment. This openness can be crucial in preventing or addressing substance use issues.

  • Use everyday opportunities to discuss drugs and alcohol
  • Share personal experiences or those of family members, if appropriate
  • Develop strategies together for resisting peer pressure
  • Know the signs of substance abuse and how to get help if needed

Last updated:

Review Summary

4 out of 5
Average of 3k+ ratings from Goodreads and Amazon.

How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk receives generally positive reviews for its practical communication advice, though some find it outdated or cheesy. Readers appreciate the concrete examples, cartoons, and emphasis on respectful listening. Many found it helpful for improving parent-teen relationships, though some felt it was too similar to the authors' previous books. Critics noted that some scenarios were overly optimistic and didn't address modern challenges. Overall, reviewers found value in the book's techniques for fostering open dialogue and mutual understanding between adults and teenagers.

About the Author

Adele Faber is an accomplished educator and author specializing in parent-child communication. She earned her B.A. in theater and drama from Queens College and a master's in education from New York University. Faber taught in New York City high schools for eight years before joining the faculty at the New School for Social Research and Family Life Institute of C.W. Post College. Her professional experience, combined with her role as a mother of three, informs her work on effective communication strategies between parents and children. Faber has co-authored several popular parenting books, focusing on practical techniques for improving family dynamics and fostering positive relationships.

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